The Jackson County Libertarian : Letter to Congress
The Jackson County Libertarian
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California Dreaming
Viewpoints on Politics From A Blue Collar Worker
Social Violence
By Mary Nall
Dear Congress,
I read an article in the Saturday, May 22, 1999 Southeast Missourian
about Senator Kit Bond who wants to "Put heat on Hollywood". The article
stated that "Bond wants President Clinton and Congress to appoint a
commission of up to a dozen members to look at what steps the government
could take to reduce the quantity and restrict access to movies
containing violent or pornographic material."
Again, utilizing our emotions, our government would like to turn one
tragedy into another excuse to limit individual rights and expand their
power, an even bigger tragedy is about to take place. I would like to
suggest that our Congress read an article called "Social Violence,
Self-Defense, and the Police State" by Sarah Thompson, M.D. (which can
be found at alt.politics.libertarian). Ms. Thompson article suggests
several things:
1. There is a false assumption that the world can be made perfectly
safe. There always will be criminals, mental illness, stupid and
irresponsible people, not to mention wars, natural disasters and wild
2. The whole purpose of society is to protect its members from attacks
on their persons and property. The "problem" is not guns, or mental
illness, teenagers, video games, movies, music, the internet, working
mothers, or any of the other simplistic "targets" of our sorrow, anger
and frustration. The problem is that we have created a society that does
not work.
3. We need to restore the concept of individual responsibility and
refocus our criminal justice system on its true purpose of swiftly and
consistently punishing those who commit a crime against a person or
property. Our criminal justice system would stand a much better chance
of stopping violent crime if it ended its insane wars on drugs,
prostitution, pornography and gun ownership, and devoted its resources
to crime prevention and to apprehending and punishing violent criminals.
4. In order to have rights, all rights have to be protected. The only
true rights are those that each of us has. Taking away rights from one
person in order to "protect" another person only limits liberty and does
not solve the problem.
5. Government should be held accountable for the actions it takes. If
the government forces people to pay for public school, forces children
to attend them and prevents parents and teachers from adequately
protecting those children, those responsible for such policies should be
held individually responsible for the consequences of their policies.
Not by allowing those injured to pick the deep pockets of taxpayers, but
by holding our elected and appointed officials individually responsible
for the results of their own laws and policies.
Down through history, it can be noted that literature, movies, and art
have been proven to reflect the thoughts of the times, not cause them.
Don't let our government utilize a tragedy to usurp more of our
individual liberty. The loss of liberty as well as the loss of
individual responsibility is the problem, not the solution. It is time
to get back to God given rights that come with personal responsibility
and accountability for actions. No individual or government can control
the actions of another individual.
Sincerely yours,
Mary Nall
Click to go to the Bollinger County Libertarians Web Site where James and Mary Nall's articles are featured.
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