
           The letter you write to a Wisconsin legislator expressing your opinion about capital punishment in our state is a quarter project and therefore a significant assignment. It will be worth a total of 80 points toward the quarter grade and is an important assignment. The grading rubric on this page will explain to you how your point total will be determined and should help you to prepare your final product for this assignment.

Proper Business Letter Form separate introduction, body and conclusion;properly addressed;signature
10 points
one component missing

8 points

two components missing

6 points

three components  missing

4 points

four or more components missing

2 points

Introduction state name and clearly identify purpose of letter; briefly explain opinion

10 points

state name and clearly identify purpose of letter; briefly state opinion

8 points

state name and purpose of letter; state opinion

6 points

state name and purpose of letter

4 points

state name

2 points

Body of letter clearly state two reasons for opinion; support your opinion with quotes, case references, statistics, etc.

40 points

clearly state two reasons for your opinion; support is less thorough

32 points

state only one reason for opinion; offer some support for opinion

24 points

state only one reason for opinion; offer little support for opinion

16 points

state only one reason for opinion; offer no support for opinion

8 points

Conclusion restate opinion briefly and reasons for it; thank reader

10 points

restate opinion briefly and offer a partial reason for it; thank reader

8 points

restate opinion, but offer no reasons for it; thank

6 points

restate opinion only or merely thank reader

4 points

no conclusion

2 points

Works Cited
5 sources correctly cited

10 points

4 sources correctly cited or 5 sources with errors

8 points

3 sources correctly cited or 4 sources with errors

6 points

2 sources correctly cited or 3 sources with errors

4 points

1 source correctly cited or 2 sources with errors

2 points


Title | Introduction | Task | Process | ConclusionTeacher Page