Letter to the Editor - For Immediate Release

SUBJECT: Wage War Against International Terrorists

The following letter was written 23 August, 1998 and addressed to various news media as well as to the President of the United States. In the aftermath of the recent attacks upon America, the truth of this letter is born out. I urged that all Americans, regardless of political party, support the President of the United States and wage a war against terrorism. With the present attack on our nation I continue to urge that a concerted effort be made to seek out and destroy terrorists and all who support them and their designs to wage an unholy war against America.

Prepared by
American Patriots Assoication, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation
14 Sept. 2001

SUBJECT: Wage War Against International Terrorists
Date: 23 Aug. 1998

It is only a matter of time before Osama bin Laden sponsored terrorists attempt to assassinate President Clinton and/or further their bombing attacks against Americans. Since President Clinton declared war upon international terrorism by bombing the chemical weapons factory in Sudan and terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, we may expect the bin Laden network to reply. I predict that reply will be more bombing of soft, easy targets and an attempt to kill President Clinton.

Currently the U.S. has an executive policy prohibiting the assassination of foreign leaders. We attempt to capture and bring to justice those responsible for international crimes. Yet unless President Clinton makes an exception for bin Laden and his well funded network of international terrorists more Americans may die. That is because terrorist don't play by international law. The only rule they understand is the gun.

It would be relatively easy for terrorists using hand held rockets or missiles to try to shoot down the President's airplane while visiting a foreign nation. It is also possible suicide bombers could try an attack upon the President. That is why we must put aside party politics and aggressively support President Clinton to pursue bin Laden and his terrorists army. This means using special operations forces, snipers and whatever other means necessary to eliminate the bin Laden network.

Should bin Laden get his hands upon nerve gas, biological weapons or a nuclear device, terrorists could kill hundreds of thousands, even millions of people in a single attack against a major city. Washington D.C., New York City or Los Angeles would be easy targets for bin Laden sponsored attacks as would be almost any major international metropolis.

Unless President Clinton and America draw their guns first, more terrorist bombs, bullets and rockets will be targeted against our President, embassies and countrymen. The only solution is eliminate the bin Ladens and Saddam Husseins of this world first, before they have an opportunity to turn their hatred and guns against Americans.

Therefore I urge all Americans to rally behind President Clinton and support a war upon international terrorists. By bombing our embassies and military installations, Islamic radicals have declared a holy war upon America. That war is being waged indiscriminately against all Americans, including our President. Our answer should be elimination of all terrorist with extreme prejudice to protect and secure democracy around the world!

Prepared by
American Patriots Assoication, Inc.
A not-for-profit corporation

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