Adopted on Feb 16, 02
We, the members of the Thai Students Association at the University of Utah,
in establishing this organization and the constitution, unify to form a
collective entity, whose express purposes to provide a support network for its
members and to foster awareness and an appreciation of Thai culture and
Article I Name
The name of this organization shall be Thai Student Association at the
University of Utah which shall be abbreviated as the TSAUU.
Article II Purpose
1. To represent Thai students and initiate action upon issues arising in
the University of Utah (UofU) community.
2. To provide educational, cultural, social and service activities for
3. To enhance the good relationship and interaction among Thai students at
the University of Utah and other college communities through intellectual,
cultural, social, and athletic activities.
4. To provide information and documents about the UofU to Thai students.
5. To act as the intermediary providing important news and events from
Thailand to Thai students studying abroad.
6. To promote international understanding of Thai heritage and culture.
7. To provide assistance in cultural and social adjustments for living
abroad to planned or newly incoming students of Thai origin.
8. To create and maintain a positive relationship among the members,
university student body, local community, and to a greater extent, other Thai
student communities.
Article III Membership
Section 1 Membership Categories
1. All students and faculty staffs at UofU are eligible to be regular
members. Only regular members shall have the privilege of voting in any
proceeding of the Association.
2. Alumni, faculty and student spouses, and any of those who acknowledge
the purposes of the Association are eligible to be associate members.
Associate members shall have the right to speak but not to vote.
3. All membership shall be held active after express their membership willing
upon the Association annually request.
Section 2 Rights and Responsibilities of Members
1. The regular members shall be entitled to a vote in all matters brought
before the Association.
2. All members are invited to attend TSAUU's general meetings, functions,
and events.
3. The TSAUU Executive Board may ask all members to pay dues to be active
members when deemed necessary.
4. The TSAUU Executive Board has the right to revoke any organization or
membership when deemed necessary.
Section 3 Non-discrimination Statement
1. The TSAUU shall not bar anyone from membership on the basis of race,
religious beliefs, handicap, gender, or sexual preference. Political
inclination shall not interfere with any proceeding of the Association.
Article IV Meeting
1. A general assembly meeting is a meeting of regular members. It shall be
held annually, if possible, on early spring semester. The main objectives of
the general assembly meeting are to elect the new President and to vote on any
pending constitution and bylaw amendment. In this meeting, regular members
shall discuss, revise and/or vote on the activities proposed by the President.
The TSAUU executive board will determine the time and dates of meetings.
2. The President shall call a regular meeting at least once a semester.
Regular meetings are to be open to the general public.
3. The President may schedule special meetings, as needed, such as welcome
meeting for new members and congratulatory meeting for graduates.
One President and two Vice-Presidents shall be entitled to be Executive
Section 1 TSAUU President
1. Eligibility
1) The President
will be elected in a general assembly meeting by regular members of the TSAUU.
2. Executive Succession
1) Should the office of the TSAUU President be permanently vacated, the
TSAUU first Vice-President will automatically be installed as the TSAUU
2) Should the office of the TSAUU first Vice-President be permanently
vacated, the TSAUU second Vice-President will automatically be installed as
the TSAUU President.
3) Should the office of the TSAUU second Vice-President become
permanently vacated, the TSAUU President will appoint a new second
Vice-President to fill the un-expired term.
3. Power and Duties
1) To be the chief executive officer of the TSAUU.
2) To appoint Vice-Presidents, other officers and steering committees as
3) Obey and enforce the constitution and bylaws of the Association.
4) Act as the official representative of the Association for all
intramural and extramural affairs.
5) Be held accountable to the Association as a whole.
6) Call meetings and preside at meetings of the Association and executive
7) See that all scheduled activities shall be implemented and authorize
expenditures within the Association budget.
8) Shall represent the interests of this organization within the
community of the University of Utah.
Section 2 TSAUU Vice-Presidents
1. Eligibility
1) The Vice-Presidents will be elected in a general assembly meeting by
regular members of the TSAUU.
2. Powers and Duties
1) Shall assist the President and function as the TSAUU President in the
TSAUU Presidents absence.
2) To be responsible for calling meetings of the assembly.
3) Shall oversee all committee standings.
4) Shall keep the record of all documents of the organization.
5) Shall notify members about upcoming meeting schedules, prepare press
articles, and keep minutes of the meetings.
6) Shall maintain a member roll of the organization.
7) Both Vice-Presidents shall coordinate to get efficiency work.
Article VI Elections
Section 1 Appointing an Election
1. Elections will be held annually on general assembly meeting.
2. Nomination shall be posted during the last regular meeting or on general
assembly meeting.
Section 2 Election Procedure
1. The President and two Vice-Presidents of the Association shall be
elected by vote of the regular members. The most voted nominate shall be the
President and next two high voted nominate shall be Vice-Presidents. Each
regular member has one vote.
2. Any voting member wishing to run for President must have 2 nominations
from the membership.
3. The term of the new President shall begin immediately following the
4. All other officers shall be appointed by the President after the
Presidential election.
5. The President shall not serve more than two consecutive years.
Article VII Funds
1. The finance of this organization consists of donations from members,
individuals, university or companies who acknowledge the purposes of this
2. The TSAUU activities that held on the university or community.
Article VIII Other officers and steering committees
1. The Executive Board shall appoint other officer positions or steering
committees as needed. These may be a person or as a group.
2. The other officers and steering committees may consist of the followings
as examples
1) Secretary
2) Treasurer
3) Public Relations Coordinator
4) Webmaster
3. This committee shall have the power to act for the association between
regularly scheduled meetings and to perform other duties stipulated in the
bylaws of the Association.
Section 1 Duties of the Secretary
1. Assist the President by documentary services.
2. Act as recorder of all business brought before the Association.
3. Furnish a complete list of names and addresses of regular members,
associate members, officers and faculty advisor.
4. See that copies of the current constitution and bylaws are available to
new members.
Section 2 Duties of the Treasurer
1 Shall be in charge of all money and other valuable assets belonging to
the organization,
2. Shall be responsible for all records and/or documents regarding the
financial affairs of the organization.
3. Shall be responsible for monitoring and reporting the financial status
of the organization.
4. Establish and maintain the Association's financial and property records.
5. Be held responsible and accountable to the Association for all
6. Provide a financial report on expenditures and treasury balance.
Section 3 Duties of the Public Relations Coordinator
1. Establish contact with all new Thai students at UofU and work in
coordination with the International Student Office.
2. Promote cultural and social activities of the Association.
3. Plan and inform the members about the Association's calendar of events
and its relevant issues.
Section 4 Duties of the Webmaster
1. Create and maintain official website of TSAUU.
2. Post important news, events, information of the Association and UofU.
3. Provide communication between members and the Executive Board via
electrical documents and mails.
Article X Ratification
1. This first constitution shall become effective immediately upon approval
by the Executive Board and shall be posted to hearing from members.
Article XI Amendments
1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to the
Executive Board by at least one-third (1/3) of regular members of the
Association before or on general assembly meeting.
2. The text of a proposed amendment shall then be discussed to all regular
members prior to the final vote for approval of the amendment.
3. Final approval of the proposed amendment requires a two- thirds (2/3)
majority vote of regular members of the Association.
4. If a proposed amendment receives less than a two-thirds (2/3) majority
vote of all regular members, it may not be reconsidered for at least one
academic semester.
Article XIII Bylaws
1. The Association shall adopt bylaws as necessary to fulfill the
responsibilities and objectives of the Association. Bylaws must be submitted
in written form by regular members only. Amendment or revocation of bylaws
shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of regular members present on
general assembly meeting.
The writers of this constitution, written in 2001 are:
President: |
Mr. Piti Treesukol |
Vice-President: |
Mr. Ratachet Teratanavat |
Mr. Thanit Chirananthavat |
1st revision on Jan, 02
2nd revision on Feb, 02