A - Attractive Salary, Allowances and Other Non-Monetary Benefits
If one wants to construct a good house, he must use quality material, however, quality material is expensive. In the same manner, if one wants to have a good organization, he should get quality personnel. More quality personnel can be acquired if the salary and other benefits are attractive.
The meager salary of the policemen can be augmented by some local government units. Cities and affluent municipalities can provide additional allowance to the police assigned in their respective areas. The additional allowance can go a long way, it can motivate policemen to behave and perform better.
The problem on salary have been addressed by Republic Act 8551, upgrading the salary scale of the policemen to that of the level of public school teachers. The policemen are eagerly awaiting the implementation of this salary increase.
D - Development of Skills and Livelihood Program
We are aware that the salary of a policeman is not sufficient for his needs, especially if he has several children going to school. A skills development and livelihood program that can provide added skills to the policemen and their dependents that can make them capable of putting up a livelihood project would be of great help to them. This is one way of preventing them from indulging in nefarious activities just to earn additional income.
To implement this program, several government agencies and NGOs can be tapped by the PNP to help in providing the needed training and livelihood assistance. Among the agencies that has program along this line is the Civil Service Commission in their Local Scholarship Program for Skilled Workers in Government (LSP-SWG). The LSP-SWG is open to all Police Non-Commissioned Officers who want to pursue further training in their areas of work, which cover both basic skills learning and upgrading courses.
Organizing a cooperative can help a lot policemen who are resorting to loan shark in times of need. The cooperative can also help them provide the needed capital in case they put up a livelihood project. In Iloilo, the PRO 6 Credit Cooperative, to a certain degree, has reduced the operation of loan shark. It has provided the members with loans at a very low interest.
The Police Regional Office 6 has also worked out an arrangement with Bambi Hog Farm to assist the police personnel in hog raising project. Bambi Hog Farm has agreed to provide the piglets and other support services to groups of fifteen (15) or more police personnel who can organize themselves into a cooperative. A pilot project of this scheme was started among the personnel of 3rd Iloilo Provincial Mobile Group (3IPMG) in Sara, Iloilo.
E - Educational Assistance for Policemen and Their Dependents
Scholarship program for policemen and their dependents can lessen their financial burden. This program can create a feeling of gratitude on our personnel, and with the Filipino value of "Utang na Loob", it will propel them to perform their job with more dedication as a way of paying back that gratitude.
There are several scholarship programs that are available to both the Police Commissioned Offices (PCOs) and Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs), including their dependents. The following are among the scholarship programs that can be taken advantage:
a. Local Scholarship Program for Bachelor's Degree Completion (LSP-BDC) of the Civil Service Commission. This is open to PNCOs who are none graduates and interested to finish college.
b. Local Scholarship Program (LSP) of the Civil Service Commission for PNP personnel who are interested to pursue a one-year masteral degree. An officer of Police Regional Office 6 is presently taking his masteral degree under this program
c. NAPOLCOM Scholarship Program for Surviving Children of Deceased and/or Permanently Incapacitated PNP Personnel. In 1997 there were fifty-three (53) dependents, and since 1 January to 31 July 1998, a toal of twenty-four (24) dependents were already given scholarship grants under this programs.
d. Scholarship Program of the PNP pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement between the DECS and DILG, dated 15 Nov 1994. This scholarship program is open to active PNP personnel and their dependents. A total of fourteen (14) PNCOs and four (4) dependents of PNCOs have been granted scholarship under this program.
e. PNP Foundation Scholarship Program for the following:
1) PNB-DILG High School Scholarship Grant for Children of PNCO.
2) PNB-DILG College Scholarship Grant for Children of PNCO.
3) PNB-DILG College Scholarship grant for Non-Degree PNCO.
f. PNP Ladies Club Scholarship. This is open to dependents of PNCOs in active service. As of now there are twelve (12) dependents awarded scholarship under this program.
g. Some private individuals and non-government organizations can be tapped to extend the necessary educational assistance for policemen and their dependents.
Q - Quick Release of Benefits
The retiring personnel have undergone untold difficulties in getting their benefits. This is not the way to express appreciation for our personnel who have rendered long, honest and dedicated service. Something must be done to hasten the release of retirement benefits and other claims of our personnel.
The Police Regional Office 6 has worked out for the release of benefits of its personnel without them going to Manila to follow it up. Since its inception in June 1997, a total of 252 beneficiaries have benefited from this program.
(01 June 1997-15 June 1998)
Accumulated Leave Credits
Nr of Beneficiaries |
P 32,831,378.36
P 32,905,046.26
P 65,736,424.62
Reimbursement of Hospital Expenses
Nr of Beneficiaries |
Burial Expenses
Nr of Beneficiaries |
P 17,600.00
P 4,800.00
P 22,400.00
Special Financial Assistance
Nr of Beneficiaries |
P 754,175.99
P 66,966.860.14

Launching of Operation Gugma with Gongressman Roilo Golez as Guest Speaker
Aside from facilitating the quick release of their benefits, a parade and review is being tendered in honor of the retirees/beneficiaries and a certificate of appreciation is given to them to show the gratefulness of the Police Leadership for their long and dedicated service to the people.
The project on the quick release of retirement benefits was adopted PNPwide when the Philippine National Police National Headquarters issued in February 2000 Circular No. 2000-004, which prescribes the policies and procedures in the processing and payment of retirement, death and other benefit claims of PNP uniformed personnel, including their legal beneficiaries. This circular unburdened the retirees, claimants and beneficiaries of tedious, harrowing and degrading experience in following up benefit claims.
U - Utmost Health Services
The Health Services, both medical and dental, in the PNP are inadequate. Considering the high cost of medical and dental services from private practitioners, the PNP personnel are having a hard time stretching their money to make both ends meet.
One reason policemen does not want to risk their limb or life in the performance of their duty is due to the fact that if they get wounded, they will initially shoulder the hospital expenses. If ever they are refunded of their expenses, it will take a long time and so much follow-up, and at times their medical expenses are not even fully refunded.
If the policemen are assured that they will be given utmost medical assistance immediately when injured, especially during critical period, it will lesson some of their apprehensions and will motivate them to perform their job better. In areas where PNP Medical Services are not available or inadequate, the possibility of providing police personnel with health insurance must be considered seriously.
A - Awards and Recognition
Appropriate awards and commendations must be given for every good deeds a policeman have done to motivate him further to continue doing what is good.
The granting of awards and decorations is provided for in NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 93-018, dated 23 Sep 1993. While we have this circular providing for the awards and decorations of deserving personnel, at times the processing takes a long time. It is necessary that the granting of award, like in the imposition of punishment, must be timely.
The Police Regional Office 6 in 1997 was able to award a total of 1,591 medals to its deserving personnel. From 1 January to 30 June 1998, this Office was able to award a total of 2,513 medals and commendations.
T - Technical Support for Service Connected Cases
Republic Act 6975 provides that "The Secretary of the Department of Justice, The Chairman of the Commission or the Chief of the PNP may authorize lawyers of their respective agencies to provide legal assistance to any member of the PNP who is facing before the prosecutor's office, the court or any competent body, a charge or charges arising from any incident which is related to the performance of his official duty; Provided, That government lawyers so authorized shall have the power to administer oaths. The Secretary of Justice, the Chairman of the Commission, and the Chief of the PNP shall jointly promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section."
While there is a law requiring to provide legal assistance to any member of the PNP facing a case considered as service connected, most often however, they are left alone to defend themselves. This is one reason that several policemen are hesitant to really enforce the law for fear of being charged as a way of getting even at them, or for the purpose of bargaining with the case filed by them. If they can be provided with legal assistance every time they are charged maliciously, our men will become confident in implementing the law without fear or favor.
Arrangement with IBP local chapter or other lawyer group in the locality can possibly be made to provide the needed legal assistance. In Iloilo, a group of lawyers has organized the Legal Assistance for Military and Police (LAMP). For a minimal monthly dues, a member is automatically provided with legal assistance.
E - Ensure Freedom from Political Interference
Political interference is one of the insecurities experienced by our men. Several of our policemen are hesitant to enforce the law uniformly for fear of stepping on the toes of some influential personalities in their area. They are aware that doing so might cause their transfer, or even their removal from the service.
Organizing the professional groups, non-government organizations and other people's organization can be of great help to the police. They can assist the police in their crime prevention programs and at the same time act as pressure groups to prevent influential personalities from interfering in the police functions.