"and the Word (media) was God." (John 1)
What do I mean by EXPLOITERS? Exploiters LIE to obtain benefits. The beggar we give money to because he pretends to be lame or hungry exploits us. The employer who does not pay us for our work as agreed exploits us. The employee who loafs on the job when no one is looking exploits his employer. A deadbeat tenant exploits his landlord. A person who lies to seduce or marry exploits her/his mate/victim. The politician who lies to get our vote or support for his policies exploits us.
The owners and operators of the media exploit us when they lie to persuade us to support their own agendas, or to vote for the candidates they favor. By media, I mean not just television, radio, and the press, but also the pulpits, schools, Internet and any other institutions which broadcast information or misinformation.
An exploiter is a more secretive and therefore more dangerous SAVAGE who kills, robs, and otherwise violates the rights of others by first gaining their trust. Our exploiters are therefore more deceptive, dishonest, treacherous and hard to detect than most ordinary criminals.
Which harms us more, the thief that steals our material goods, or the exploiter who first gains our trust and then behaves as a savage does, and thereby robs us of even of our spiritual relationship (trust) with our fellow citizens? How can we have any cooperative relationship without trust?
In my opinion, by destroying the security CIVILIZED communities need to prosper, savages and exploiters threaten the survival of all Earth-life.
I do not condemn savagry, nor does the god of the Tanaach ("Old Testament"). Judaism is at best an "ingroup morality", which has never outlawed the Jewish murder, rape, dispossession or enslavement of non-Jews (why does the media not focus as much attention on the Hebrew holocaust of the Hittites in the "Promised Land" as it does on the alleged Indo-Hittite (German) "holocaust" of some Jews?).
Neither do I feel any paternalistic right or obligation to punish or civilize savages. Domesticating a race requires millenia of genetic breeding. There are already enough civilized breeds on earth. If we need sheep dogs, why try to make one out of a wolf?
Savages and their homelands may better serve the cause of Life if we let them be. Attempting to civilize human savages is as likely to be destructive and futile as is attempting to domesticate wolves. The wolves end up eating our dogs and us too. It is not we who change them but they who change us. Domesticated breeds can not survive unless they are protected and segregated from savage breeds.
Like wolves, human savages owe their very existence to their savage natures, and could not survive amongst their own kind unless they were at least as savage as the rest of their social environment.
Allowing savages within the bounds of civilization however, forces the civilized person who values his survival to behave more or less contrary to his own trusting and self-sacrificing nature. I think this partially explains the high rate of insanity of people of the civilized, or "developed" world. I define insanity as the lack of the will to survive, not criminality. Both the will to survive and savagery are normal for undomesticated animals.
I would also like to make it clear that I DO NOT HATE savages (a term which includes exploiters), no matter how savage or criminal, whatever their ethnicity.
There are savages and exploiters amongst every race, group or family, but in varying degrees, so not all individuals, families and races are identical, or equally savage. Civilization is relative, and becomes strongest wherever the least savage races live.
I DO HATE EXPLOITATION but only when it is destructive of civilization, and for no other reason, for I regard exploitation as a part of nature's way, with which I have no argument, for it is to the UNRESTRAINED competition between individual life forms that all Life owes its evolution. Without savage competition, "human" life would still be in the form of our one-celled micro-organism ancestors.
However without civilization there is no hope of Life spreading beyond earth into more of the infinite Universe. I consider civilization worth protecting from savages and exploiters therefore.
The basis of all civilization is TRUST and SECURITY, both of which are weakened and destroyed by savagery and exploitation. I blame no savage for seizing whatever opportunities it can, for the very nature of a savage is to think mostly of itself and closest kin, and mostly of now, not the FUTURE.
The very essence of CIVILIZATION is the sacrifice of self-interest and of the present, for the welfare of the community of LIFE, and of future generations. Therefore civilization is the denial and opposite of savagery.
Contrary to popular belief, civilization is not the technological, scientific and material by-products of civilization, most of which can be owned, operated and even manufactured by Savages.
Civilization is domesticated PEOPLE, out of whom the survival instincts and nature of the savage have been more or less artificially bred throughout millenia of eliminating those with criminal dispositions from a race's gene pool, until the race becomes more of less civilized.
Civilization is not intelligence or behaviour, for savages who are intelligent enough can mimic civilized people, particularly with the help of religion. The religion of a civilized race is within its very genes. (Romans 2.14-15)
Likewise, civilized people can behave as savages do if they behave contrary to their own spiritual natures. However spiritual satisfaction comes from the rewards of behaving according to one's own conscience, soul, or inner nature, which varies according to each individual, race, etc. A savage enjoys behaviour that would drive a civilized person insane. Bloody religious rituals and the atrocities of Angola, the Mau Mau, etc., which our Exploiters mostly hide from us are examples of the delight savages take in gore. Although warfare is inconsistent with the instincts of a civilized race, because of their spirit of self-sacrifice and respect of authority, particularly religious, people with a civilized nature may make excellent soldiers. However behaving contrary to ones inner nature sometimes results in insanity ("the Vietnam syndrome", "shell shock", etc). Much of the savage behaviour of those of civilized stock is the result of madness, often religiously induced (Jerimiah 25.15-16)
How can we fulfill our social instincts or cooperate with each other without trust? Which predator do civilized people HATE the most? Common criminals, or treasonous politicians like George Bush and Bill Clinton, etc. (who are mere puppets in the hands of our Exploiters)? TREASON is punishable by death, unless the traitor has more and bigger guns, like "our" government.
The best means of exploiting people is via Government. The bigger and more communistic the government, the more quickly our exploiters can strip us of our wealth, freedoms and power. There is no limit to the appetites of exploiters, who eventually completely devour, devastate and leave destitute the people of any civilization they have conquered (infested?). The old Soviet Union is the best recent example. Exploiters will continue devouring America as long as we turn our backs on our enemies.
When I use the word "EXPLOITERS" (with a capitol "E"), I am referring to the elite that owns and operates most of the media, which is nearly the only source of almost all information or misinformation received by most Americans and the rest of the people of the world. I do not mean that every member of the ethnicity with which most of our Exploiters identify is an Exploiter.
Nor am I referring specifically to ALL members of the tiny ethnic minority with which most of these Exploiters identify themselves, according to the authors of "Who Rules America". But I am referring to more than just the present generation, for our Exploiters have a long tradition and have passed their way of life down through hundreds of generations.
In my opinion, most members of our Exploiters' tiny ethnic group are just as exploited and victimized by our Exploiters as the rest of humanity, and it is certainly as much to them as to the rest of humanity that my appeal for cooperation and understanding, in the interest of Life as a whole, is directed. Historically, our Exploiters' have slaughtered and crucified even honest members of their own race who oppose our Exploiters' agenda (eg. "Jesus Christ").
Today most of the victims of the most exploitative people in the world (the "elite" which owns and controls, one way or another, most of the MEDIA) hardly know by whom or how they have been exploited. We have been immunized against that truth, and conditioned to dismiss as an abomination anyone who tries to inform us of our Exploiter's "sacred" identity. We treat the person who has tried to enlighten us and save us from these Exploiters as an unfashionable pariah, and are careful never to be seen with him anywhere, especially if we are politicians, lest we be associated with his views.
Our Exploiters are less afraid of our guns than of the TRUTH. For them, truth is like a match next to a powder keg, which is why they are so desperate to outlaw both our guns AND our freedom to speak on Internet (aren't our Exploiters America's biggest distributors of pornography via TV, Hollywood, etc.?).
How many of us know that the majority of the "Clinton" administration's appointees have been (as Dole's would have been?) from the same tiny ethnic (racial, religious, etc.) minority as the owners, etc. of most of the Media?
Members of that minority have been Clinton's biggest campaign contributors. (For details, order issue #380 of "The Truth at Last" from P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia, 30061 for $2.00).
Is our Exploiters' loyalty to their own ethno-state, or, (no matter what they pretend) not to a territorial entity at all, but only to their ethnic nation?
According to geneticists, our Exploiters' ethnic group is still one of the "genetically most similar" (Ezra 9.12) in the world. No matter amongst which "natives" it has lived throughout the world, most of its members can still be identified by their racial characteristics.
Since the media will never tell us, most people will never learn to which ethnicity the owners of most of the media belong, unless someone brave and self-sacrificing enough tells them, in person. Since the media plays such a decisive role in our lives, and who owns it answers so many questions that often arise in, and is often relevant to, our conversations, we have many opportunities to educate people about who owns the media.
When I take such an opportunity to tell someone the ethnicity of those who own most of the media and run most of our government, I encounter various and interesting reactions. One conditioned response is "Jews deserve it because they work harder." So I may ask why they have never heard the media give the same reason for why "White" people are better off than Negroes. Could racism and networking not help explain why our Exploiters have such an exclusive hold of our media and government, etc. also, and why they are so exclusive, cohesive, powerful and dominant? In fact the history, religion, etc. of their ethnic nation reveals that it has been as racist as any nation, even though our Exploiters so vociferously protest any sign of racism in their victims.
When I say media, I mean everyone who educates or miseducates the masses, whether via television, radio, literature, preaching, teaching, speaking, etc. Americans get almost all their emotional and intellectual information, prejudices and even identity from the media, which is the "big stick" in the hands of the same powerful aliens who dominate the Republican and "Democratic" parties via campaign "contributions", etc. "Our" politicians are bribed with the same money citizens donate to political campaigns, most of which our candidates hand over to our Exploiters' media, in payment for broadcasting campaign propaganda. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away"?
Colin Powell does not have to buy media time. The media have made and will continue making Colin Powell the "dream" candidate, because a Negro President would further the agenda of our Exploiters. Reagan was one of the few politicians who became President contrary to the will of the owners of the media (Reagan was not their preferred candidate), so they called Reagan the "Great Communicator". The media is still denouncing Reagan because he resisted big government, even though he was otherwise totally loyal to our Exploiters.
Our Exploiters do not want the American people to have strong leadership that might stand up for our interests, so the media always criticizes whatever President they have chosen for us, enough to keep him as vulnerable, obedient and responsive to our Exploiters' demands as they wish.
The media's power would not be so dangerous if all Americans could think for themselves, despite the hypnotic seductiveness of the media. Most of us are cowardly GOLEM, walking-dead zombies who dare not think or speak, and who for centuries have delighted in stoning or lynching to death, crucifying or burning at the stake any of our own kind who do attempt to think for themselves, instead of as the media make fashionable. The only media most of our ancestors ever had were their "houses of worship".
Is all fair in war and propaganda? The American majority is so used to being villified by their media that they hardly notice, but that does not mean it causes no psychological damage and self-destructive acts. Jared Taylor's "Paved with Good Intentions" documents that the media depicts "Whites" as criminals far more often than we are in reality. How often does the Aryan ethnic majority hear anything good said about itself? Have you ever heard our Exploiters' media portray their own ethnic nation as villans, or report on their savagery except as justifiable? Yet how often do you see these aliens portrayed as heros, and victims of Aryans, in the media, especially by Hollywood? What other ethnicity is safe from criticism or vilification by the media?
Has the Negro race been more and more glorified, fostered and built up by "our" media and government in order to diminish the relative power and identity of America's majority ethnic group, which has been more and more demonized by the media? Could that be because our Exploiters think it is in their own interest to incite as much hatred and trouble as possible between other races, and especially against Aryan "Whites"? Divide and conquer.
Since their conquest of ancient Sumeria, our Exploiters have with few exceptions maintained their supremacy, even though we still outnumber them by far, thanks to our civilized way of life. Our Exploiters DO have a winning strategy, made clear to those who understand the Bible for what it truly is.
Is our only defense to treat them as they have us (do they shudder at the thought)? Can we survive otherwise? After all, we love and wish no harm, except as necessary for our self-defense.
If Amosis I was able to convince the Hamitic clans of ancient Egypt to undergo the bloodbath required to drive the Hyksos out of Egypt after centuries of the utmost oppression, maybe Internet can enable us to do the same to their descendants. Only words, not a drop of blood, need be shed, but it is unlikely we will escape bloodshed, since an enormous nuclear arsenal is in the hands of our Exploiters. Were they not willing to risk the lives of their kindred in Germany as the price for subduing the nationalist rebellion of Germans who wanted "A German State for German People?
The media calls Israel the "Jewish" state and is very supportive of Israeli nationalism. So why not a German state for Germans, a Slavic state for Slavs, a Negro state for Negroes, etc.? How else can we defend ourselves and our identity?
Is our Media too important for us to allow it to be monopolized by alien Exploiters?
Is CENSORSHIP a war agains our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war gainst DEMOCRACY and US?
Pleas e-mail me at nationalist@rocketmail.com
That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of