----------------- INDEX
articles on East Timor
This page contains selected articles on East
Timor written by political experts and visitors
on the situation in East Timor. Among the writers
included in this page are Prof. Noam Chomski,
James Dunn and John Pilger.
East Timor: A Short History This is a short history of East Timor
just for starters from 16th century to today.
to other sites There
are at least more 100,000 on East Timor located
on the internat and the number is still growing.
However, around 40 of the most significant sites
can be found by clicking here. Some of these
pages are ETHRC, ETISC, ETAN, CNDPM...
and maps Contains
pictures, sound and banners...
poems Like Essays, this
page has selected poems written by many authors
on East Timor. The poems of Xanana Gusmao read
here as well as others by great East Timorese
poets such as Borja da Costa and Fernando Sylvan.
you are interested in the native language of the
East Timorese, then please click here. Tetun is
very easy to learn and I am sure that after going
through this page, you will be able to
communicate with any East Timorese with Tetun.

What is
this page all about? |
This page is dedicated to East Timor or
Timor Loro Sa'e as its natives call it. East Timor is
situated just about 600km off the coast from Darwin, the
main city in the northern most of part of Australia. Like
any other place in the world, East Timorh has been
through a lot in its history which (if only opportunity
and luck were on its side to allow it to progress
peacefully like a nation), can fill up the literature in
volumes like any other country. But right now, East Timor
is in its most unfortunate situation. It was forcibly
absorbed under the claws of an oppressice military regime
nearly a quarter of a century ago. During these years,
its natives, the East Timorese, have been subjected to
the most horrendous, horrific and inhumane treatments:
the Timorese after having lost their basic liberty and
freedom, also endured massacres, murders, rapes and
tortures. During these time East Timor actually lost more
than one third of its population, namely the more than
200,000 lives that perished through acts of genocide
under the invading regime. The East Timorese tragedy is
of unimmaginable proportion comparable only to the Jewish
holocaust under Hitler's Germany. Right now as it stands,
Human Rights is a meaningless term in East Timor. These
acts of genocide are continuing!