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Islamic Terminology GlossaryThis Glossary contains most of the terms used in Islamic issues. Keep in mind that many words can be written in different ways but they should all sound like each other for example Wodo and Wodoo and Wodu are the same word pronounced the same way but when written by English alphabet can have different forms. Also, many letters in Arabic can not be found in English so for example translators may use D, th, or Z for the letter Zhad in some words. So dont give up very fast and try to find your words. Hope to be helpful in Sabillelah (Sabeelellah).A B C D E F G H I J K M N O Q R S T W Y Z AAbadat-Worshiping, praising Allah Ada-performance of what is due, when it is due Adel-just Adkar-plural of thikr Ahd-type of vow to Allah, Ahl-House, family Aqd- contract, especially of marriage, Asr- The afternoon, and the prayer of the afternoon. Adan- the call for prayer Ayah-sign, verse of quran Ayat-plural of ayah, BBaen-type of divorce Badarat-virginity Batel-void Byshart-type of transaction DDaem-permanent Deen- religion Diyah-compensation Dua- supplication EEed-holiday Eed-e Fetr-Aholy day following the month of Ramadan Eeman-deep belief Ehtiyat-precaution Ehtiyatan-precautionary Ehram-State of worship, by the entering of which the worshipper makes certain things haram for himself. Eqamah-second call for prayer Esha-the commencement of darkness, and the prayer of that time Estebra-purification, especially of animals and of the male organ Estehada-womans irregular bleeding Estenja-cleaning after having passed faeces FFajr-dawn Fajr-e kadeb-the false dawn Faqeer-someone without enough means to support himself and his family Farsakh-distance of five and a half kilometers Fatwa-verdict, especially of a mujtahed Figh-science of religious jurisprudence Fogha-a najas liquid made of barley Forada-individual, especially of prayer GGahdeer-name of a place near Mecca, and the great holiday named after the event that occurred at the place Ghaeb-absent Ghasb-usurption Ghena-the vulgar party music which is haram, that changes a humans natural state for the worse Ghesh-adulteration Ghullat- a sect whos beliefs contani gross exagerations regarding the position of Imam Ali Ghusl-spiritual bath HHadath-something that breaks wudoo or ghusl Hadathe Asghar-a minor hadath that breaks the state of purity of wudoo Haed-woman bleeding hayd Hajj-form of worship performed in Mecca Hakem-e shara- mujtahed Halal-legal Haram-illegal Hawalah-Transference of debt Hayd-menstruation Hejab-the screening between non-mahram men and women Honoot-a funeral rite Hormat-illegality IIddah-Womans waiting period Iddah Wafat-widows waiting period Iftar-the breaking of the Fast Ijtehad- struggle to fathom divine law Imam-Divine vicegerent Imam-jamaat-leader of congregational prayer Irtemasi-type of ghusl or wudoo Istehalah-chemical change of purification Istehab-desirability,lit.Wat of divine love JJealah-type of hire Jabeerah-ointment,bandage,etc.,put on wound Jema-sexual intercourse, Jamaat-group, congregation, and prayer of, Jehad-struggle, holy war (ordered by Imam or Prophet) Jenabat-state of impurity caused by sexual activity jenn-a type of creature having like man, free-will Jomah-Friday Jonob-someone in the state of jenabat KKaba-the Holy House in Mecca, the qibla of Muslims Kafalat-system whereby one promises to produce for the creditor, the debtor Kafarah-a fine Kafeel-person who is liable in a kafalat Kafer-non-Muslim Kafan-shroud a corpse must be wrapped in Kanz-buried treasure Kadeb-false, see Fajr Katheb Katheerah-major, especially of estehada Khawarij- a group who rose against the government of Imam Ali Khiyar-annulment of contract Khole- a type of divorce Khoms-a fifth,obligatory tax-like charity Koffar-plural of Kafer Kofr-rejection of religion Kor-a specified quantity of water MMaad-the hereafter Maghreb-sunset Maghsoob-thing usurped Mahram-haram to marry Mamoom-person praying in group-prayer Masajed-places where prostrations performed, Mosques, seven parts of body while sojdeh Massemayyet-touch of a corpse Masoom-person who is immaculate Mady-type of male (clean) liquid Mayyet-dead human Mazalem-something which is in ones possession without it being ones lawful property Mecca-holy city in Arabia Mehrab-place in the mosque where the Imam jamaat stands to pray Meskeen-someone in a worse financial condition than faqeer Methqal-an Islamic unit of weight Moadden-caller of the athan Mobah-not usurped Mobarat-type of divorce Mobtel-thing that renders batel Mobtelat-plural of mobtel Mokallaf-person upon whom the laws of Islam are wajeb Momen-person having iman Momeneen-plural of momen Moqalled-the person performing taqleed Mostehadah-woman having estehada Motah-temporary wife Motaher-thing that renders taher Motaherat-plural of motaher Motanajjes-thing that is inherently clean but has been dirtied by najas Motawassetah-mediumtype of estehada Mowakkel-agent appointed to recite aqd Mowalat-continuity Mujtahed-person capable of acting according to his own knowledge Makrooh-abominable Makroohat-plural of makrooh Musi-maker of a wasiyat Musalah-person benefited by a wasiyat Mustahab-thing done in desire of (divine) love Mostahabbat-plural of mustahab NNaeb-deputy of Imam Nafelah-defined desirable prayers Najes-dirty and impure Najasat-impuity Najesolain-original najasat, or intrinsic najasat, such as pig, dog, kafer, alcohol,etc... Nakhod-unit of weight Nadr-one of the type of vows to Allah Nawasib- a sect whose practices curses Imam Ali Nefas-Womans bleeding after childbirth Nesab- a specified amount, or a quota Niyyat-intention Nobuwat- Prophet hood OOlama- the learned men Omrah- a worship performed in Mecca QQaleelah-minor, especially of estehada Qada-performance of a duty that was not performed in its proper time Qasr-four-rakat prayers which become two rakat prayer for those ruled as travelers Qasam-type of vow to Allah Qibla-direction faced in prayer Qiraat-reading, of the prayer Qiyam-standing, rise Qonoot-part of the prayer Qorban-aneed.10th of del-hajjah Qorbat-the niyyat of nearness to Allah Qowl-lit.word, what has been stated by ulema RRahn-type of loan deposit Rajab-7th month of Islamic Calendar Rajee-a type of divorce Rakat- a unit of prayer Ramadan-the month of fasting Reba-unlawful addition or gain Rokn-pillar, a basis of the prayer Roku-a bow; part of the prayer SSabeelellah-for Allahs sake Safeeh-person who spends money uselessly Saheeh-valid Sajea-prostration;part of the prayer Sajda Sahw-two sajdas called for by the making of certain mistakes during the prayer Sajda Talawat-sajda made wajeb by reading reciting or hearing certain ayat of the Quran sajdatain-two sajdas (of one rakat of prayer) Salaf-type of transaction Salam-invocation and greeting, part of the prayer Salawat-invocation of blessings Sater-one who dresses Sedr-powder ofthe lote tree Seegha- awife who has been married for a defined period, also any binding recital, contract. Setr-dress, clothes Shahadat-declaration Shahadatain-the two declarations Shaheed-martyr Shareeat- the Divine Law Shaytan-the enemy of man, Satan Shia-follower of the twelve Imams, Shohada-plural of shaheed Sojood-prostrating Solh-reconciliation,type of transaction Sonniy- type of Muslim Sayyed- descendent of hte Holy Prophet TTaher-clean, not impure Taharat- state of being taher Tohr- period of cleanliness between perods of hayd Takbeer- the saying of Allaho Akbar, (God is great) Takbiratol-Ehram- the takbeer by the saying of which the worshipper enters the state of prayer and makes certain things haram for himself Takfeer- the (non-shia) practice of folding hands in prayer Takhalli- lit. evacuation; going to toilet Taqeeb- the mustahab actions after the prayer Taqiyah- hiding ones religion in times of danger Taqleed- the imitation of a mujtahed Tarakhos- point from where the houses of a town, or the sound of an athan from the town, are not discernable Tarteeb- order, succession Tarteebi- adj., in order, in succession Tasbeehat-e Arbaah- the four tasbiyhat that can be recited joined together three times in all but the first two rakats of the prayer Tashahhod- declaration recited in the second and last rakat of all prayers Tawaf- part of the worship of Hajj and Umrah Tawaf e Nessa- The tawaf after which and the prayer of which the relations with the opposite sex of the person performing hajj or umrah mofradah return to normal Tayammom- spiritual cleansing which is sometimes a substitute for wudoo and ghusl Tadeem- humility before Allahs Might and Grandeur Thawab- a Divine blessing Themmi- Kafer living within the frontiers of Islam, according to the laws that Islam accords him thekr- Rememberances; wajeb part of roku, and sajda Torbat- earth, especially from the shrines of Holy Imams Tawheed- Divine Unity WWady- a type of clean male liquid Wafat- death Wajeb- obligatory Wajebat- plural of wajeb Wakeel- agent appointed to recite the aqd Waliy- Guardian Waqf- endowment Waqtiyah- type of habit of a haed, i.e. the time her periods of bleeding commence Wasiy- person who is charged with a wasiyat Wasiyat- Will and testament Watr- an extremely emphasized optional prayer Wojoob- being obligatory Wudoo (wodo)- spiritual wash YYas- menopause Yaesah- Woman having reached the age of menopause ZZakat- an obligatory charity Zalem- person who commmits Zulm Zel Hejjah- the month in which Hajj is performed Ziyarat- pilgrimage to the holy shrines Zehar- aphrase by the uttering of which a man makes his wife haram for himself, (old practice) Zohr- noon, the name of the first afternoon prayer Zulm- injustice, oppression If you couldn't find your Word in this Glossary there is another one here |
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