The Teller County Victim Advocate Program is a nonprofit, volunteer-based agency which provides services to victims of crime. The program serves all victimized persons regardless of age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability level, or national origin. The program is law enforcement based.

Victims may experience:

An initial period of shock or disbelief

Feelings of anger, fear, grief, guilt, or shame

A sense of helplessness

Confusion, numbness

Anxiety or nervousness

Information and Referral

Information and referrals to available community resources.

24-hour hotlines.

Translation services.

Legal assistance.

Child care.

Suicide Intervention.

Assistance with Emergency Services

Food, shelter, clothing, financial aid, crime scene clean-up.

Emergency transportation.

Medical and mental health needs.

Safe house.


Communication of needs to employers, landlords, service providers, the criminal justice system, creditors, and others.

Crisis Counseling

Short-term counseling sessions to offer support and explore options.

Debriefing sessions.

Support Groups

Emotional support and education on the trauma recovery phase.

Allied Professional Training

Crime Prevention Program

Community members are provided with crime prevention education to develop personal safety plans.

Legal Process Assistance

Assist with crime reporting, investigation, and court processes.

Accompany victim to court proceedings.

Obtain evidence disposition and restitution from DA's Office.

Keep victim appraised of case status.

Death Notifications

Short-term grief counseling.

Assistance with funeral preparations, family travel, and hotel accommodations.

Assist with obtaining legal, financial, and insurance documents.

Other Services

Assist with investigation.

Evaluate, monitor services and service providers.

All services are free, confidential, and provided by trained volunteers.

Monday through Friday -- 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM -- contact the Victim Advocate through WPPD Dispatch, 687-9262.

After hours, weekends, and holidays, contact your local Dispatch for the On-Call Volunteer Advocate:

Cripple Creek -- 689-2655

Victor -- 689-2284

Woodland Park -- 687-9262

Teller County -- 687-9652

For problems, concerns, or to set up training or education sessions, contact the Program Coordinator, Teri Shecter, at 687-5230.
Teller County Burial Sites
Colorado Coroners Association
Flower Icons Site
The Banner Generator
Gini's Over the Rainbow
Resource to locate the interments of friends and relatives
Teller County, Colorado
Health Information
News from the Coroner's Office
In Memorium-1999
In Memorium-2000
In Memorium-2001
In Memorium-2002
In Memorium-2003

Webmaster: Debbie Smith