will write a letter to a member of the Wisconsin legislature expressing
your opinion about the death penalty in Wisconsin. Each of you is a constituent
of one person in the Assembly and one person in the Senate. You will determine
who the two people are who you could write to and the final choice is up
to you. Once you've made that decision, you should look at some web sites
to find some support for your opinion. You must describe two reasons
for your opinion about the issue of capital punishment in Wisconsin, so
you'll want to look for cases you could describe, statistics that back
up your opinion, quotes that you could utilize, etc. Your finished product
needs to be word processed and will be worth a total of 80 points
toward your quarter grade. You may choose to send a copy of the letter
to Madison and if you receive a response and bring it into class you will
receive 5 extra credit points!!!!!!!!!
The sites provided when you click on the links below
will certainly help you find some material to support your opinion, but
you are certainly not limited to the links alone. Look for other materials
available on the Web as well as in print. To review then, the steps you
should follow are:
Now it's time to begin!! Your first step is to determine who you will address your business letter to, remember each of you is represented by one member of the Wisconsin Assembly and one member of the Wisconsin Senate. You may choose whichever person you prefer to write to. In order to figure out who your Assemblyman and Senator is connect to the Wisconsin Legislature homepage and select the "Who is my Legislator?" link - you may also get further info about each person by investigating the legislature's site further.
Congratulations! Now you know
who you're writing to, so it's time to seek support for your opinion.
Remember that you want to fully explain two reasons for
your opinion about capital punishment in Wisconsin. Your letter is meant
to be subjective, that is one-sided, so seek out material that will help
you to write a persuasive letter. By this point, you should have a good
idea of the two reasons you are going to use in defending your opinion.
The following links contain lots of good material, some of them are more
one-sided than others, so investigate several in order to discover material
you can utilize. Remember too that you're not limited to these online sources
alone - use other info you discover online and use print material as well!!(Reminder
- part of the assignment requires you to provide a works cited list of
at least 5 sources, so keep track of those sources you use)