The Explorers participate in many Law Enforcement related community services and functions. To include assistance with Event security, traffic and crowd control, Crime Prevention and other services to the Police Department. The Exploring program is a non-profit organization. The unit will usually ask for a minimum donation to the post for their services. This donation assists the post in keeping up supplies such as uniforms and allows for additional training outings and events.

  • Here is some examples of various activities the Police Explorers have worked:
    • Tastin' and Racin'- Hydroplane event security
    • Seafair Festival - Hydroplane Hot Pit Security
    • Issaqauh Salmon Days - Traffic/Crowd/Foot Patrol
    • Issaquah School Patrols
  • The explorers also attend training courses and academies:
    • Blue Mountain Challenge in Richland, WA
    • Leadership Camp by the BSA for Explorers in Monroe, WA
    • WLEEA ( WA Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors ) Basic/Advanced Academy
    • Shooting practice at the Issaquah Gun Club
  • At explorer meetings, we have special guests to teach us police tactics such as:
    • Handcuffing
    • Traffic Stops
    • Mock Scenes
    • Field Interview Reports
    • Gun Procedures
    • Radio Prodecures
    • Fighting Tactics
    • Ticket Writing

Sgt. Rogers and Lt. Loudon

Ofc. Horn

Ofc. Bakken

Lt. Loudon