![]() Ontario Catholic Student Council Federation |
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Simply click on any link that does not turn orange for a drop down menu which will let you view a specific clause. Article 1 The Executive Council Article 2 Executive Council's Positions/Roles Article 3 School Representatives Article 4 Election of The Ottawa-Carleton Council Article 5 Meetings Article 6 Removal From Office Article 7 Amendments Article 8 Moderator Article 1 The Executive Council 1. The Executive Council has a political focus, and shall act as a pillar of support for the Catholic High Schools of The Ottawa-Carleton region. 2. The Executive Council will represent all 11 Catholic High Schools in the Ottawa-Carleton region equally. 3. The Executive Council will manage all of its finances and issue a report to the Provincial Council in Toronto monthly. 4. The Executive Council shall keep up to date with all concerns, or topics regarding Catholic education, ensuring that all students are aware of any problems. 5. The Executive Council shall act as a resource for all Catholic Student Councils. 6. The Executive Council shall hold elections at the end of every term. (*See Article 4 about elections) 7. The positions on the Executive Council include: (1) President, (1) Vice-President, (1) Secretary, Corporate Affairs Minister, (1) Public Relations Minister. (*See Article 2, Positions and roles of the Executive Council) Article 2 Executive Council's Positions/Roles 1. The positions of the Executive Council are: 1. President 2. Vice-President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Corporate Affairs Minister 6. Public Relations Minister 2. The positions mentioned are required to attend all Ottawa-Carleton Council sponsored activities and meetings, unless a valid reason for one's absence is provided. Anyone who fails to meet the responsibilities of the office must account for his/her actions to the Executive Council as a whole, and removal from office may be considered. The final decision will be made after consideration of all facts, by the moderator(s). 3. It is the responsibility of every member of the Executive Council to be familiar with the contents of this Constitution. This Constitution is binding to all members, and all members are required to meet the demands of their office. Clause A: President 1. The President shall call any official meetings he or she deems necessary, and shall preside over all meetings of the ExecutiveCouncil. 2. The President shall ensure that all elected members of the Council perform their duties as outlined in the constitution. 3. The President shall act as a the chief liaison between the Ottawa-Carleton Council and the Ontario Catholic Student CouncilFederation. 4. The President shall be responsible for drafting a complete tentative calendar of proposed Ottawa-Carleton Council activities and meetings for the full academic year. This calendar is subject to the approval of the Moderator(s). 5. The President shall be responsible for the best possible representation of the student bodies. This will be done by reviewing and updating the Constitution with the Executive Council whenever it is deemed necessary. 6. The President shall be responsible for delegating responsibilities, not specifically under the jurisdiction of any elected members of the Executive Council. 7. The power to delegate responsibilities for the Executive Council projects to any member shall rest solely with the President. Clause B: Vice-President 1. The Vice-President shall act as President if or when the President is unable to fulfil the position. 2. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the organization of the elections. 3. The Vice-President is expected to go above and beyond the criteria demanded of him/her in the constitution and help with any and all projects that need assistance on the council. Clause C: Secretary 1. The Secretary shall attend every Executive Council and School Representatives meeting. 2. The Secretary shall take the minutes of each meeting, compile a summary of the meeting and distribute this summary at the next meeting. 3. The Secretary shall contact everyone on the Council to inform them of upcoming events and meetings. 4. The Secretary shall create a contact list of everybody on the Executive Council, and distribute this list to all members of the Executive council as well as the School Representatives. Clause D: Treasurer 1. The Treasurer shall manage all finances within the Ottawa-Carleton Council. Therefore he/she must attend all functions that are organized by the Council. 2. The Treasurer shall make record of all funds going in or out of the Ottawa-Carleton Council's account. 3. For the sake of eliminating any sense of mistrust, the Treasurer must co-sign all checks with the President. 4. The Treasurer must not count or deal with any cash without another member of the Executive Council present at the time. 5. The Treasurer shall draw up a monthly report of all financial transactions. They will also provide the Provincial Council with a monthly report of the current financial situation. 6. The Treasurer is responsible for providing invoices or receipts to all creditors who require one. Clause E: Corporate Affairs Minister 1. The Corporate Affairs Minister shall be responsible for obtaining crporate sponsorship for various Ottawa-Carleton Council activities. 2. The Corporate Affairs Minister can have a committee to aid in obtaining corporate sponsorship if he/she wishes to have one. 3. Any contracts made between corporate sponsors and the Executive Council must be signed by the Corporate Affairs Minister and thePresident. Clause F: Public Relations Minister 1. The Public Relations Minister shall be in charge of the organisation of fundraising events. 2. The Public Relations Minister will advertise the Ottawa-Carleton Council events however he/she deems appropriate. 3. The Public Relations Minister can have a committee to aid in publicizing events and organising fundraisers if he/she wishes to haveone. 4. He/She is responsible for the OCSCF Ottawa-Carleton web site. 5. He/She is responsible for the relationship between the council and each respective school. Article 3 School Representatives 1. The School Representative shall ensure that every school is being represented equally. He/ she will maintain constant communication with their respective school. 2. There will be one elected representative from each of the 10 Catholic High Schools in the Ottawa-Carleton region. 3. One member of the Executive Council shall chair the meetings at which School Representatives will be in attendance. Article 4 Election of The Ottawa-Carleton Council Clause A: Prerequisites for Candidacy 1. Each candidate must have maintained an academic average of 70% throughout the current school year. In such cases where he/she does not fall within this limit they may appeal their case to the moderator, whose decision shall be regarded as final. 2. All positions are open to any student from Grade 9 to Grade 12, who are presently attending school and intending to return for the full scholastic year. 3. Application forms for candidacy must be obtained from the Ottawa-Carleton Council. Requested information includes endorsements from at least two teachers and the Vice -Principal or Principal at the school in which the nominee is enrolled at. The application must be returned before an arbitrary deadline set by the Executive Council in order to ensure the legitimacy of every nomination. 4. Any individual who has been elected to serve on the Ottawa-Carleton Council is eligible to run for election to any office, including that which he/she is currently serving, again, on the condition that he/she fully meets all requirements outlined in this Constitution. Clause B: Voting Procedures 1. Elections for the Ottawa-Carleton Council must be held every year, without fail, in May. 2. The President position and Vice-President position are the only positions that may be elected as co-partner positions. President and Vice-President positions cannot have co-partners in the same term. In the event that both positions have two candidates who each wish to have co-partners, each position eliminates the opportunity for a co-partner and each candidate must run soley. Article 5 Meetings 1. All meeting dates for the full scholastic year must be predetermined at the first meeting after election. 2. At all meetings, the chair is required to make up an agenda. The Secretary is required to take attendance, the minutes, and hand out a summary of the last meeting. 3. The School Representatives are required to meet at least once a month, except where such meetings would conflict with examinations or official school holidays. 4. The Executive Council is required to meet at least twice everymonth. 5. A quorum shall consist of the majority of the Executive Council, at least one of which must be the President or a Vice-President. 6. The President, or, in his/her absence, the Vice-President, shall chair each meeting, at which he/she will not be allowed to vote, except in the event of a tie when he/she cast the deciding vote. 7. Every Ottawa-Carleton Council Meeting is open to the entire studentbody. 8. Any member of the Executive Council or School Representative who misses five meetings, without a valid reason, is subject to impeachment, however if any member of the Executive Council misses eight meetings, without a valid reason, they can be dismissed from their positionimmediately. Article 6 Removal From Office 1. Any Executive Council member who fails to meet his/her duties as outlined in this Constitution, or who breaches any part of this constitution, shall be subject to removal from office. 2. Charges shall be submitted to the moderators after intelligentdiscussion. 3. The charged member of the Executive Council must be accorded the opportunity to answer the charges. 4. The remaining Executive Council must vote 2/3 majority for the removal of the member in question. 5. In the event of resignation, removal from office, or other such incapacitation, the Executive Council shall approve, by 2/3 majority, a new person to be appointed to the office. The candidate must have run for the position or the position of a higher office in the previous year's election. In such a case of vacation of the President's office, the Vice-President shall take over the position of President. Article 7 Amendments 1. This Constitution may be amended at any Council meeting with a 2/3 majority vote, in the attendance of the entire Executive Council, provided that notice has been given at a previous meeting. 2. Amendments can be introduced by any member of the Executive Council, Faculty, or Administrator. Article 8 Moderator 1. The Moderator shall act as a guide for the council when uncertainties occur. 2. The Moderator shall oversee appeals for candidacy and impeachment. |