Aims and Purposes
This area is designed to give those unfamiliar with NASC a better idea of why we are what we are.  Below are the purposes of the NASC outlined in its constitution.
Purposes of NASC are as follows:

to promote student participation within the school and its community

to encourage the development of new student councils in high schools and middle level schools

to assist all student councils in becoming more effective organizations within their school, community, state, and nation

to assist state assocations of student councils

to provide student council members, advisers, and state executive directors with assistance as requested and to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on all phases of student council activities

to provide leadership training for student council members and advisers

to encourage and support healthy living styles for young people

to assist student councils and their leadership to focus on relevant current problems that affect them and to encourage them to seek solutions to those problems.
Student Council Philosophy

There are essential standards, levels of excellence, by which to evaluate the effectiveness of a student council organization.  Standards don't just happen.  They are a continuous process of planning, work, and effort of the part of students, faculty, administrators, and  community members.

The main objectives of NASC and student councils in schools are prescribed by the purposes of NASC in the constitution they are:

-to establish and maintain a medium for exchanging ideas helpful to high school and middle level students and for promoting the growth of student participation in school administration

-to advance the cause of education through a closer relationship between adminstration and students

-to develop good attitudes and practices including;
understanding how democracy works
gaining practice in self-direction
training in leadership and followership
accepting resposibility

-to promote good relationships, including;
individual and group student relationships
student and faculty relationships
school and community relationships
to provide service to the school and community

Other objectives to be considered are:

-to maintain good school spirit
-to assist in directing and managing student activities
-to provide a training ground for developing leaders
-to promote scholarship
-to help solve problems that arise in school
-to uphold school traditions
-to help each student find a place in the school
-to develop high ideals of personal conduct
Message from the Creator
Student Council Links Current News & Info. Meet Your Reps
NASC Background
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