The purpose of this HomePage is to further the welfare and survival of Civilization, humanity, and Life on Earth (not my own selfish interests). Can explaining and exposing the identity, the agenda, and the results of the activities of our Exploiters, so that our Exploiters' agenda will no longer be supported (even by their own ethnic group), help achieve that goal? I hope to help even our Exploiters' highest echelons to understand the folly of their imperialistic and racist agenda, for which they have harnessed nearly the entire resources of mankind.
21 March, 1996 letter (last revised 21 July, 1996):

I thank visitors to this page for their encouraging response (about 15 visitors per day when the system was functioning), which has strengthened my commitment to improving this homepage. Are honesty, TRUTH, and some wisdom and ideas you have never heard before its attractive ingredients?

Before I think something, I think the issues over carefully to make sure my belief is as true as I can discern. I can do this because I am 100% committed to accepting and knowing the truth, and never want to lie to myself. Therefore I can argue and stand by any positions I take unitl my opponent convinces me otherwise. Usually my opponents have positions based not on truth and principle; but on what they perceive to be in their self-interest. They have no respect for facts or truth or allowing others to present opposing views. They are only interested in convincing our audience to agree with them, even if it means preventing the other side from being heard. They can not face or deal with the truth, so they usually resort to calling me names (ad hominem attacks), try to sidetrack me or cut me off the air, etc., instead of dealing with the issues and allowing our audience to hear and judge. No matter how much more intelligent, etc. my opponents are, when the truth is on my side, I have the advantage.

I believe even children have an uncanny knack for understanding when they are being lied to (even about Santa Claus), and that most of us can usually see through lies. I suspect that most people who can not be won over by the truth have been preconditioned to believe that lies may indeed be better than truth. How can sane people believe that a man (Jesus) walked on top of deep water, that a woman was made from a man's rib, that there were four days and nights before the sun and moon, etc. were placed in the sky for decoration, etc.? Nevertheless, some insane people are rational enough to work in construction, as mechanics, etc.

I always treat EVERYONE with respect and sincerely love everyone, so I win the hearts and respect of the civilized members of the audience that way too.

Even if you think and act as I have, expect to be censored and called names like anti-semitic, racist hater, etc. and to be treated as a pariah by your own kind simply because they are so afraid of being lied about and disrespected too, if they take the side of the truth).

Do Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, Mike Reagan, Art Bell (and every other talk show host that keeps his job) cut us off the air (usually subtly) before their audiences can hear comments like many of mine (try them!). Do they know they would be fired, and their careers ruined for life, if they let their audiences hear the truth or discuss taboo topics, like who owns the media? Or were they hired because of their insolence, ignorance, prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and contempt for us common folk? Or because they are naive, or insane enough to sincerely believe in the agenda of our Exploiters? Could the answer be: a little of all of the above, depending on which talk show host?

I can bear to listen to Limbaugh sometimes because he seems to be more respectful of callers than most talk show hosts. Limbaugh unconditionally supports and praises the Israeli government almost as thoroughly as he attacks the US government. Has Limbaugh ever criticized, named, or identified the people said to have the US government "in their hands", as (Deuteronomy 7.24) says it ("our kings") will be?

Limbaugh frequently attacks the Media too, but has Limbaugh ever identified or named the ethnicity of those who have the media "in their hands". Is Limbaugh more cunning than ignorant and naive, or a religious fanatic? Does Rush know that if he utters one word of truth about the ethnic identity of our Exploiters, his radio career will be terminated?

Why does Limbaugh's show usually sound stale and like a stuck record if Limbaugh loves the truth and is capable of thinking for himself?

Where else but on Internet could I express my ideas worldwide to more than a few people at a time? Aren't most of us too enthralled by our Exploiter's Media to attend meetings? Are our Exploiters trying to insinuate their control over Internet because they KNOW that Internet is going to make it harder for them to lie? The cheaper and more available to everyone Internet becomes, the more our Exploiters risk losing their strangle hold on our minds.

Our Exploiters tell us that there is no truth, that the truth is subjective, that the truth is whatever they say it is. But any sane man knows that there is only ONE truth. Only choices and actions based on that ONE truth are likely to be successful.

The introductions of valuable books by honest Hebrew authors, like Edwin Black's "Transfer Agreement" and John Sack's "Eye for an Eye" confirm that it is almost impossible to publish (and disseminate competitively) information which our Exploiters do not want known.

We enjoy hearing the truth, but what politician would dare say what can be read here?

Because there are more of us than them, our Exploiters would have to earn a living the honest way if ENOUGH of us would bravely stand up for, speak, and think ONLY the truth. Many of us do not even trust our own minds enough to believe something to be true unless a Media chorus proclaims it.

Would our Exploiters be in such a hurry for immigration, etc. to make Aryans a minority in our own land if we did not vastly out-number them? Is immigration one means our Exploiters use to destroy our identity and what remains of our political power and unity as a people ( Deuteronomy 7)?

We are chained only by our cowardice, fear and disunity, which allows members of a tiny well-organized, cohesive, disciplined and militant minority to herd us like the SHEEPle they presume us to be. Our exploiters depend on our ignorance and their ability to persuade us that their lies are true, but this would be more difficult if we were not silent and afraid of their power to stereotype and lie about us.

If you yourself have been courageous enough to speak the truth, do not despair or be dismayed by those who are too brain-poisoned to accept the TRUTH, because once they have heard the truth, the truth often eventually eats its way into their hearts and minds, and dispels the lies their exploiters thrive upon, perhaps long after they have forgotten who enlightened them. If this were not so, would our Exploiters want so much to censor Internet, etc.? No matter how people hate us for speaking the truth, truth CAN eventually open their eyes and hearts.

How better to cure and gain the cooperation of anyone, even our enemies, than to LOVE them (ALL Life is precious) and RESPECTFULLY teach them the truth? Truth is self-confirming and self-proving. Our Exploiters spend billions in order to miseducate us, but their lies fall apart like the illusions they are, once someone has the courage to let light come through a crack. Hearing the truth may bring reality into sharp focus for us for the first time!

If we think of more than ourselves and our own generation, and sacrifice enough, there may be a future for civilization and life (of which we are all but a part) on this planet despite the enormous power of our exploiter-masters. Our first and firmest step must be to face and insist upon the truth no matter WHAT the consequences. Telling the truth often causes big problems, so we have to be careful. No matter how we are lied about and called names, that is better than the feeling that we are on the wrong planet, and that our souls are burning in Hell because we have betrayed them. The more of us speak the truth, the less dangerous it will be for others to do so. It is easier for those of us who have the least to lose to be the first to speak the truth. Is America not the home of the brave and free speech?

Our enemies have brain-poisoned so many of us that some of us have lost the self-respect, pride and love we were born with, and have learned to identify only with our insane oppressors. Some of us are disgusted by the moral and spiritual depravity into which our race has fallen, and care for no one but ourselves and only about what happens in our own lifetimes. But some of us were born to save, lead and govern us, and ask no more than that everyone contribute his share and cooperate in the rebuilding of the pride, freedom and great potential of our people. Would you rather we and our children be ruled, enslaved and devoured by aliens?

26 March, 1996 comments:

I am AWED and HAPPY that the visits per day seem to have doubled. When you return, I hope this page will communicate better than ever what you want, and deserve, to know. I feel honored by, and THANKFUL for, EACH of the many who have been reading this Homepage, which has facilitated my efforts to educate others.

Only our combined efforts to spread the truth will create the critical masses required to preserve civilization and ethno-nations now in danger of extinction.

Our strength is the truth, and the courage to share it with others.

Truth is far more convincing than the lies of our Exploiters, no matter how powerful they are, or how many billions they invest in broadcasting their lies.

When our Exploiters and their golem* can not face the truth and issues honestly, they go berserk, and irrationally resort to insulting us and calling us disrespectful and undeserved names like: prejudiced and ignorant red-neck bigot, wacky extremist scum and conspiracy-nut, racist hate and war mongering Fascist or Nazi (stereotypes and hate speech fastidiously cultivated by the media in order to incite intolerance and hatred against us), ANTI-SEMITE (the most feared epithet of all, applied to ANYONE who mentions the ethnicity of those who have monopolized the media, and to those who advocate the end of foreign-aid, or that Israel respect the human rights of Palestinians, etc.), a tactic which is effective in persuading only the many cowards (those best avoided anyway) amongst us to bolt, like tough-talking 1996 Presidential candidate Pat Buchanon did when it was discovered that Buchanon's campaign co-chairman ("Rabbi" Prat) was out amongst the nationalistic Gentiles (how else can they keep their eye on us?).

Unless we make the right decisions based on truth alone, and act, death will reclaim Life. A better world for all people and Earthlife can be created only by struggle. How can Life or civilization survive unless we liberate ourselves from our savage Imperialist Exploiters NOW?

* By golem, I mean a robot or zombie, a person that does not think for himself.

To the Index of my other files, globetrotter?

Is CENSORSHIP a war against our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war against DEMOCRACY and US?

Please e-mail me at

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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