Thai Student Association at University of Utah 

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Sep 11, 02: TSAUU announces 'Welcome New Students Party' at the park in the block of University street-1300 East and 100 South-North Temple on this Saturday, September 14. The time is 5.00pm. You can park your car along the roadside on Saturday. This great event will let our members to meet new students that come this semester. So please join us and give your warm welcome to new members. This time, it will be 'Potluck' party for old members, so please prepare your well known famous recipe for 3-4 persons to join this party. However for the new students, you need not to bring anything to join. You just came to Utah! Let us meet each other and have fun.

Aug 28, 02: Welcome new UofU students. We are glad to have you join our association. We are available to help you settle in this new great place, please contact one of our members or sent Email to us. We're updating our member information and pictures, you can check your info and pictures on 'Member List' page. To update your info or pictures please sent Email to us.

July 29, 02: Welcome new coming students to UofU. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you need any help. Don't forget to register your name, E-mail, photo and major of your study so we can update our member list. Just sent E-mail to

May 31, 02: Now our website  was updated the pictures of our members. You just click nick name that you want to see his picture on 'Member List' page. So everyone can recognize a new member or others that have never met. Whose pictures that are still not posted or one who want to update the picture, please send your picture to our E-mail.

May 20, 02: For everyone who loves soccer.    The great 'World Cup Soccer Korea-Japan 2002' will start on May 31 - June 30, 02, Don't miss, you can surf to follow the match progression and news on these suggested websites; FIFA World Cup (Eng) , Lenfootball (Thai) or using Thai real-time TV or news links on 'Useful link' page. The match schedule is also available for download here; Eng, Thai. 

May 17, 02: Thank you for joining and sharing a great time together at 'TSAUU Spring Semester End BBQ Party' on May 12, 02. On that day we (35 of us) plus 5 guests (3 Chinese, 1 Jordanian, 1 German) have a delicious meal and a lot of fun. Some of our party pictures were posted, so check them now.

May 9, 02: Now TSAUU has its identical twin website. Our old website (, that one can found by searching  from Yahoo search using keyword 'TSAUU', will have the same content as . So everyone can see us from that website too.

May 9, 02: Attention!: due to the problems of rainy weather on this Saturday and Sugar House Park reservation, TSAUU will change the place and time of party. The 'Spring Semester End BBQ Party' will be held at University Village - West # B607 (Arjarn Pae apartment area) on 5.00 pm Sunday, May 12, 02. Please change your schedule and join us. We apologize for any inconvenient. 

May 8, 02: TSAUU announces 'Spring Semester End BBQ Party' final schedule on Saturday, May 11, 02; at Sugar House Park, Lake Terrace facility space (see picture). The time was changed to be 5.00 pm. Hope all of our members join together before having long summer break.

May 8, 02: New pictures was posted from Badminton Club. (see picture)

May 3, 02: Yes, we will have a BBQ meeting after you make your spring semester a good job. This meeting will be held at Sugar House Park and welcome all of us and others that are interested in our society. The party time is set on Saturday, May 11, 02. Please prepare yourself to join us, the association committee will provide all the food you can enjoy. The detailed info or any changes will be posted as soon as everything is settled.

May 2, 02: Changing of our member lists was made. We have some new students to join us. Please check your information and E-mail us to change your info or fill any blank info. Thanks.

Mar 28, 02: Our Neighbor community, Thai-Laotian LDS, invite us to join SongKran day festival on April 13, 02. As our mission to create great relationship with other communities, everyone are invited to make that goal. We plan to have 'Rum-Thai' show to represent our association there, so don't hesitate to cheer up your friends.

Mar 22, 02: Some of Utah restriction and law was posted.

Mar 21, 02: Check out the links of UofU & Utah State.

Feb 21, 02:  'Activities', our last posted page, was the proposed list of activities that held at the university and was joined by our members.

Feb 19, 02: Check our 'Useful Link'. You can link to read your Thai daily newspaper and watch live TV.

Feb 18, 02: Congratulation! Finally, our new TSAUU Web Site has launched on Feb 18, 02 to cerebrate Presidents Day. Please check your data on page 'Member List'. You can send E-Mail to correct your personal data. However many pages are still on construction, they will be completed soon. We welcome your comments to make our web site better.

Feb 17, 02: We got our first version of Living Guide from Aphichart Rodchanarowan (Huak). Thank him for his article. We welcome all kind of useful articles from member like you.

Feb, 02: We've planned to launch our official web site at the end of this month. Since our previous web site launched 3 years ago, it had shown that internet technology gave us a good way to communicate with others. However that web site wasn't posted on University's web site and now we have a new executive board by election since late December, 01, so this is a great time to make our new web site more officially and well maintained.

Jan, 02: Our TSAUU executive board have established our brand new TSAUU Constitution. And now it's on refinement process. 

Dec, 01: Now we have our new TSAUU executive board. Kongnara, our 2000-2001 President called a general assembly meeting for regular members. On that day new 2002 President was voted by attended members. All nominates also had a chance to propose our TSAUU future. Finally, we had our new TSAUU President, Piti Treesukol and his 2 Vice-Presidents.

Send mail to with suggestions or comments about our web site.
Last modified: 09/27/02