Flag and Emblems of the
People's Republic of China

china.gif (547 bytes)

prcflag.gif (1,034 bytes)

chn_t.gif (2,751 bytes)

prcpani1.gif (6,184 bytes)

prcpani2.gif (8,086 bytes)

chinaani.gif (10,914 bytes)

china-1.gif (25,644 bytes)

redflag.gif (17,027 bytes)

chi-flag.gif (3,105 bytes)
PRC flag - button

country_cn_50.gif (1,071 bytes)
PRC flag - splodge

ren02.gif (3,538 bytes)
National emblem of the PRC

xie02.gif (3,452 bytes)
The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

tuanqi.gif (12,933 bytes)
Chinese Communist Youth League - animated flag

cyl.gif (20,153 bytes)
Chinese Communist Youth League - emblem with animated flag

8-1.gif (6,760 bytes)
Emblem of the People's Liberation Army

006_jpg.jpg (12,542 bytes)
Chairman Mao Zedong presents the national emblem to the CPPCC

0061_jpg.jpg (11,020 bytes)
Chairman Mao Zedong addressing the CPPCC

dalaiprc.gif (9,209 bytes))
The Dalai Lama with the flag of his home country - China

prconroc.gif (6,242 bytes) Source: CNN

roconprc.gif (5,700 bytes) Source: CNN

prcusroc.gif (9,607 bytes) Source: CNN

peace_symbol_4.gif (3,648 bytes) Source: PeaceSymbol.org

Atfish Worldwide - China shirt
Atfish Worldwide - China by atfish
Get this custom shirt  at Zazzle

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Compliments from
The Thinking Man's Minefield

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