Beyond the Gemstone Files
Written by Jim
Copyright 2002. All rights reserved.
January 02, 2003 10:05 AM
In May 1975, a photocopied manuscript started mysteriously popping up across the country. Consisting of 24 typed pages written in a terse timeline, this manuscript told of an alternative American history none of us had ever seen in high school history class, in our morning papers, on our evening newscasts or anywhere on the library shelves. It unpeeled supposedly dark and slimy layers of a history of greed and corruption, of drugs and murder and treason in high places. It offered absolutely no documentation, just its brief assertions of what had been, covering a period from 1932 to 1975 - a tiny window peeking into the overall panorama of history itself.
In fact, Bruce Roberts' Gemstones are riddled with glaring mistakes and bad logic. His was a story of paranoid delusion pieced together by a man dying of a brain tumor. The whole world was out to "get" Bruce Roberts - from the grim halls of the Kremlin to the Oval Office of the White House. To hear him tell it, for 40 years the civilized world had but one preoccupying thought - "Get Bruce Roberts!" As luck would have it, several people rushed forward to claim that they were the one and only author. Foremost among these have been Stephanie Caruana, Jim Moore (that's me) and Peter Renzo. Ms. Caruana (who devoutly touts Roberts' story as 100% truth with absolutely no verification) claims to have the edge, on the basis that she is in possession of "the originals" which she won't let anyone see. I have it on good authority that this is because she has only photocopies. That is a very interesting story in itself - The Case of the Purloined Letter, if you will. She is now peddling a CD-ROM containing "transcriptions" from those "originals", since she refuses to produce even copies of those originals themselves. She has been quite active in building a PR case for herself and engaging in endless publicity to bolster her own claims. She's even stolen some of my own writing, with my name on it, to sell on her CD-ROM - without permission of course. I challenge her to produce those "originals" and also tell us how she came into possession of her photocopies, and just who it was she paid $700 to to obtain them. For several years now, she has perpetrated the hoax that she is "someone special" ... another victim of some vast, unspeakable conspiracy. Anyone who has dared question her - or even ask her to verify her claims in any way - has been viciously slandered and/or ostracized in public and found themselves on the receiving end of her hate mail. For example, consider this "out-of-the-blue" New Year's "greeting" I received from her after (fortunately) hearing nothing from her for years: Hi creep-- My reply was just as brief and reflective of her own attitude. No one, until now, has ever bothered to take a close look at her claims and their glaring inconsistencies and contradictions. I must make it plain from the beginning that Ms. Caruana has long ago called me "a liar", both privately and publicly slandering me. For decades I have just let it slide because I have other things to do than spend my final years engaged in a pissing contest with a women's-libber who believes the male branch of every species is to blame for all the world's ills. I also find it odd that, until now, no one with the exception of Gerald Carroll and Martin Cannon have ever tried to go beyond the inevitable back-stabbing of the literati claiming authorship, and looked at what evidence either does or not support the claims of Bruce Roberts. For years I've just sat back and let her make her claims, giving her enough rope to hang herself, which she has certainly done every time she utters a new word. She has spent the bulk of her time, not bothering to collaborate the evidence she claims to have, but in attacking everyone else who has ever had any connection - real or imagined - to her so-called Holy Grail of History. Over the years, as her attacks have spread and people have noted how she seems to collect money without providing the goods, a record has built up on "the real Stephanie Caruana." But like that old Wendy's TV commercial that made it into a presidential campaign - sometime sooner or later someone is bound to get weary of the ego trips and ask, "Where's the beef?" This series of documents will try to do two things: (a) resolve some of the questions of authorship, and (b) resolve some of the questions of evidence as to the validity of Roberts' original claims. Although I would be a fool and a liar to say I have no interest in the outcome, I will try my best to do this in an impartial manner, based on facts, not on innuendo or un-documented slanders that at least one of the alleged authors seems to prefer. Presented is what little I know about both Stephanie Caruana and Peter Renzo, as well as what I know about myself. Actually, I probably know more about myself than you will find out there on the Internet. Much of my own evidence lies in a folder in U.S. District Court in Nashville, Tennessee as part of a federal lawsuit that was once filed against Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine over his publication of a heavily-censored version of A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files in February 1979. (For the sake of brevity, they will hereinafter be referred to as The Keys). A lot of it resides on Macintosh computer discs that seem to have become corrupted. The rest of it either lies buried in one of several archives or has been lost over the past 25 or so years. I am making an effort to retrieve what I can before my own death, and make it part of the public record. (It is, however, still copyrighted - for the benefit of any would-be thieves out there). I was also been sharing much of this with a Californian named Gary Buell, who approached me in 2001 with a lot of questions. He is now undertaking to write his own book and I understand that the outcome will be influenced by other people, such as Stephanie Caruana and those to whom she has made her intense self-promotions. I realized I couldn't deal with the opportunists floating around out there like leeches. If the story would ever be told, I would have to tell it myself. You may wonder why, if I was really the author, I never wrote my own book or engaged in the same shameless self-promotions as everyone else who has sought to make money off this. After reading my story, I think you will understand why. At this point, I don't have much to lose and the threats I have received no longer hold much fear. I am an old man now and there's not a helluva lot they can do to me. Much has been written about me, without my self-promotion. Some of it has been accurate and a lot of it has not been. As a journalist since the age of 19, I have a pretty good understanding of how the news media really works and what secret agenda they really follow. That will be part of the story. As I write this, I'm starting out at the beginning, but the additions made to this site may not be added in the same order. It depends on the order in which my files can be recovered. It is important that I say this: The Key and all that it represents is only a tiny, tiny part of the story. The events we've seen on and since September 11, 2001 are a part of this same story - an extension of The Key if you will. The story goes back much, much farther than 1932, and did not stop in 1975 with Bruce Roberts' death. If you are out simply for a few cheap thrills, you may want to read The Key and then stop. If you are a serious student of history or if you truly want to understand what our future holds and why, being based on the past, read on. As I compiled this story over many years, it was necessary to set up a dual filing system - alphabetical and chronological. There are many, many overlapping timelines, each covering different individuals, organizations or events. Trying to combine them all into one, as I did at one time, simply becomes too confusing and unwieldy. As I gathered research material, much of it would touch on several dates within just one article, so it wasn't practical to file that article by any certain date; I had to do it by subject. Yet a collection of thousands upon thousands of file folders by subject would be intimidating and be no more than the various unconnected pieces of the puzzle we already have. A timeline was necessary to even hope to understand what happened and why. Only then does the puzzle begin to take shape. The story of our history, then, is not one big puzzle so much as it is many smaller puzzles, each a challenge in themselves. Putting those puzzles together to form the Ultimate Puzzle was indeed the ultimate challenge - and one I'm afraid I won't live to see to completion, at least not from this world. There are people out there younger than I, with enthusiasm and energy and an unquenchable thirst for the truth. It is people like them - and hopefully, you - I depend on to carry on this work, just as I felt chosen to carry on the research of whether Bruce Roberts' story is true or not. Hopefully, you won't each have to start at square one, re-inventing the same wheel over and over. Take this, and all the other available material, and build upon it for future generations. Our survival as a species will depend upon your success. I know many of us feel inspired by certain books and movies (The Matrix comes to mind as just one of many examples) in which the hero or heroine goes up against all odds, simply because (a) it is the right thing to do, and (b) the survival of the human race depends upon their courage. Well, folks, I have some news for you. Life is a lot like those movies. There indeed is a War between Good and Evil, between Deception and Reality, Light and Dark - call it whatever you will. And, we, being the actors upon the stage of life that we are, are all called upon to play the roles of hero or villain. You may not think of yourself as such, but simply as someone struggling to pay your bills and raise your kids in a world that gets crazier by the day. You probably think you don't have time to play the role of Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. Truth is, we don't have a choice. Choose your battles carefully. Go into battle not for personal gain, but for the greater good of justice and truth. As Fox Mulder would say: "The truth is out there." As I would say, "the truth is also within." There have been spin-offs of the Gemstones since its appearance, including The Kiwi Files (an Australian-focused version) and The Torbitt Documents. They are both being reproduced here because of their tie-ins to the Gemstone events. I have tried to use a fairly uniform systemized method in this manuscript of using bold-face type to refer to names that are accompanied by either photos or additional links providing more specialized information. As I may have stated, to tell this story the way it should be told would take thousands and thousands of pages, including the documentation, something far beyond the scope of this work. It would (1) require a much larger web site capacity than I can possibly afford, (2) would take many more years to compile, based just on the files I already have, and (3) would obviously be far too much material to fit into a book. It would take something along the lines and thoroughness of The 27-volume Warren Commission Report - which was "thorough" to be sure, but of all the wrong aspects. Where there are citations, or documentation, it appears in a simple format and looks like this (01:100) where the first number is a document number and the second is a page number. A list of those source documents will then appear at the end of this narrative. That way, the sources are there, but don't get in the way of the story. A MASTER KEY TO THE GEMSTONE FILES - AND BEYOND What you have in front of you, in either printed or electronic form, goes far beyond "A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files." Consider it "A Master Key to the Gemstone Files" - perhaps "A Brief History of Planet Earth" from a conspirologist point of view, for it delves back to the very beginning of time - even before time, to the Alpha. And it provides a glimpse of the Omega that lies ahead. The timelines go back to before Earth itself even existed, into that shrouded mist of Before Time, when the gods made War in the Heavens, and Lucifer was cast down and became the False Light Bearer, "illuminating" the high priests of the Satanic cults he had created, and giving rise to the Yin and Yang of History which has followed since. A more complete work is progress that will present that ancient history in more detail, revealing the Secrets of Thoth, the Atlantean Lord of Egypt, and the story of those who came before even him. I do this as a separate work for two basic reasons:
However - a word of caution. As we enter the Omega, our world is rapidly transforming into something we could never have imagined in our wildest dreams. The outward manifestations may indeed be social, political, economic, military, etc., etc. But these are manifestations only - of a far greater transformation taking place on the spiritual level. And those changes will make themselves known at every level of cosmic existence - from the molecular and subatomic to the most far-reaching corners of this cosmic universe in which we are only a tiny speck. Just as there was once a War in the Heavens (unless you write it all off as "ridiculous myth"), so too there will soon be yet another War in the Heavens and you will come face to face with those hidden lords of Good and Evil, of Light and Dark. Even now the storm clouds gather, darkening on the horizon, and the sound of far-off thunder can be heard. If you choose only to understand the "political" nature of the Gemstones and beyond, you will enter this storm wearing blinders and you will find yourself groping through a nightmare of Evil and Darkness worse than anything Dante could conjure up in The Inferno. You will find yourself afraid, with nowhere to turn for understanding and calm. However, if you are brave of heart and pure of spirit, then you should draw back the veil of the Ancient Ones, for there you will be able to place the Coming Days in proper perspective, and you will know your own personal place in the things to come. In discovering that, you will rediscover the calm and assurance that will get you through the Dark Night into which we are all about to enter. Like the little man hiding behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz, that Great Evil One is but a coward and an illusion - and you possess the power granted you by your Creator to banish that Evil One to his eternal Pit of Fire. Those secrets have for millennia been hidden away by the high priests and the elite, who have abused and misused that power for their own selfish ends. No more. This journey through what you know as the Gemstone Files may be political, but it is only part of a greater journey - the spiritual transformation that brings us to our rightful place in the Garden. The words you are about to read are only a roadmap - and you are free to take whatever path you choose, but walk carefully - for that Yellow Brick Road is full of detours, deceptions and dead ends of the Soul. If you would like to see more, I would ask for your contributions to make it possible. Like all of us, I have to try to make a living, pay the bills, the child support and mortgage, which doesn't leave as much time for this as I would like. You may e-mail the author at: The Phoenix Foundation. |