Behind the Gemstone Files


The Skeleton Key
Kiwi Files
Corbitt Document

I-The Early Years
  II-The CIA Years
  III-Mafia-Kennedy Years
  IV-The 1968 Campaign
  V-US Political Prisoner
  VI-War With the CIA
  VII-Iran-Contra Affair
  VIII-The Sunset Years?
  The Rainbow Bomb




Air America
Air Asia
Air Thailand
Air West
American Airways
Appalachin Meet
Ashland Oil

Bank of America
Bay of Pigs
Black Magic Bar
Black Panthers
Bon Veniste-
Braniff Airways

Cahill-Police Chief
Carl Boir Agency
Chester Davis
Chou En-Lai
Council of Nicea

Dale-Francis L.
Daley-Richard J.
Drift Inn Bar
Duke-Dr. "Red"
Dun & Bradstreet

Enemy Within, The

Fatima 3 Prophecy
Ford Foundation

Gaylor-Adm. Noel
Glomar Explorer
Golden Triangle
Gray-L. Patrick
Grifford-K. Dun
Group of 40
Gulf Oil

Hoover-J. Edgar
Hughes Aircraft
Hughes Foundation
Hughes Tool Co.

Israel-1973 War

Joseph and Mary

Kennedy-John F.
King-Leslie, Jr.
King-Martin Luther
Kish Realty
Kopechne-Mary Jo

Lon Nol-Premier
Look Magazine

Mack (CREEP)
Marquess of
Mormon Mafia
Mullen Corporation

Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngo Dinh Nhu
Nut Tree Restaurant

Oliver-R. Spencer
Oswald-Lee H.

Pacific Telephone
Paraguay Highway
Pentagon Papers
Pepsi Cola
Pope Montini
Pope Paul VI
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XII
Portrait of an
Project Star

Rand Corporation
Rector-L. Wayne
Rockefeller-John D.

Second Gun, The
Seven Sisters Oil
Sodium Morphate
Sunol Golf Course
Synthetic Rubies

Thieu-Nguyen Van
Tippitt-J. D.



Warner Brothers
Washington Post
World Bank


Zebra Murders


UPDATED June 21, 2002 09:42 PM
The Gemstone Files: 1941-1945

©2002 by Jim Moore. All rights reserved.

"Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben."
(Senator Homer T. Bone to Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 4, 1943.)

" Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Fascist Dictator of Italy

"We stand for the maintenance of private property... We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible economic order."
Adolph Hitler

1941-1945: World War II: very profitable for Onassis, Rockefeller, Kennedys, Roosevelts, I.G. Farben, etc., etc. Onassis, selling oil, arms and dope to both sides, went through the war without losing a single ship or man.

World War II was very profitable for a lot of people and a lot of corporations, including those named in the Bruce Roberts documents. The best book I am aware of that deals with the profiteering in detail is Trading With the Enemy by Charles Higham, Delacorte Press, 1983. A search of the Google search engine using the terms "I. G. Farben" and "Nazi" turns up more than 5,000 results - a treasure trove of information and documentation. A search under the term "Trading With the Enemy" turns up nearly another 9,000 results.

[NOTE: In the 1990s, another author, Nicholas W. Maier, embattled author of the new book Trading with the Enemy, was interviewed in March 2002 by the SEC regarding IPO trading activity at his former employer Cramer & Company, the hedge fund once run by James J. Cramer, the confrontational CNBC on-air personality and co-founder of financial news Web site (Meeting with the Enemy by Victoria Murphy, Forbes, April 11, 2002) It never stopped with World War II; it conitnues even now. This is why a full understanding of events long before and after the 1932-1975 Roberts timeline is important if one is to grasp the enormity of the long-running conspiracy.]

Farben executives facing war crimes trial in September 1947.

Rockefeller sold oil to both sides. I. G. Farben, of course (we know it better as Bayer Aspirin), was heavily invested in Hitler's Nazi machine and provided the Zyklon gas used to kill Jews by the millions in the Nazi gas chambers. Most of the American industrial community was strongly pro-Nazi (or at the very least anti-Jewish) - from Henry Ford to Joseph P. Kennedy to John D. Rockefeller to Harry Truman to Franklin D. Roosevelt himself. It seems only Eleanor Roosevelt was the lone holdout, and for this she was thoroughly investigated by J. Edgar Hoover, said to be a Nazi sympathizer himself.

[NOTE: Six days after the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, IG Farben announced it was dissolving the corporation (apparently to avoid paying reparations to its Jewish victims of WW II, and that the dissolution would be complete by 2003. Even though it was supposed to have been liquidated in 1952, its shares have continued to be traded on the German stock exchange ever since. (IG Farben to be dissolved, Sept. 17, 2001 - BBC.]

For an excellent online history of how the US (Wall Street) actually helped create the Hitler regime, see Wall Street and the Rise of Adolf Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton).

Nazi Fortunes from Rockefeller to Kennedy to Bush

Along with the Rockefellers (Standard Oil, Chase Manhattan Bank), Mellons (Gulf Oil, Alcoa Aluminum), DuPonts (DuPont Chemicals), General Motors and Henry Ford, banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich. These companies poured hundreds of millions of dollars into IG Farben and provided it with technology for tactically-essential synthetic materials-while withholding the same materials and patents from the US government.

The Rockefeller family, long aligned with the Bushes, owned Standard Oil. Through a stock transfer they became half owners of Germany's IG Farben with Farben likewise owning almost half of Standard Oil. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, IG Farben built and operated more than 40 concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz.

At their slave labor/factory/death camps chemicals, weapons, drugs, synthetic fuels and other materials vital to the Nazi war effort were manufactured. In addition, eugenicists like Dr. Josef Mengele used the human subjects in the camps for experiments the data from which are today the basis for many drugs marketed by the pharmaceutical industry-not too surprising in light of the fact that more Americans die from prescription drugs than from any other single cause.

At the end of WWII the allies split up IG Farben into companies that are now the top pharmaceutical concerns on earth among them Bayer, Hoescht, BASF, the Agfa-Gevaert Group and Cassella AG. Many of Wall Streets favorite pharmaceutical/chemical companies behind the proliferation of genetically-altered foods, transgenic animals, human cloning, dangerous psychiatric drugs, deadly vaccines and pesticides-such as Aventis-are subsidiaries of these same companies. (GW Bush Gang: IG Farben 2001 by Robert Lederman)

To keep up the public charade, the government officials fell in line against Hitler, but even Roosevelt's concern was not so much Hitler's slaughter of the Jews, but his advances on Europe, especially England. Had Hitler stuck to his own sphere of influence, the US would probably never have been involved in World War II. Most of the American people didn't want to go to war again so soon after World War I, but of course, the public wasn't told of the Nazi death camps, gas chambers, ovens and genocide. It was carefully kept out of the press or, if it did appear, it was sloughed off as "sensationalism."

Even after Hitler began bombing England, and Roosevelt wanted to get the US involved, he and Kennedy had bitter arguments. Kennedy felt the British were a lost cause and thought  they should simply make the best deal they could and live with it.

While most Americans were appalled by the Nazis and the rearming of Germany in the 1930s, some of America's most powerful corporations were more concerned about making a buck from their German investments. Here are a few examples of how U.S. industrialists supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
General Motors

The Nazi connection: GM, which was controlled by the du Pont family during the 1930s, owned 80% of the stock of Opel AG, which made 30% of Germany's passenger cars.

Helping Hitler: When Hitler's panzer divisions rolled into France and Eastern Europe, they were riding in Opel trucks and other equipment. Opel earned GM a hefty $36 million in the 10 years before war broke out, but because Hitler prohibited the export of capital, GM reinvested the profits in other German companies. At least $20 million was invested in companies owned or controlled by Nazi officials.

• GM may have even been plotting against the Roosevelt administration. According to Charles Higham inhis book Trading With The Enemy, GM representatives met secretly with Baron Manfred von Killinger, Nazi Germany's West Coast chief of espionage, and Baron von Tippleskirsch, the Nazi consul general and Gestapo leader, in Boston on November 23, 1937. The group "signed a joint agreement showing total commitment to the Nazi cause for the indefinite future," and proclaimed that "in view of Roosevelt's attitude toward Germany, every effort must be made to remove him by defeat at the next election. Jewish influence in the political, cultural, and public life in America must be stamped out. Press and radio must be subsidized to smear the administration," and a führer, perhaps Sen. Burton Wheeler of Montana, should be in the White House. Although the group tried to keep the agreement secret, Reprsentative John M. Coffee of Washington found out about it and had the entire text of the agreement printed in the Congressional Record in August 1942.

HENRY FORD, founder of the Ford Motor Company

The Nazi connection: Ford, an outspoken anti-Semite, was a big donor to the Nazi party.

Helping Hitler: Ford allegedly bankrolled Hitler in the early 1920s, at a time when the party had few other sources of income. In fact, the Party might have perished without Ford's sponsorship. Hitler admired Ford enormously. In 1922, The New York Times reported, "The wall beside his desk in Hitler's private office is decorated with a large picture of Henry Ford. In the antechamber there is a large table covered with books, nearly all of which are translations of books written and published by Henry Ford." (Hitler actually borrowed passages from Ford's book The International Jew to use in Mein Kampf). The same year, the German newspaper Berliner Tageblatt, a Hitler foe, called on the American ambassador to investigate Ford's funding of Hitler, but nothing was ever done. Ford never denied that he had bankrolled the führer. In fact, Hitler presented Nazi Germany's highest decoration for foreigners, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, to Ford.


The Nazi connection: Employees of Curtiss-Wright taught dive-bombing to Hitler's Luftwaffe.

Helping Hitler: When Hitler's bombers terrorized Europe, they were using American bombing techniques. The U.S. Navy invented dive-bombing several years before Hitler came to power, but managed to keep it a secret from the rest of the world by expressly prohibiting U.S. aircraft manufacturers from mentioning the technique to other countries. However, in 1934, Curtiss-Wright, hoping to increase sales of airplanes to Nazi Germany, found a way around the restrictions: instead of telling the Nazis about dive-bombing, it demonstrated the technique in air shows. A U.S. Senate investigation concluded, "It is apparent that American aviation companies did their part ot assist Germany's air armament."


The Nazi connection: The oil giant developed and financed Germany's synthetic fuel program in partnership with the German chemical giant, I.G. Farben.

Helping Hitler: As late as 1934, Germany was forced to import as much as 85% of it's pertroleum from abroad. This meant that a worldwide fuel embargo could stop Hitler's army overnight. To get around this threat, Nazi Germany began converting domestic coal into synthetic fuel using processes developed jointly by Standard Oil and I.G. Farben.

• Standard taught I.G. Farben how to make tetraethyl-lead and add it to gasoline to make leaded gasoline. This information was priceless; leaded gas was essential for modern mechanized warfare. An I.G. Farben memo stated, "Since the beginning of the war we have been in a postition to produce lead tetraethyl solely because, a short time before the outbreak of the war, the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had had for years." Another memo noted that "without tetraethyl-lead, present methods of warfare would not be possible." (Trading With The Enemy)

• Still another I.G. Farben memo chronicled Stadard's assistance in procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel and lubricants to be stockpiled for war: "The fact that we actually succeeded by means of the most difficult negotiations in buying the quantity desired by our government... and trasnporting it to Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard Oil Co." (Note: According to a 1992 article in the Village Voice, Brown Brothers Harriman was the Wall Street investment firm that "arranged for a loan of tetraethyl lead to the Nazi Luftwaffe" in a 1938. A senior managing partner of the firm was George Bush's father, Prescott Bush.)

• Standard Oil may also have undermined U.S. preparations for war. A congressional investigation conducted after World War II found evidence that Standard Oil had conspired with I.G. Farben to block American research into synthetic rubber, in exchange for a promise that I.G. Farben would give Standard Oil a monopoly on its rubber-synthesizing process. The investigation concluded that "Standard fully accomplished I.G.'s purpose of preventing the United States production by dissuading American rubber companies from undertaking independant research in developing synthetic rubber processes."

• Standard Oil may have also helped distribute pro-Nazi literature in Central America. According to Charles Higham in Trading With The Enemy, "on May 5, 1941, the U.S. Legation at Managua, Nicaragua, reproted that Standard Oil subsidaries were distributing Epoca, a publication filled with pro-Nazi propaganda. John J. Muccio, of the U.S. Consulate, made an investigation and found that Standard was distributing this inflammatory publication all over the world."


The Nazi connection: IT&T owned substantial amounts of stock in several German armaments companies, including a 28% stake in Focke-Wolf, which built fighter aircraft for the German army.

Helping Hitler: Unlike General Motors, IT&T was permitted to repatriate the profits it made in Germany, but it chose not to. Instead, the profits were reinvested in the German armaments industry. According to Anthony Sutton, author of Wall Street and the Rise Of Hitler: "IT&T's purchase of substantial interest in Focke-Wolfe meant that IT&T was producing German planes used to kill Americans and their allies - and it made excellent profits out of the enterprise." IT&T also owned factories in the neutral countries of Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, and Sweden, which continued selling products to Axis countries.

• The relationship with the Nazis continued even after the U.S. entered the war. According to Charles Higham in Trading With The Enemy, the German army, navy, and air force hired IT&T to make "switchboards, telephones, alarm gongs, buoys, air raid warning devices, radar equipment, and 30,000 fuses per month for artillery shells used to kill British and American troops" after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. "In addition," Higham writes, "IT&T supplied ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on London... high frequency radio equipment, and fortification and field communication sets. Without this supply of crucial materials, it would have been impossible for the German air force to kill American and British troops, for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa, Italy, France, and Germany, for England to have been bombed, or for Allied ships to have been attacked at sea."

CHASE NATIONAL BANK (later Chase Manhattan Bank)

The Nazi connection: Chase operated branches in Nazi-occupied Paris and handled accounts for the German embassy as well as German businesses operating in France.

Helping Hitler: As late as 6 months before the start of World War II in Europe, Chase National Bank worked with the Nazis to raise money for Hitler from Nazi sympathizers in the U.S.

• According to Higham in Trading With The Enemy, "In essence, the Nazi government through the Chase National Bank offered Nazis in America the opportunity to buy German National Bank offered Nazies in America the opportunity to buy German marks with dollars at a discount. The arrangement was open only to those who wished to return to Germany and would use the marks in the interest of the Nazis." Americans who were interested had to prove to the Nazi embassy that they supported Hitler and his policies.

• Cooperation with the Nazis continued even after Amercia entered the war. For example, Higham says, Chase offices in Paris remained open long after other American banks had shut down, and even provided assistance to the Nazis: "The Chase Bank in Paris was the focus of substantial financing of the Nazi embassy's activities throughout World War II with the full knowledge of [Chase headquarters in] New York. In order to assure the Germans of its loyalty to the Nazi cause... the Vichy branch of Chase at Chateau-neuf-sur-Cher were strenuous in enforcing restrictions against Jewish property, even going so far as to refuse to release funds belonging to Jews because they anticipated a Nazi decree with retroactive provisions prohibiting such a release." (Trading With The Enemy)


Facts and Fascism, by George Seldes (out of print; check your public library)

Trading With The Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, by Charles Higham (Delacorte Press, 1983) This article was from -Conspiracy Hell- 

SOURCE: Helping Hitler: Nazi support from the U.S.

Even after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt provided loopholes so his corporate friends could continue to supply Hitler, so long as they had his permission - which was often granted on the basis of the personal favors they did for him and his sons and political cronies.

"It would be comforting to believe that financial Establishment of the United States and the leaders of the American industry were united in a common purpose following the Day of Infamy, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941. Certainly, the American public was assured that the Big Business along with all of the officials of the government ceased from the moment the war began to have any dealing whatsoever with the enemy. That assurance sustained the morale of millions of Americans who bore arms in World War II and their kinfolk who stayed at home and suffered the anguish of separation.

But the heartbreaking truth is that a number of financial and industrial figures of World War II and several members of the government served the cause of money before the cause of patriotism. While aiding the United States’ war effort, they also aided Nazi Germany’s…."

"….It began with the conveniently multinational Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland The activities of this anomalous institution in wartime are contained in Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau’s official diaries at the Roosevelt Memorial library at Hyde Park, New York. Other details are contained in ….." and


By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by sections 3 and 5 of The trading with the Enemy Act as amended, and by virtue of all other authority vested in me, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do prescribe the following:

A general license is herby granted, licensing any transaction or act proscribed by section 3(a) of The Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, provided, however, that such transaction or act is authorized, by the Secretary of the Treasury by means of regulations, rulings, instructions, licenses or otherwise, pursuant to the Executive Order No. 8389, as amended.


December 13, 1941

H. Morgenthau, Jr.
Secretary of the Treasury
Francis Biddle
Attorney General of the United States

The Bush Family and the Nazis

According to former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes prosecutor John Loftus-who is today the director of the Florida Holocaust Museum-"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich."

John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit, said his research found that Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a principal in the Union Banking Corp. in Manhattan in the late 1930s and the 1940s.

Leading Nazi industrialists secretly owned the bank at that time, Loftus said, and were moving money into it through a second bank in Holland even after the United States declared war on Germany. The bank was liquidated in 1951, Loftus said, and Bush's grandfather and great-grandfather received $1.5 million from the bank as part of that dissolution.

"That's where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich," Loftus said.

Loftus made his remarks during a speech as part of the Sarasota Reading Festival. The author of "Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis and the Swiss Banks," Loftus documented the Swiss bank accounts that harbored funds confiscated from Holocaust victims and the participation of Italian priests in smuggling Nazi war criminals to safe haven in Canada, Central and South America and the United States after the war.

Although he said he had a file of paperwork linking the bank and Prescott Bush to Nazi money, Loftus did not provide that documentation Saturday.

Loftus pointed out that the Bush family would not be the only American political dynasty to have ties to the "wrong side of World War II." The Rockefellers had financial connections to Nazi Germany, he said.

Loftus also reminded his audience that John F. Kennedy's father, an avowed isolationist and former ambassador to Great Britain, profited during the 1930s and '40s from Nazi stocks that he owned.

"No one today blames the Democrats because Jack Kennedy's father bought Nazi stocks," Loftus said. Still, he said, it is important to understand these historical connections for what they tell us about politics today. The World War II experience points out how easy it was then -- and remains today -- to hide money in multinational funds. ("Author links Bush family to Nazis" - Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000)

Meticulous research, including U.S. government records from the era, along with contemporaneous news stories from the New York Times and other papers is presented in the 1992 book entitled, “George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography” by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Published by The Executive Intelligence Review and located at The following is sourced entirely from Chapter II of this essential work. [Note: Although FTW does not always agree with conclusions reached by the Executive Intelligence Review, or its founder Lyndon La Rouche, we have never found a single flaw in any of their factual research. History is history, no matter who presents it. And this history is essential to understanding our era.]

George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the Managing Director of the investment bank Brown Brothers, Harriman from the 1920s through the 1940s. It was Brown Brothers, in conjunction with Averell Harriman, the Rockefeller family, Standard Oil, the DuPonts, the Morgans and the Fords who served as the principal funding arm in helping to finance Adolph Hitler’s rise to power starting in 1923. This included direct funding for the SS and SA channeled through a variety of German firms. Prescott Bush, through associations with the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line, Nazi banker Fritz Thyssen (pronounced Tee-sen), Standard Oil of Germany, The German Steel Trust (founded by Dillon Read founder, Clarence Dillon), and I.G. Farben, used the Union Bank Corporation to funnel vast quantities of money to the Nazis and to manage their American interests. The profits from those investments came back to Bush allies on Wall Street. Thyssen is universally regarded as having been Hitler’s private banker and ultimate owner of the Union Bank Corporation.

Early support for Hitler came from Prescott Bush through the Hamburg-Amerika Steamship line -- also funded by Brown Bothers -- that funneled large sums of money and weapons to Hitler’s storm troopers in the 1920s.

According to Tarpley and Chaitkin, “In May 1933, just after the Hitler regime was consolidated, an agreement was reached in Berlin for the coordination of all Nazi commerce with the U.S.A. The Harriman International Company… was to head a syndicate of 150 firms and individuals, to conduct all exports from Hitler Germany to the United States.”

Furthermore, a 1942 U.S. government investigative report that surfaced during 1945 Senate hearings found that the Union Bank, with Prescott Bush on the board, was an “interlocking concern” with the German Steel Trust that had produced:

  • 50.8% of Nazi Germany’s pig iron

  • 41.4% of Nazi Germany’s universal plate

  • 36% of Nazi Germany’s heavy plate

  • 38.5% of Nazi Germany’s galvanized sheet

  • 45.5% of Nazi Germany’s pipes and tubes

  • 22.1% of Nazi Germany’s wire

  • 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives

The business relationships established by Bush in 1923 continued even after the war started until they became so offensive and overt as to warrant seizure by the U.S. government under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942.

In 1942, “Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.’s stock shares…

“… all of which shares are held for the benefit of… members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals… of a designated enemy country.”

“On October 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation.”

“Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father in law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942…” These seizures of Bush businesses were reported in a number of American papers including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Prescott Bush went on to become an influential Republican Senator from Connecticut who went on to be a regular golfing partner of President Dwight Eisenhower. His attorneys were the lawyers John Foster and Allen Dulles, the later became the CIA Director under Eisenhower.

The implications of all this are staggering, and on this note, Bruce Roberts was almost 100% correct. What he did not mention, but should have, was a sinister conspiracy by these same industrialists to actually overthrow Roosevelt with a 500,000-man private army after he came out against Hitler. Such was the intensity of their Nazi beliefs and the depth of their investment in the Nazi war machine. This conspiracy was publicly exposed by Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, the man they approached to engineer the coup.

Onassis and the Nazis

Onassis was deeply involved with the Nazis in Argentina and after Roosevelt started to move the momentum against the Nazis, Onassis became a target of J. Edgar Hoover's monstrous spy machine, as evidenced in FBI memos.

Actually, Onassis could have probably made more money if his ships had been sunk. The insurance alone not only would have paid for the old rust buckets, but would have paid for sparkling new ships. Many shippers took advantage of that and were glad to see their ships sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

January 1943 - The US Office of Naval Intelligence described one of Onassis' scams a decade later in a confidential memo to the FBI in January 1943:

“The tobacco was sent via Genoa, where it was transshipped. And it appears that ONASSIS hit upon the idea of spraying the bales with salt water during their stay at Genoa, the resultant collections from underwriters for sea damage forming a welcome addition to legitimate trading profits. Insurance agents were involved and, eventually, an employee gave the game away at a time when Nicolas KONIALIDIS, brother-in-law of the subject, was in Genoa, with the result that the latter served a term in jail. The dossier appears to have been sent to Greece from Genoa, but is thought to have been lost owing to a close liaison between ONASSIS and one [Andreas] MICHALAKOPOULIS, a Greek Minister at that time.”

US Army Intelligence and Security Command also closely monitored his activities and reported directly to “Lt. Col. J. Edgar Hoover.” (10:48-49) 

This memo popped up again, years later, in 1942, when Onassis had moved to California and was hobnobbing with the Mafia and banging Joe Kennedy's mistress, Gloria Swanson.

May 8, 1942 – He closed down his tobacco business and in June headed to California “to concentrate on my shipping interests and be close to my friends.” Two of his new tankers (bought from Gulf Oil) were there – Calirrhoe and Gulf Queen. Costa Gratsos had been named Greek maritime consul in San Francisco. Spyros Skoura was president of 20th Century-Fox and chairman of the Greek War Relief Fund. Otto Preminger, Gloria Swanson (Ari’s lover and also that of Joseph Kennedy), Ludwig Bemelmans, Alberto Dodero, former British diplomat Sir Charles Mendl and his wife (an American ex-actress), Elsie de Wolfe, and many more of his drinking buddies were in California. He left Inge behind and moved into the Beverly Hills Hotel – Howard Hughes’ base. He kept pestering Geraldine Spreckles, who had gone to California to get away from him, and she kept telling him to leave her alone. She didn’t want some froggy-looking old Greek, she wanted a clean-cut American boy. Ari got her “clean cut American boy” drunk and brought him to her doorstep and dumped him. “Here’s your clean-cut all-American boy!” he shouted in a rage. Ari’s friend, Gratsos, was appalled.

Ari dated Veronica Lake, Paulette Goddard, Simone Simon, Gloria Swanson – a slew of beauties.

July 16, 1942 – The day Ari heads back to NY to tell his mistress, Ingeborg Dedichen, the Norwegian daughter of the esteemed Brydes of Sandefjord, he was marrying Geraldine, whom he had worn down, J. Edgar Hoover wrote a confidential letter to Adm. Emory S. Land, head of the War Shipping Administration, repeating rumors that Ari was a Nazi. (83: 10) Ari believed Stavros Niarchos had been behind it. Inge didn’t like Niarchos and had warned Ari, “Watch his eyes! Watch his eyes!”

Nov. 13, 1942 – The US Embassy in Buenos Aires sent a special dispatch to Washington reporting they had “information that Onassis possessed fascist ideas and was considered shrewd and unscrupulous.” An FBI espionage case was started against him by the LA Field Division. Ari’s closeness to Fritz Mandl (US intelligence could never figure out how he had gotten his huge fortune out of Austria in 1938) and his wife, had put the spotlight on him. Otto Preminger said some of the Mandl group were “out-and-out Nazis” and even “Nazi agents.” Spyros Skouras had asked Ari to donate to the Greek War Relief Fund and Ari had refused, saying “I’ve seen what happens to men who get involved in political causes.” Skouras angrily denounced him: “You’re just another jumped-up shit from Smyrna.” (10:83-84)

Onassis-FBI.JPG (127355 bytes)Late November 1942 –A mutual friend of Geraldine and Ari, Sasha de Seversky called Ari and said they needed to talk. Ari thought it had to do with Geraldine; Sasha had been skeptical of his motives in wanting to marry her. They met at the Sportsmen’s Lodge on Ventura Blvd. At Coldwater Canyon, between the Warner studio in Burbank and the Beverly Hills Hotel. Seversky, whom Ari liked and trusted and considered like a father, told Ari he “had come into possession” of reports that caused him concern.

Ari recalled, “I think they must have been FBI, but I never got a look at them, so I don’t know. But they claimed that I was a shyster and a Fascist. The Fascist shit was mostly innuendo, making a lot out of my friendships with Mandl and some people in Buenos Aires. They covered a lot of ground. They were certainly thorough. There was even stuff in there about insurance claims that went back years and which they said weren’t on the up and up.”

Sasha had been educated at the Imperial Naval Academy and the Military School in Russia. Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky (his real name) had lost his right leg when he was shot down in a dogfight over the Gulf of Riga in WW I. Sent to Washington as a naval attaché, he decided to remain in the US after the Russian Revolution. He designed the P-35 fighter in 1935, prototype of the P-47 Thunderbolt, and later worked on the first automatic synchronous bombsight.

A few days later, Gratsos confirmed the FBI surveillance. Gratsos had connections, for he was running the 15 Greek Liberty Ships, prefabricated by the US to reinforce the North Atlantic convoys.

Ari contacted Johnny Meyer, who worked for Howard Hughes. Meyer was a man with dangerous secrets and covert connections. (10:86). Meyer looked like a well-groomed gangster, and had worked for many famous people. Ari had met him through Sasha, who told him, “Meyer knows everybody, and has [expense account] receipts to prove it!” Meyer’s main business was to make sure Uncle Sam didn’t forget Hughes Aircraft when it was handing out contracts. “I don’t know where all the bodies are buried,” Meyer told him, “but I do know where most of them are sleeping – and that’s even better.”

Ari wanted him to find out who was behind the surveillance, and why. A few weeks later Meyer reported back. Skouras had been in Washington talking to the State Department and had said some nasty things about Onassis. Also, Meyer had heard somebody in the Greek embassy had sent the FBI some hostile reports. Onassis knew who that would have been – Stavros Niarchos, who had joined the Greek navy and was assistant to the naval attaché in the Greek embassy.

"When the war in Europe ended on May 8, 1945, Aristotle Onassis, looking back over the past five years, had much to be grateful for. ... His American-based vessels had been busy earning him the handsome profits which were the successful shipowner's (almost) automatic reward. But what gave him the most satisfaction ... was something more important than money. Throughout the war he had not lost a single ship or a single life." (15:84)

This time, Roberts finally got it right.

The Other Events of the 1940s

There were other events, though, going on at a government level, that indicate either (a) two diabolically-opposed governments, one visible and one invisible, existed side by side in the United States, or (b) the government was following one public policy (the defeat of Hitler) and a separate private policy (incorporate the Nazi war machine into American society as rapidly as possible).

1942 - Allen Dulles was moved to Switzerland for the purpose of rounding up and importing to the United States, German "specialists." Two years before the war ended, or its fate was decided, the United States was making arrangements for Nazi scientists, arms experts to come to our democracy (for which the boys were fighting and dying at that moment).(12)

1945 - From 1945 until 1952 the U.S. military brought over 642 alien "specialists" and their families from nazi Germany. They were known collectively by the code name "paperclip." German missile and rocket experts, munition makers, war experts were carefully selected and located into aerospace programs, war industries, armament factories, defense and warfare manufacturing.(13)

That year was 1945, when importation proceedings began for the 642 Nazi rocket and aerospace experts and scientists from Germany to the U.S. Through the "generosity of the Guggenheim Foundation they obtained a suitable site -- a huge medieval castle, built by financier Jay Gould on a 160-acre estate at Sands Point, Long Island. Here the Germans began work on a secret project for the Navy's Office of Research and Inventions.(21)

April, May, June and July, 1945 -- worldwide attention fell upon German atrocities. From Belsen, Nordhusen, Buchenwald, and Dachau came stories of slaughter and grotesque medical research conducted in the name of science. Public opinion polls gave no evidence of generous feelings toward any group in the German population. But opinions do not automatically create Policy . (22)

By 1945 the armed services accepted the Nazis' skills and mentality as indispensable to our military power. Young advisors could not fully appreciate the concern about clandestine maneuvers after World War I, and were not alarmed by the devastation and destruction of the Third Reich. They looked upon the German scientists with excitement and anticipation.(23) The Department of Navy was the first to act upon the importation process.(27)

July 1945 - Richard Nixon was in New York, serving in the Navy, the summer that importation plans started going into effect. He soon moved to Maryland where a very important telegram was to arrive. "He wanted to get out of the service, but there was the great question, 'What now?' While he pondered his alternatives, events and circumstances were deciding the question for him. A telegram was the instrument of fate." (28)

August 1945 - A California group called a Committee of One Hundred Men placed the following classified ad in 26 newspapers:

WANTED -- Congressman candidate with no previous political experience to defeat a man who has represented the district in the House for ten years. Any young man, resident of district, preferably a veteran, fair education, no political strings or obligations and possessor of a few ideas for betterment of country at large may apply for the job. Applicants will be reviewed by 100 interested citizens who will guarantee support but will not obligate the candidate in any way. (26)

That ad was typical, a covert method of pretending this was an open contest for office. Richard Nixon, located in Maryland, still in the Navy, received a telephone call from Herman Perry. "Are you a republican and are you available?" were the two questions asked of Nixon.(27)

Herman Perry was vice president of Bank of America (28) -- which was soon on its way to becoming the largest private bank in the world. By 1960, one hundred top corporations were spending $21-billion for military goods. In California alone, fully half of all jobs related directly or indirectly on the continuance of the arms race.(29) ("How Nixon Actually Got Into Power" by Mae Brussell, The Realist, August 1972)