This is the bit of any personal website which is deeply dull for anyone
apart from the person writing it. Never mind, here are some pages about
some stuff wot I like:
History As a history student, I occasionally
do a bit of history. Not very often, admittedly, but I love it all the
Music is great. I love it. As long as it's
none too poncy, mind . . .
Socialism Sadly, socialism went out of
fashion with the fall of the USSR, that beacon of egalitarianism and
fraternity. Besides, we're all too busy looking for management consultancy
jobs nowadays, right?
Christianity Thanks to large sections
of the Church, which seem about as 'Christian' as China is 'socialist',
Jesus of Nazareth gets a bit of a bad rep nowadays. But there are some
good people out there . . .
Football I'd be lying if I pretended that
I was a hardcore footy fan, but I do like being in a pub when England
are on. And I do have a rather nice Torquay Utd top.
Pubs There is nothing quite like the British
pub. Other European countries just don't seem to quite get it (a bit
like rock 'n' roll).