, generates top banner and left navigation pannel. Rest of included file is inserted in a element. Finish by including endstuff.hinc to close out the and rest of file --->
The 44th Legislative District Democrats of Washington State
Serving all or part of Everett, Mill Creek, Snohomish, Lake Stevens, and unincorporated Snohomish County.
Copyright © 1998-2003. All rights reserved. 
Costs paid for by the 44th Leg. Dist. Dems. Labor Donated.

Procedure for Endorsement

The 44th District Democrats will consider for endorsement candidates for partisan and non-partisan offices. The primary criterion for endorsement are qualification for the office sought, general support for the principles of the Snohomish County Democratic Party, as outlined in the platform, and a history of active participation in the Democratic party local (district or county) organizations.

Endorsements are not exclusive. If we find more than one qualified office seeker we may endorse multiple candidates for the same office.

Candidates seeking the endorsement of the 44th District Democrats should contact the District Chairman, Mark Hintz, at least 9 days before an Executive Board meeting. (Executive Board meetings are held on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.) The candidate will be invited to make a presentation at the Board Meeting. After discussion, the Executive Board will make a recommendation to endorse or not to endorse. The candidate will again be invited to make a presentation at the next General Meeting (on the Second Tuesday of the following month) at which time we will vote on the recommendation of the Board.