CNRT stands for
Conselho Nacional da Resistência Timorense (East
Timorese Nacional Council of Resistance). It is
an umbrella organisation, which encompases all
East Timorese groups, political and non
political, to form a strong coalition with one
voice to fight for the liberation of East Timor
from Indonesia. |
The first CNRT convention was
held in Peniche, about one hour drive from Lisbon
the capital of Portugal on 23 April 1998. |
Xanana Gusmão, currently serving
a twenty year sentence under the occupying
forces, is the president of the CNRT and he was
was elected unanimously. As the president of CNRT
Xanana also has two deputies, one in charge of
the interior structure in East Timor and the
other in the Diaspora. The co-Noble laureate for
peace, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta is the current Deputy
President of CNRT for the Diaspora. |
The Convention also adopted the
first declaration of principles of the East
Timorese or the Magna Carta.
Also adopted were a flag and an anthem to
symbolise the CNRT and the unity of the East
Timorese. However, the flag and the anthem
adopted are not final. They will be left to be
decided at the First East Timorese Congress,
which is planned to be staged in Sydney-Australia
in April 1999. |
The Anthem of CNRT:
Funu Nain Falintil (The Falintil Warriors)