Real "Great Satan" is Taliban

Prepared by
American Patriots Association

How is it that the United States of America could be perceived as the "Great Satan" by the Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalist who proclaim themselves to be true Muslims? Clearly religious leaders who make this claim are misleading their people, teaching delusion and falsehood, perverting the Koran and polluting the minds of their children with septic philosophies.

President Bush has declared a war on terrorism. He has said this will not be a conventional war. Does this mean we will also bring to justice those teaching the ideology that America is the "Great Satan?"

Unless we wage a war for the mind of humanity, for its sanity in the face of the madness that is terrorism, we risk becoming victims of future terrorist who are being taught from the day of their birth that America is an evil empire to be destroy.

There are young children being taught that they must give their lives to destroy America. They are being taught to kill Americans, both civilians and military. These young terrorists are being taught to martyr themselves in the name of Allah, that it is somehow glorious to blow themselves up, destroying as many of the "infidel" as possible in the process.

What makes us the "infidel" and the enemy of Islamic fundamentalist is that we are a free nation, a nation which permits freedom of religion. These who would martyr their children advocate all people, men, women and children, must worship only one God, the God of Mohammed, and that Islamic law shall govern all people of the world, without exception.

Of course those teaching and preaching this perversion of Islam, view themselves as the holiest of holy men. Certainly no women are allowed unveiled in this faith; they are often mutilated as infants that they may never know sexual pleasure. Those who teach that America is the "Great Satan" force their women to live in darkness, uneducated and unsatisfied, forever doomed to viewing the world as a blurred image through the tiny netted hole of a cloaked hijab or veil. Even worse is the full bodied burqas the Taliban force Afghan women to wear; to disobey may mean public beating, stoning, rape or execution.

When wearing veils is imposed upon women by law, beating them into submission, this is NOT an attempt to make women equal by hiding their beauty or taking their physical appearance out of the equation of human relations; rather, it is an indignation of femininity, a brutalization and victimization of women by men who seek to rule and dominate, denying women all power and control, even the right to look beautiful. .

How can we wage a war on terrorism least we wage a war upon those ideologies which produce terrorists? Certainly the only way to prevent terrorism in the future is to end the schooling of young terrorist; indeed, to end the victimization of both men, who are brained washed to become martyrs, and women, who are brain washed into the silence of the veil which permits fanatics to rear their children to become terrorists.

This does not mean that we as a free people should participate in a jihad or holy war. All war is by its very nature, unholy. But it does mean we must seek to enlighten the unholy who would teach the making of jihad.

If we can teach love, peace and freedom then we will not be threatened by terrorist attacks in the future. Of course this is easier said then done. Plus we are presented with the dilemma of being a loving, peaceful people faced with those bent upon our destruction.

Our resolve must be to seek the preservation and security of our nation and our home land, while reaching out to bring to justice all those who wish our destruction. Unfortunately that may mean we who would rather love our enemy, must destroy our enemy before they destroy us.

Toward this end, President Bust has declared a war upon terrorism. That means bringing to justice Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda. It means bringing to justice the Taliban terrorist. It means bringing to justice all who harbor, aid and abet terrorists. It certainly includes terrorist nations and the likes of Saddam Hussein.

This "target terrorism" campaign clearly defines a "USA Hit List." President Bush has basically said he wants Osama bin Laden dead or alive. This apparently goes for all those in bin Laden's terrorist network, the Taliban which harbor him and those which support him. This applies equally well to other terrorists bent upon campaigns of death and destruction of America, our symbols, our cities and our citizens.

Thus the war upon terrorism has begun. It will not end until we say it ends. The fact we must use force of arms to secure our liberty and insure our freedom does not, however, make us terrorist. We have been attacked. Our air liners have been hijacked and flown into buildings killing thousands of innocent people, destroying thousands of families and terrorizing our entire nation. How else can a civilized nation respond but to defend itself with all means possible.

This certainly does not make America the "Great Satan" it has be labeled as being by Islamic fundamentalist who have perverted the Muslim faith. Rather it makes them the unholiest of beings, for they have defiled their faith, brought shame to their religion and sacrificed their children to a most unholy of causes, that of ungodly terrorism.

America certainly is NOT the "Great Satan." America, one nation under GOD, indivisible, is the GREAT SALVATION for the world and all who are being made victims by terrorists.

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