Richard Paul Pacheco
Charles O. Brill, Jr.
Jon Marion Carroll
Sophie Jo Ferguson
Roberta 'Peggy' Dow
Dexter Melvin Bystedt

Jay Lynn Johnson
Rodney Allen Viland
Marjorie N. Shoen
Lois Elizabeth Stroud

Semion Fidel Balagat
Craig McClure Yengst
Dennis A. McNeil
Patrick Byrne
Marjorie Brudvik

Phillip Larry Scearce
Derek William Bird
Linda Leann Miller
Jeffrey Dale Snyder

Randall Scott Rosin
William Henry Brown
Wilmer Andrew Jackson

Travis F. Grimmer
James Byron Hardin, Jr.
Eva Chatkoff
Blanche Irene Baccus

Benny Andrew Vernon
George Eleom Lyle
Susane Lee Christie

Patricia Mobley
Ronald Lee Sickels
Ellen M. Tribolet
Robert E. Aylsworth
Jackson Jay Huston
Verda Lynn Coble
Selina Wood Smith

Melissa Ann Johnson
George D. Slanker, Jr.
Cynthia Sue Clark
Evangeline Bezer
Roger Grant Baker
Ted Meyer Mahana
David Clayton Harrelson, Jr.

Clifford A. Soderberg, Jr.
Peggie Jo Pribble
Kathleen Margaret Buechler
Peggy E. Kerr
Dennis Jarwin, Jr.
Patricia Isabel Dionne
Gerald Henry Fisher
Frank Volker Wieland
Jerry L. Gibson

Ellan R. Sweeney
Monty Joe Elliott
Stephen C. Stefonowicz
Arthur Willie Davidson
Harriet Hanson
William Adolph Reisch
Charles F. Heil

Barbara Joan Levasseur

43 Natural Deaths
9 Accidental Deaths
6 Suicides
0 Homicides
2 Undetermined
22 Forensic Autopsies
1 Clinical Autopsy


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