The Jackson County Libertarian : Letter to a Friend
The Jackson County Libertarian
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California Dreaming
Viewpoints on Politics from a Blue Collar Worker
Letter to a Friend
By Mary Nall
Dear Friend,
You are so excited. You are such a dear friend, and a good person. You
know how I feel about government and its intrusion into our lives and
liberty; you did not want to offend me, and I did not want to offend
you. You told me about your job opportunity, being very careful to
explain how it neither interferes with anyone's liberty, nor does it
expand government involvement. After all, your job was created to help
decrease government welfare programs. I love you as a friend, and I
would not hurt your feelings for the world, therefore, I am writing this
letter to convey the feelings I could not tell you face to face.
I know that your "new" job is an expansion of government bureaucracy.
If the State of Missouri really wanted to end welfare, it would not
create new bureaucracies and new "jobs". It would just send out letters
letting the people who are currently drawing funds know that they had
six months, and they would be on their own. There has never been a
decrease in government bureaucracy. The current establishment is
intent on expanding its power over individual citizens, done in the name
of helping or caring for people.
Most people who need help don't utilize government welfare programs.
They borrow the money, call on friends, family, churches and other
private organizations. Many would be embarrassed to be on "welfare".
The people on our welfare rolls think they deserve this money. They
don't realize that it is not "free", that the government earns no money,
it takes money away from people who do earn it. If they do know that
the money comes from wage earners, they have been told by government
propaganda that they deserve it because they are "less fortunate".
The truth is, all men are created equal, and they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life,
Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. No one has the right to steal
from another. Government does not have the right to steal from one
American to give to another. All men are created with the opportunity
to live their lives as they see fit so long as they do not interfere
with the lives of others. The Creator is God, not government.
Most Americans are decent, law-abiding, and hard working. They give of
themselves, their money and their time if someone is in need. The
government knows if they cut off welfare, giving individuals several
months notice, many of these people, with help from their communities,
churches, neighbors, friends, and private charities would find jobs,
babysitters, and the other things they need to help them with their life
choices. They also know, this would decrease the need for government,
and for tax money. The root of all evil is not money nor the love of
it, but the love of power. The government is not going to relinquish its
power until we all stand up and say NO to government programs.
I am saddened by the fact that I have a dear friend who has the
opportunity to make $35,000 a year (starting salary) with fourteen paid
holidays and two weeks vacation and I cannot be delighted for you.
Under other circumstances, I would be jumping up and down and shouting!
However, I know that people who work for $6 to $10 an hour, with one
week's vacation and six paid holidays will fund your new "job".
We are Americans; we founded this country on the Christian principal of
free will and responsibility. I am sorry I cannot endorse this
endeavor. I know you are talented, and there is a job for you somewhere
in the private sector that would better benefit all of us. I know you
mean well, and you are sincere in your belief that you can eliminate
government from the inside. May God be with you and guide you in all
your decisions.
Your friend,
Mary Nall
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