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Punch magazine’s report of May 23-June 5 continued, “Few have heard of the Bilderberg Council. But its 120 members are some of the most powerful people on the global stage. It meets amid unparalleled secrecy to discuss the future of the world.”
Punch was referring to the meeting held at Turnberry Hotel, near Girvan on the West coast of Scotland on Thursday 14th - Sunday 17th May 1998. Until very recently, any reference to even the existence of the highly secretive Bilderberg Group was greeted with great skepticism by the world’s media. Punch, along with the Mail on Sunday, the Scotsman, the Scottish Daily Mail, the Scotland on Sunday and The Social Crediter, met outside the gates of Turnberry to find out what was going on.
The 123 participants at the meeting, conducted as always in secrecy and accompanied by a powerful police presence, included Lord Carrington, Chairman since 1990, UK Defence Secretary George Robertson, William Hague Leader of the Opposition, Kenneth Clarke ex-Chancellor the Exchequer, Henry Kissenger and a great clutch of other heavyweight movers and shakers from the world of international banking, industry, multinational corporations, and senior politicians, of whom some are still in power and some others showing real potential!
Investigatory journalist Robert Eringer, in his book The Global Manipulators (Bristol, England: Pentacle Books, 1980) notes that “The steering committee certainly has an amazing eye for choosing guests who are on the way up. Most of the current leaders of the West have emerged from the depths of Bilderberg ... Every British Prime Minister of the past thirty years has attended Bilderberg ...(and) Denis Healey was an early member of Bilderberg and was on the steering committee long before he became Chancellor the Exchequer.” Tony Blair attended the meeting on 23-25 April 1993 at Vouliagmeni in Greece when he was Shadow Home Secretary.
Punch noted, and Bilderbergers would not deny, that the Council meets “amid unparalleled secrecy to discuss the future of the world.” But why? In this context, Robert Eringer wrote to David Rockefeller, Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank to enquire about Bilderberg. An assistant directed him to a Mr. Charles Muller, a Vice President at Murden and Company, “the organisation which assists with the administration of American Friends of Bilderberg, Incorporated.” (p. 11) Muller sent him a printed message which included the suggestion that it was, “In order to assure perfect freedom of speech and opinion, the gatherings are closed and off the record. No resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements are issued during or after the meetings.”
Eringer subsequently established that in fact this is not so. He managed to obtain a copy of a “Strictly Confidential” record of the meeting held in Barbizon, France in March 1955 and one of the September meeting in Garmisch, West Germany the same year, which records that “Participants in this conference may, in light of the consensus of opinion expressed during the discussions, be able to pass these views on to public opinion in their own spheres of influence, without disclosing their source.” (p. 30)
Finally, in a letter to Eringer, one time member Sir Paul Chambers wrote, “I am under obligation not to disclose anything about the Bilderberg Group to anybody who is not a member of that group. I am very sorry that I cannot help, but I am clearly powerless to do so and it would be wrong in the circumstance to say anything to you about Bilderberg.”
There is enough here to allow us to insist that if there are grand strategies to be developed, presumably in the “best interests” of the world’s peoples, they should be made in forums that are subject to full democratic scrutiny and accountability. Not behind locked doors at private meetings of a largely self-appointed elite establishment.
Why should democratically elected representatives attending these meetings feel it necessary to maintain complete secrecy over what is discussed? It is also open to question whether the British Police Force should have provided armed security for such a “private meeting” or whether an Army helicopter should have been used to ferry Defence Secretary George Robertson. According to his spokesman, “He was fulfilling an official engagement as Secretary of State for Defence and, as such, transport was met by public expense.” (Mail on Sunday, Night and Day supplement, June 14, 1998, p. 15.)
According to the official PRESS RELEASE Bilderberg Meetings, dated May 14, 1998: “Among others the Conference will discuss NATO, Asian Crisis, EMU, Growing Military Disparity, Japan, Multilateral Organizations, Europe’s social model, Turkey, EU/USA Market Place.”
Hopefully, journalists are beginning to wake up, at long last, to the idea that Bilderberg is real and that it is a very important influence in the world. Perhaps, the veil of secrecy can be lifted if only a little and with that hope, Alistair McConnachie set out to find participants who might be willing to say something about what was going on inside the hotel.
Hotel staff coming and going would just look at their feet without uttering a world. A reporter for the Scottish Daily Mail who knocked on the doors of the staff accommodation block was arrested, handcuffed and detained for eight hours in Ayr Police Station under Section 14 of the Criminal Justice Act (Scotland), which is invoked when police have reason to suspect an offense has been committed! This episode is reported in The Press Gazette of 22 May.
However, for a few hours on Saturday, between 12 noon and 3pm, the delegates spent time in the grounds, either playing tennis, playing golf on the course by the sea, or visiting Culzean Castle a little up the coast. Alistair McConnachie and a colleague had time to speak to delegates as they passed.
Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH in Germany was the first to stop and explained that the meeting was structured with short introductions to a chosen topic and then a general discussion. Two British delegates explained that there is a panel which consists of a moderator and two or there people. They have about 10 minutes each on the chosen topic and then there is “discussion questions, which last for 5, 3 or 2 minutes.” There are no introductory documents, and there are no records. At the most there is a page on a 3 hour debate. It doesn’t circulate documents between its members. One of the British delegates explained that it was not possible to mount a conspiracy in a group like the Bilderbergers because it has no existence between its meetings.
George Papandreou, Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs was out jogging and came over to speak. He said they had been discussing, “Everything. Everything from the Asian crisis to Portugal to whatever else.” He was happy to have his photo taken, “You want to put me in the paper like this? They’ll love it in Greece.” He jogged off, urging, “Be strongly critical, whatever you write!”
A little light is beginning to shine on this group. For example, Will Hutton, Editor of The Observer, who was an attendee at the 13-15 June 1997 Bilderberg Conference at Lake Lanier Islands outside Atlanta, Georgia wrote on 1st February 1998 (“Kinder capitalists in Armani specs”) that “the Bilderberg Conference ... us one of the key meeting of the year ... the consensus established here is the back-drop against which policy is made worldwide”.
A recent former delegate who “holds a senior position in the media” (almost certainly Hutton - SCS) was quoted anonymously at length by Malcolm Macalister Hall in the Mail on Sunday article of June 14, 1998. Macalister Hall writes: “But he says that Bilderberg is part of a global conversation that takes place each year at a string of conferences, and it does form the backdrop to policies that emerge later, ‘There’s the World Economic Forum at Davos in February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in April/May, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September. A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next. But no one’s really leading it. This consensus becomes the background for G8 economic communiqués; it becomes what informs the IMF when it imposes an adjustment programme on Indonesia; and it becomes what the president proposes to Congress.’”
The Bilderberg Group is one of a constellation of “private groups” with related global agendas. They include the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House). Arnold Toynbee, the central figure at Chatham House for thirty years from 1925 to his retirement in 1955 might have been speaking about the ethos of any one of these groups when he commented that they were “denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands” (International Affairs, Vol. 10).
The Social Credit Secretariat is keen to contribute what it can to ensuring that the agendas of such organisations are made fully open to democratic scrutiny and that especially our elected politicians cease attending such group meetings for so long as they are subject to any instruction to secrecy.
Finally, we put the following comment on record, passed to us, from one of the many people we spoke to and who shall remain nameless, “Book your holidays in Portugal next year.”
Any readers who want a copy of the full list of delegates, or a copy of the original article, are invited to write, enclosing a s.a.e. to The Social Credit Secretariat, 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain, EH1 3LH. Telephone 0131 550 3769,
Also see the Internet site at
Did you know you have a Bill of Rights, created in 1688 by William and Mary, entitled "An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject"? It amazes me how often it seems to be violated by our politicians while we raise not a murmur of protest. Article 7 actually gives each of us the right to bear arms for our defence, especially against criminals.
The Bill was used by the Americans to draw up their Constitution 99 years later, hence their own "right to bear arms": it came from us.
In 1993 the Speaker of the House of Commons reminded the House, the courts, "and all other persons to take notice of the Bill of Rights, which remains an operative statute that has NOT been amended."
Even a breach of the 1215 Magna Carta is an offence under common law, and every MP is bound by oath of allegiance to respect our laws, especially the Bill of Rights. Attempts to overthrow them is treason. In fact, the Bill requires our rights to be preserved, protected and, where possible, improved.
When a government begins to ban things it is therefore on dangerous ground, but perhaps exploiting the fact that many of the present generation of MPs are said not to even know the Bill exists. In 1996 even the Home Office said: "What Bill of Rights?"
Ironically, the fact that MPs can say what they like in the Commons and be protected by "privilege" also comes from the Bill. Because the Bill cannot be overturned, it seems very likely that the recent total ban on private target-pistol ownership was illegal, but to date no one has challenged it in the courts.
In 1972 however, the greatly-respected Ross McWhirter summonsed the Attorney-General, claiming that signing up the Treaty of Rome was illegal and a breach of the Bill of Rights, forcing British subjects to be bound by laws made since 1958 by foreign powers and therefore without the Queen's Assent. Ross claimed also that the Queen was in breach of her Coronation Oath. He was murdered before the case was tried, allegedly by the IRA, which has always denied responsibility. In 1993 his brother Norris made a similar charge, questioning the legality of the Maastricht Treaty and summonsing the Foreign Secretary for treason.
The Attorney-General took over the case and then he dropped it as "not in the public interest". That breached the Bill of Rights by "suspending the operation of law" and was contrary to natural justice in that the Attorney sat in judgement on his own case.
It could probably be shown in court that all the EU treaties breach the Bill of Rights because our politicians have agreed that EU law must take preference over British law, established over 1,000 years. The latest attack on our Bill of Rights is in Tony Blair's determination to reform the House of Lords.
The Bill clearly states what our Parliament must be: The Monarch to give Royal Assent, the hereditary peers of the House of Lords, and MPs sitting in the Commons as the people's representatives. Any attempt to alter this is a breach of the Bill, and the Law Lords have said they will resist Blair. It only needs one person to take the case to court and it will be out of Blair's hands.
At present the Lords, whatever its shortcomings, is our only effective Opposition. Blair knows that, and it suits his presidential style to reform it into a group of people APPOINTED by Downing Street. Parliament would then be totalitarian. I remain greatly disillusioned with Parliament: Blair would clearly be happier without it.
Recently I wrote to William Hague asking him two important questions of policy. He answered neither which, considering I help to pay his salary, I find both arrogant and discourteous.
So many people I talk to fail to obtain answers from MPs. I sent Mr Hague a copy of my column about the secret Bilderberg Group which is alleged to have originated the idea of the European single currency.
This week he has suddenly warmed to it himself, leaving his own supporters deeply confused. Perhaps I should not be surprised. The Daily Telegraph reported that Hague and Kenneth Clarke had "accepted invitations to a conference of international statesmen in Prestwick, Scotland."
As I reported on May 15, this year's Bilderberg Conference was held in Prestwick, Scotland. A leader has to be decisive, and his troops need to be very clear as to his intentions. Confused troops are often dead troops. Sadly, Mr Hague is becoming vague.
Join Graham Danton on BBC Radio Devon every Sunday, 2-5pm.
"NONE so blind as she who will not see" should surely be the label for Kate Ironside if she truly believes "conspiracy theories are out of hand". In a democracy, naturally, room must be found for all opinions - but then opinions should be based on facts.
Clearly Kate Ironside has not read the works of that great patriot, A K Chesterton, MC - in particular The New Unhappy Lords - nor three of that renowned scholar (Oxford) Dr Kitty Little, who researched political subversion in Britain for over 50 years - Mammon Versus God, Treason at Westminster, A World Coup D'Etat is Planned. She has not digested The Perestroika Deception.
So, "nobody is plotting to rid the UK of her sovereign status". Edward Heath admitted on TV to Peter Sissons that he knew he was taking us into a single currency and political union.
Your contributor seems not to know that the UK is rapidly being destroyed - devolution (soon "independence") for Scotland and Wales, a devious "agreement" designed to break off Northern Ireland, the pending regionalisation of England.
All this in 12 months, through the two Bilderbergers resident in Downing Street.
Unless Kate Ironside wakes up quickly to the reality of the conspirings of the Bilderberg Group she will find herself enslaved in the Leninist communism being planned for the world - and in which there will be no WMN, hence no WMN space for her ramblings.
James Hinton
Graham Danton's timely comments on the secretive Bilderberg Group and public apathy do not merit Kate Ironside's impatient rejection of "conspiracy theories". Indeed, public apathy arises in many instances from conspiracy facts denied exposure.
Mr D J Matthews in his letter (WMN, June 3) asks what is the Bilderberg Group and observes: "When we allow so few flawed human beings to accrue so much power there is and will be enormous scope for the tail to wag the dog."
The influence of this elite group has "wagged the dog" and set in motion policies which are global in scope. Bilderbergers themselves, speaking in their "public" capacities, have confirmed the intentions of the Bilderberg steering committee.
Thus, George McGhee, a former US Ambassador to Bonn, declared: "The Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings." The Common Market was "sold" as a market, not as a socialist federation. Secondly, Mr Jack Sheinkman, chairman of the board of the US Amalgamated Bank and a member of the Bilderberg steering committee, transgressed Bilderberg secrecy rules and told the US paper The Spotlight (June 24, 1996): "In some cases [Bilderberg] discussions do have an impact and become policy. The idea of a single currency was discussed several years back before it became policy."
Thirdly, a leaked statement by former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, for many years on the Bilderberg steering committee, last year. Kissinger stated that NATO had become effectively the United Nation's world army.
The implications of these statements for Britain's continuance as a free nation are serious. Those who deride Graham Danton cannot have it both ways. If they believe in democracy then they believe in openness and public debate. If they do not, they belong in the shadows with the steering caucus of the Bilderberg Group.
Derek Tozer
The occupants of Scotland's golfing Mecca, the Turnberry Hotel, normally have little to fear during their stay apart from an errant drive from the first tee or a tendency to overdo things in the 19th hole. For the party that checked in on May 14, however, things were obviously different. A formidable detachment of armed police was called in to turn one of the country's most prestigious hotels into a five-star fortress. Sniffer dogs prowled the dense woodland sur-rounding the hotel, while bomb-disposal experts stripped down delivery vans for traces of hidden explosive. Not even bags of frozen peas were safe in the face of this obsessive hunt for hidden Semtex, with packets picked at random being ripped open unceremoniously.
One bewildered golfer on the famous links opposite - used for three British Open championships - insisted to his playing partner that he had even seen marksmen stalking the roof of the hotel as he stood to tee off. "What the hell's going on here?" he asked. Few back in the clubhouse had any idea.
Indeed, few people in the country at large would have had much idea as to why most of the Strathclyde constabulary appeared to be earning an enviable amount of overtime guarding a large hotel on Scotland's west coast for four days. For few have heard of the Bilderberg Council.
Depending on your predisposition, the Bilderberg Council is either a jolly for self-important businessmen and up-and-coming or past-it politicians, or a gathering of 120 of the most powerful people in the world who are bent on moulding global policy to their own ends. What we do know is that this meeting of some of the wealthiest and most influential figures in the Western world is conducted in conditions of obsessive secrecy and security
While Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended the G8 summit of the world's foremost democratically elected leaders 250 miles to the south in Birmingham, they were accompanied by the massed ranks of the world media. In stark contrast, the comings and goings in Turnberry took place under cover of a virtual publicity black-out.
And yet the guests certainly deserved a place on the A-list of global powerbroking. These are not the sort of people one would expect to gath-er for the benefits of the balmy Gulf Stream climate alone. This year's attendees included Leon Brittan, vice-president of the European Commission; Conrad Black, chairman of The Telegraph plc; John Browne, group chief exec-utive of British Petroleum; John Deutch, for-mer director-general of the CIA; Christopher Hogg, chairman of Reuters; Javier Solana Madariaga, Nato secretary-general; Peter Sutherland, chairman of Goldman Sachs and British Petroleum; and Martin Taylor group chief executive of Barclays Bank.
The first VIP spotted sweeping up the heav-ily guarded driveway to the hotel's conference halls, under the watchful gaze of large men in dark suits wearing secret service earphones, was the chairman of the Bilderberg Council for the past eight years, our very own former foreign secretary Lord Carrington. As he was shown into his £600-a-night ocean-view suite facing the Mull of Kintyre, the private jets car-rying the other Bilderbergers were already circling Prestwick airport 15 miles away. Soon Carrington was joined by the billionaire American banker David Rockefeller and the former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger. Tory leader William Hague was there, as was Defence Secretary George Robertson and the former chancellor of the exchequer Kenneth Clarke.
Quite an important get-together then, or so you would be entitled to think. And yet the reception staff at the 132-bedroom Ayrshire hotel would only say it was "closed for a pri-vate function" - It was just the sort of cloak--and-dagger affair that breeds conspiracy theories of world domination by a shadowy cabal.
When asked to explain what some of the richest and most influential figures in the Western world were doing in Scotland, an organiser of the conference said dutifully: "Bilderberg is just a flexible and informal international leadership forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutu-al understanding enhanced."
That brought a belly laugh from the veteran Washington reporter Jim Tucker. He has doorstepped Bilderberg meetings across Europe and the US for the past 15 years - get-ting his 16-stone frame ejected from their chosen hotels on a regular basis. "That's just horseshit," he said. "I've been chasing these guys for all that time. They want you to believe they are simply improving international relations. But they are controlling the world and making decisions that influence all of us with absolutely no democratic control on what they do.
"They meet in a different country in secret every spring. They are making decisions that affect millions of people on this earth and they do it all in the utmost privacy. Yet some of these people are our elected representatives and we have a right to know what is going on."
Tucker a reporter for the right-wing Washington-based weekly newspaper The Spotlight, said the decision to hold the Turnberry conference at the same time as the G8 talks was no coincidence. "They make their decisions here in Scotland and travel down and tell the guys at G8 what they have to agree.
"The Bilderbergers hate me because I won't leave them to rule the world in peace. I don't give a rat's arse. The public has a right to know if they have nothing to hide, they should come out of the closet instead of hiding behind armed police while they discuss all our futures. Turnberry is just like all the other meetings they have. We are kept in the dark and fed bullshit."
While the clandestine events at the Turnberry Hotel sent the conspiracy theorists into warp drive, the only community in Britain aware of the meeting appeared less impressed by the arrival of such a distin-guished group of major players on their patch. The 6,000 inhabitants of Girvan, five miles along the coast from the isolated hotel, watched the massive build-up of police and security men with typical stoicism and barely concealed apathy. Police outriders escorting heavy black VIP cars through the drab streets of the fishing village caused considerably less interest than the announcement of Scotland's World Cup squad. One uninterested drinker in the less-than-impressive Ailsa Craig hotel said: "We know they're having a conference at the hotel and the place has been crawling with coppers for days. We haven't got a clue what it's about." Tales of the intensity of the security net thrown around Turnberry were greeted with mirth. Every vehicle dropping off supplies was meticulously combed by police in combat blacks, resulting in a two-hour turn-around for a simple drop of fruit and vegeta-bles. Two local pipers asked to provide the illustrious guests with traditional entertain-ment had threatened to boycott the hotel after their instruments were dismantled and searched for explosives every time they turned up to play. Each carton of milk was split open and inspected as it arrived. A vintage van car-rying freshly laundered shirts was also searched thoroughly by the police.
Staff at the hotel were photographed and put through special clearance as part of the security clampdown, rather timidly code-named Operation Orchid. From porters to senior managers, the employees were warned about the consequences of revealing any details of the guests to the press. An assistant in the luxury gym at the hotel complained that he even had to request permission from secu-rity staff patrolling the hotel to go to the loo.
Not that the Bilderbergers themselves had too many complaints. Their rooms, normally hired to golfers with few financial handicaps, ranged from a modest £385 to £686 for a suite with a whirlpool bath. In between formulating global policy the powerbrokers enjoyed hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, saunas and steam rooms. The three restaurants run by a member of the Academie Culinaire de France served up Ayrshire beef, fish from nearby Girvan harbour and smoked salmon. A good vintage port, Dow's 1963, was recommended, at a touch under £100 a bottle.
Officially the meeting is private to "encour-age frank and open discussion". An informal "steering committee" is supposed to pick the120 or so attendees who, again according to the official line, are said to be invited solely for their knowledge, experience and standing and "with reference to the topics on the agenda".
While the presence of powerful bankers has preoccupied Bilderberg-watchers, it is worth remembering that many of those invited are from oil and mining companies. Roughly two-thirds come from finance, industry, labour, education and the media, and only one-third from politics, perhaps indicating that real power lies where the money is.
Nevertheless, the conference is credited with selecting and nurturing up-and-coming political talent. Tony Blair first attended when he was a junior opposition spokesman and Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany before he announced that he was running for president. Some argue that the conference creates these people. Others say that the "steering committee" -which includes the likes of Henry Kissinger; the former US secretary of state, is simply able to spot the potential high-flyers.
Despite the big names, the conferences attract surprisingly little press. Some journal-ists who have been foolhardy enough to write about them have found their careers suddenly on the wane soon afterwards. In 1974 a Financial Times columnist, Gordon Tether; took a keen interest in the group's activities. He wrote: "if the Bilderberg group is not a con-spiracy of some sort, it is conducted in such away as to give a remarkably good impression of one." Tether found himself sidelined and eventually lost his FT column.
So what were the favoured conspiracy theories doing the rounds with the unsuspecting golfers in picturesque Turnberry last week-end? The Bilderbergers apparently decide when wars should start, how long they should last, when they should end and who should participate. Changes in boundaries as a result of war are agreed and who will lend the money to support war efforts and rebuild the coun-tries involved afterwards.
The Bilderbergers "own" the central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the US, and are therefore in a position to determine discount rates, money-supply levels, the price of gold and which countries should receive loans. They decide who should be allowed to run for the offices of president, prime minister, chan-cellor and other leading positions in govern-ments around the world.
The Bilderbergers, with their ownership of the major banks, know exactly what interest rates will be - and run these up and down to create billions of pounds for themselves. The Bilderbergers also directly or indirectly own all the major news media and can tell the public what they want it to hear. As the owners of major businesses and industries they can also suppress wages and salaries.
The official line is rather different. The con-ferences focus on world-wide concerns but primarily from the perspective of North America and Western Europe. In that sense they have parallels with Nato, set up just a few years before the first Bilderberg conference. Just as Nato has bound Europe and North America together militarily so the Bilderbergers appear to have bound together American and European strategic and economic interests.
The Question is: whose interests? And for what purpose? And how much power do the Bilderbergers really have? It is difficult to see how such a meeting of top people could fail to have some influence on the economic founda-tions of our world.
Former Bilderberger Jack Sheinkman, chairman of the Amalgamated Bank in the US, has admitted: "Yes, in some cases discus-sions do have an impact of world affairs, such as when the group discussed a single European currency before it was policy"
In one of the few references to the Bilderbergers in a British newspaper The Observers editor Will Hutton, who attended last year's conference, wrote earlier this year: "The Bilderberg conference is one of the key meetings of the year. The consensus established there is the backdrop against which policy is made world-wide."
Indeed, it is credited with prompting the establishment of the European Community. In 1955 the group recorded in its minutes that it was the group's "common responsibility" to
arrive in the shortest possible time at a closely knit European common market. Eighteen months later, the Treaty of Rome established the Common Market.
Not surprisingly in the circumstances, it is an organisation of which the Eurosceptics in the House of Commons are highly suspicious. Tory MP Christopher Gill has taken a keen interest in the Bilderbergers after some of his contacts made an association between what was happening in Europe and what was known to have been discussed at the meetings.
In March he asked the Prime Minister which members of the government had attended meetings of the Bilderberg group. Blair was able to answer quite truthfully "none" because when he and Gordon Brown attended the conference, Labour was in oppo-sition. Because of the Bilderberg conference's pro-Europe stance, Gill advised William Hague not to attend. But Hague's speech in Fontainebleau the week after this year's con-ference on "the potential for Europe and the limits to Union" no doubt reflected to some extent the inside knowledge he had gleaned from the conference.
Parliamentarians have also failed to declare their attendance on occasion. Under House of Commons rules, MPs must declare all free travel and accommodation they receive. Paddy Ashdown failed to declare his 1989 attendance. Both Tony Blair and Kenneth Clarke failed to declare their attendances in 1993. When the matter was taken up by Lord Nolan's Committee on Standards and Privileges, Clarke told Nolan that he and Blair considered that they had "attended the conference as rep-resentatives of the government and opposition respectively". If that is true, then one might think the electorate would be entitled to know what was discussed and agreed in private and on its behalf
As Jim Tucker packed for his flight home, he reflected: "Why do I follow these guys around? Apart from the public's right to know what they are doing, it's my idea of fun. These people think they are unanswerable to anyone and they are up to no good. The sinister nature of their meetings must be clear from the armed guard and the absolute secrecy they employ. Does this look like a harmless get-together?
"I want people to realise this is not an ordinary private meeting of some benevolent think-tank. These Bilderbergers control the whole works - and you'd do yourselves a big favour if you believed me."
The UK Press Gazette - 22May98
By Jean Morgan
A freelance journalist covering the high-powered, secretive Bilderberg conference for the Daily Mail was arrested, handcuffed, kept in custody for eight hours and charged with a breach of the peace - after knocking on a flat door.
Campbell Thomas, eight years a journalist and a special constable himself, no longer faces charges. But his experience has left him shocked and taking advice from his union, the Chartered institute of Journalists. "I was treated in an appallingly heavy-handed way, like a common criminal," said Thomas.
Like other journalists, he was kept outside a police security ring while the conference, attended by high-fliers such as Henry Kissinger, was taking place at the Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire.
He set off to get neighbours' reactions, and entered a block of flats, by an open door, about 500 yards from the hotel.
The first door he knocked on was answered by a young woman, who told him the building was staff quarters for the hotel and he should not be there. Thomas left.
Stopping in the car park to speak to a colleague, Jim McLean of Scotland on Sunday, Thomas was approached by two policemen who told him he was being detained under section 14 of the Criminal Justice act (Scotland), used when police have reason to believe a suspect has committed an offence.
Thomas showed them his special constable warrant card for Lothian and Borders Police, but he was handcuffed and driven to Ayr Police Office.
Booked in at 2.40pm, Thomas, 34, was put in a detention room for five hours before being interviewed and charged with a breach of the peace for putting the young woman in a "state of fear and alarm." He was then put into a cell and not released until 10.25pm. He was instructed to appear at Ayr Sheriff Court last Monday.
He told Press Gazette: "The holding cell I was put in was in a disgusting state, with excrement on every wall, and I was in that cell for the best part of five hours.
"I wasn't allowed to speak to my wife. They took my shoes, my belt, my glasses, even the wedding ring off my finger. The whole thing was ridiculous."
Glasgow solicitors Bannatyne, Kirkwood, France, briefed by the Mail to act for Thomas, was later told by the procurator fiscal's office the charge would not be proceeded with.
Strathclyde Police confirmed that Thomas had been detained and charged.
Chris Underwood, CIoJ secretary, said it was scandalous treatment. The institute will back Thomas in any action he takes.
The Press Gazzette - 22 May 1998
By James P. Tucker Jr. - TURNBERRY, Scotland
Although moderately distracted by the new nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan, Bilderberg concentrated on its major goals on the road to world government:
The British prime minister was summoned to shuttle back and forth from the summit of the eight industrialized countries held 450 miles away in Birmingham, England, at the same timeby design.
Blair was hardly treated as a head of state. He was lectured severely for failing to bring Britain into the common currency, which is to be phased in beginning January 1. Blair assured Bilderberg that Britain would join, but he had to resolve “political problems” because “there is a surge of nationalism at home.”
“You’re a Maggie Thatcher in long pants,” a German told Blair. This was a crude reminder that Lady Thatcher had been dumped as head of state by her own Conservative Party on Bilderberg orders and replaced with trapeze artist John Major, for the precise same reason (SPOTLIGHT, May 29, 1989).
After being deposed, Lady Thatcher told The SPOTLIGHT she considered being denounced by Bilderberg a “tribute” because neither Britain nor any country should surrender sovereignty.
“Helmut Kohl (German head of state) never flinched” in pressing his country to join the common currency, the German told Blair. “He may lose this election because of this. You know Germany has a problem with nationalism. But Helmut stood firm.”
Blair turned and walked away.
There was much discussion and optimism among Bilderberg participants about a June meeting of the UN in Rome, to draft a treaty establishing a permanent International Criminal Court. Unlike the present World Court, the ICC is to have enforcement power and could impose its decisions universally.
“Will America’s nationalists (an expletive in Bilderberg dialect) give us trouble about the court treaty?” asked one.
‘I think not,” replied an American believed to be but not positively identified as Casimer Yost, director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, at Georgetown University in Washington.
The American pointed out that in 1994, the U.S. Senate voted 55-45 to encourage establishment of the ICC under the UN. The Senate did so, he said, with the full knowledge that the global court, with judges from (Red) China or other rogue nations, may pass judgment on the United States and individual citizens.
“There was some objections by the American public, but not much,” the American said. “Most of them know nothing about it and probably won’t.”
“Unless one of them is sent to jail by the ICC,” interjected another.
“Yeah, then they will notice,” the American said.
The latter exchange was jocular and scornful.
On expanding NATO, Bilderberg participants were impatient.
“The shortest path to permanent peace is to bring everybody in including Russia as fast as practical,” said one speaker whose comment met with general approval.
A question was raised about costs.
“Costs, you ask?” the speaker responded. “How much did two world wars, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War cost Americans? Peace is far less expensive.”
To ensure “permanent peace throughout the world requires a strong enforcement mechanism, which means keeping the expanding NATO intact but under UN direction, for which there is a precedent to which none except rabid nationalists objected,” the speaker said.
The “precedent” referred to was UN forces in Bosnia, where American soldiers were issued the UN uniform and served under a foreign commander who reported directly to the Security Council, with the U.S. president and Congress having no role at all.
Bilderberg participants were clearly stating that the UN is to emerge into a world government with its own army patrolling the globe enforcing its will.Bilderberg luminaries expressed outrage that Congress did not approve the $18 billion for the International Monetary Fund to bail out the big banks a year ago.
“How could you let your Congress get so out of control?” asked a Frenchman of an American during informal glass-tinkling. “It was never a problem before.”
“Our Congress has a problem we call voters,” came the answer.
“That’s because we have less direct communication,” the Frenchman said.
“Leaders of your Congress no longer accept our invitations to attend Bilderberg.”
“Again, the problem is voters,” the American explained. “For years and years, we enjoyed almost total privacy. Now, right-wing extremists stir the voters up and congressmen have too many questions asked of them.”
For decades, such congressional leaders as former House Speaker Tom Foley (D- Wash.), former Senate Banking Chairman Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and others attended Bilderberg. Bentsen continued as President Clinton’s Treasury secretary, but was not listed among this year’s participants.
For the past several years, the only legislators to attend were Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and a House member but only after each had announced his retirement.
“We need them back, as the IMF problem shows,” the Frenchman said.
“But how?” asked the American. “Congressmen now consider attending Bilderberg; to be political suicide.”
Bilderberg regulars were all accounted for, including David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons of Britain and Europe.
President Clinton, himself a Bilderberg member, sent his usual assortment of administration officials: Marc Grossman, assistant secretary of state; Vernon Jordan Jr., a top unpaid advisor who will report Bilderberg demands directly to the president; Lawrence Summers, deputy secretary of Treasury; and Christine Todd Whitman (R), governor of New Jersey.
This is Mrs. Whitman’s first Bilderberg meeting, which means they have plans for her. After Clinton’s first Bilderberg meeting, in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1991, he became president.
Other old-time luminaries present included Chairman Peter Carrington, former secretary-general of NATO; Paul Allaire, chairman of Xerox Corp. and Conrad Black, chairman of the Telegraph of London and owner of a vast newspaper chain, among other global interests.
AS THE Asian crisis continues unabated, an unelected group of the world's power brokers are having a quiet weekend in the Ayrshire countryside.
At the end of the winding red tarmac drive leading up to the white-walled Turnberry Hotel - the bulk of Ailsa Craig lurking like a well-muscled minder in the Firth of Clyde beyond - the 120 members of the Bilderberg group have been discreetly conducting their business.
Membership is conditional on never speaking to the press about what goes on behind the closed doors, so detail is in short supply and conspiracy theories fill the gaps.
So it is that Bilderbergers have been deemed substantially responsible for just about everything over the last 45 years, from the collapse of Communism to the rise of the single European currency. Tony Blair has been at the annual gathering in the past, so has Bill Clinton, so has just about every aspiring leader now in the public domain.
Local boy made good George Robertson, the Defence Secretary and MP for Hamilton South, is there this weekend, as is Tory leader William Hague, among the host of millionaire business executives and faceless bankers dipping in and out of the brainstorming sessions.
An anonymous spokesman said by fax: "At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued. In short, Bilderberg is a flexible and informal international leadership forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.
"To ensure full discussion, individuals representing a wide range of political and economic points of view are invited. Participants are solely invited for their knowledge, experience and standing and with reference to the topics on the agenda. All participants are invited to attend Bilderberg in a private and not in an official capacity."
Yesterday, the media watched from a discreet distance as a small army of yellow jacketed Strathclyde Police officers milled about Turnberry's immaculate lawns and golf courses sweating in the early summer sunshine. Every vehicle seeking access to the hotel is directed to a holding bay and thoroughly searched by an explosives sniffer dog and a squad of detectives before a red triangle with the letter B is affixed to the windscreen and a police officer escorts the vehicle onwards, riding shotgun in the passenger seat.
At the gates, Damien Mearns, an accountant who once stood as an independent MP for election in the Barking constituency, and Jim Tucker, veteran reporter of the Washington-based Spotlight magazine, disclose their version of the hidden agenda. "It is no coincidence this meeting is being held in Scotland so close to Birmingham, where the G8 conference is going on. They take their decisions here and then go and tell G8 what it is going to decide."
More sceptical observers regard the Bilderbergers - named after the Dutch Hotel where it all began following the war - as the kind of people who used to be at G8 summits and can't get out of the habit.
Hotel kitchen staff shake their heads as they leave after a change of shift. Each wears a special access pass on a chain around the neck. "There's a lot of men in suits about. That's about it," said one.
On the inside, anonymous spokesmen filter all calls, and the final impression inside Turnberry is of an elite but informal gentleman's club, even if it has granted access to the occasional woman, such as the Queen of the Netherlands.
Meanwhile, 15 miles away at Prestwick Airport, a fleet of executive jets awaits the return of their owners before tomorrow's departure to the four corners of their rarefied world.
I once produced a TV programme about the dangers of putting fluoride into public water supplies, so I was alarmed to hear that Plymouth's water may be fluoridated because a few children in the city have excessive tooth decay, without access to fluoride toothpaste or even toothbrushes. Whatever happened to their child "benefit"?
As fluoride is of no value to those older than 16, why mass-medicate a city because of a few irresponsible parents? The trouble with fluoride is that a dose of only one part per million is advised by the World Health Organisation.
Increase it minutely to just 1.2 parts and anyone can get incurable dental fluorosis, a brown mottling of the teeth.
Water companies worry about that and expect governments, whose idea it is, to compensate if thousands of people with newly-browned teeth start waving writs.
But governments want no part of that, which is why a scheme was abandoned by SWW in St Austell in 1974.
The Swiss never stoop to mass-medication: their children have fluoride in milk or tablets. Some Devon water is high in natural calcium fluoride; it is also in tea and some foods.
Once added to the water you cannot control how much you ingest. Only "people-power" can stop such schemes, and has done. Why do we tolerate such madness? A few children don't clean their teeth and 250,000 people have to drink toxic hexa-fluoro-salicylic acid - a superb rat poison.
Apathy wins in such cases and the local elections were full of it. Maybe too many British people are more bothered about "EastEnders" being five minutes late than by the break-up of their country? The new EU map of what was the UK shows Scotland, Wales, Ulster and London as separate EU "regions". Labour calls it "development", but within just a year they have nearly achieved it.
The London split is disguised as a Lord Mayor vote but even that only stirred 34% of the folk. Politics feeds on apathy and liberalism. Think about it.
Censorship is a sham, sex and dirty talk is on TV any time of day, I think the Spice Girls are to femininity what sunrise is to Count Dracula and our best movie is about a group of cursing male strippers. Let people do as they please - they can even kill someone and be back home inside nine years and who cares about politics?
Somerset-based "Portman Papers" says "A false liberalism is impairing British character and undermining our past moral certainties." One certainty is that today in Ayrshire the Bilderberg Group is meeting under its usual secrecy that makes freemasonry look like a playgroup. Founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel near Arnhem, with a former SS officer as its president, probably fewer than 1,000 Britons could tell you what it is.
"The Scotsman" newspaper just beat me to it and lifted the lid on Monday under the heading "Secret Society that Rules the World". Over 100 bankers, opinion-makers, politicians and the industrial giants who feed their party funds discuss world affairs and produce "policies".
They promoted the EU three years before it was set up, and planned the single currency backed by the US Rockefeller and Rothschild families. Annual meetings are said to have included many senior politicians and businessmen. Americans are very suspicious of the group, asking why it remains a secret. I can answer that.
The group's aim is world government.
In 1991, one multi-billionaire involved with the group thanked some media barons for keeping secret "our project for the world", and he went on: "The multi-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite is surely preferable to the self-determination of nations as practised in the past."
Those are chilling words to those of us who still love democracy and our country but are many of us left who care? Is the TV schedule truly more important?
The Bilderbergers are alleged to have engineered Margaret Thatcher out of Downing Street because of her opposition to a European Superstate.
As the greatest change to our country for 1,000 years is threatened, we do not want secret manipulation. But does apathy dominate us?
William Wordsworth wrote "Dear God, the very houses seem asleep and that mighty heart lies still."
THEY arrived in black limousines with smoked windows, protected by armed men and the kind of security reserved for people who rule the world.
The Bilderberg group was gathering at the palatial Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, inside a steel ring of uniformed and undercover police officers. The 132-bedroom five-star hotel has, for the next three days, been taken over for a "private function".
Police in combat blacks with sniffer dogs searched every delivery vehicle, inside and outside, top and bottom, and then escorted it to the tradesmen's entrance. Armed officers haunted the surrounding woods and square-jawed men with secret service earphones guarded the entrances. Anyone approaching the hotel who did not have a stake in controlling the planet was turned back.
Exempt from such checks was the Bilderberg chairman for the last eight years, Lord Carrington, the former foreign secretary, who arrived first, ahead of the private jets circling Prestwick 15 miles away.
The aircraft deposited, among others, the billionaire David Rockefeller, the former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, the media magnate Conrad Black and the owner of Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli. The security seemed entirely appropriate.
The Conservative leader, William Hague, and the former Chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, were on the guest list that read like an international who's who of the wealthy, influential and powerful.
Once a year, the 120 men and women credited with putting Bill Clinton into the Oval Office and ousting Lady Thatcher from No 10, meet to discuss world events and, some claim, manipulate them.
The group was created 44 years ago by Bernhard of the Netherlands, a Nazi princeling with a vision of "globalisation" - a one-world government controlled by conglomerates more powerful than national legislatures. The secretive group has been accused of creating the European Union and the single currency, prompting wars and engineering the fall of unfriendly governments.
Lady Thatcher once remarked that to "be denounced by Bilderberg is to receive an honour". She opposed its vision of a European super-state.
Telephone calls to the office of the organiser were rebuffed by a woman with a peremptory German accent. "No, we cannot tell you who is here. No, we cannot discuss the agenda. No, you cannot speak to the delegates."
As the delegates turned up, so did an American gentleman, announcing: "I'm Big Jim Tucker from Washington." Mr Tucker, the veteran reporter of the Spotlight, the populist Washington-based weekly newspaper which winkles out reds, and everyone else, from under the bed is the nemesis of Bilderberg.
"I've been chasing these guys ... for 15 years. They are controlling the world and making decisions that influence the world with absolutely no democratic control," said Mr Tucker. "It is no coincidence that this meeting is being held in Scotland so close to Birmingham where the G8 conference is going on. They take their decisions here and then go and tell G8 what it's going to decide."
The men behind Bilderberg claim that the reason for the "so-called secrecy" is to ensure that the powerful delegates can talk off the record. Opponents paint a more sinister picture.
Rodney Atkinson, who has studied the group for years, said: "According to the former CIA agent and academic Richard Aldrich, the group was the driving force behind the construction of European Union."
A Scots academic, Andrew Lockhart Walker, said: "They have been backroom boys for a long time, laying the groundwork for the Round Table, the powerful cartel of European businessmen who run the EC from behind the scenes."
Damien Mearns, a British colleague of Mr Tucker, said: "They create wars, currency crashes, put up the interest rates on our mortgages. They do it from the five-star luxury of the world's top hotels."
A source close to the conference said: "There is a lot of frothing at the mouth by the conspiracy theorists, but they are wrong." He admitted, however, that the group never makes statements.
One former Bilderberger was prepared to break ranks. Jack Sheinkman, the chairman of the Amalgamated Bank in the US, said: "Yes, in some cases, discussions do have an impact, such as when the group discussed a single European currency before it was policy, and the establishment of diplomatic links with China before Nixon started them."
It is claimed the group makes billions from insider knowledge of such events. Vince Ryan, the publisher of the Spotlight, said: "If they have nothing to fear why do they hide? They do the world no good, which is the reason for the secrecy. The security also costs the taxpayers a great deal of money."
That is one thing the Scots do not need to worry about. The conference source said: "We certainly do not expect to get all this security for free."
SCOTSMAN 15/05/98 P24
May 14, 1998
Turnberry / Edinburgh / London
May 15 to May 19, 1998
May 15 to 17 Minister to attend Bilderberg Conference Location: Turnberry
Sunday, May 17
2:30 p.m. - 2:55 p.m. Interview with Cameron Simpson of the Glasgow Herald
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Meeting with Donald Dewar, Secretary of State for Scotland
Location: 1 Devonshire Gardens
Glasgow Monday, May 18
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Meeting with the Rt. Hon. Malcolm Rifkind, Leader
of the Scottish Conservative Party (former Foreign Secretary) Location: Eskgrove
House, Inveresk - East Lothian (Mr. Rifkind's home)
11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Round table discussions with academics at the University
of Edinburgh. Lunch to follow discussions Location: University of Edinburgh
Centre of Canadian Studies 21 George Square Edinburgh
2:40 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Interview with journalist Tim Lockhurst of The Scotsman
Journal Location: 20 North Bridge Edinburgh
Tuesday, May 19 - London
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Interview with Michael Finnerty of the BBC World Update
Location: Bush House
9:30 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. Interview with Michael Binyon of The Times (London)
Location: Palace of Westminster
10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Meeting with Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor Location:
Palace of Westminster
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Meeting with Alex Salmond, Leader, Scottish National
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Meeting with the Rt. Hon. Michael Ancram (Conservative
critic for Constitutional Affairs) Location: House of Commons Central Lobby
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Interview at The Financial Times with journalist Peter
Martin Location: 1 Southwark Bridge
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Address to students and faculty at the London School
of Economics, followed by question and answer session
This document is available on the Intergovernmental Affairs Website at the following address:
CONTACT: Andre Lamarre, Press Secretary, (613) 943-1838.
No 1218 Bilderberg Group
Age: 44.
Appearance: Annual, for four days.
So it's a far-off constellation? No. It is, according to some, a sinister shadow world government dedicated to seizing control of the levers of the global economy.
So why have you put Lord Carrington's picture at the top of this column? He runs it along with Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, billionaire owner of New York's Chase Manhattan Bank.
Who else? Don't know.
It meets where? A source in Turnberry, Ayrshire, says: `I can't comment officially on whether this is a conference of the Bilderberg group.' Why Turnberry? Unofficially, its members gather there for their annual shindig tomorrow.
What will they discuss? Don't know. There are no statements, no soundbites, no photocalls. You could ask Denis Healey. He went to the meetings for years.
But he's Labour. Why would he be involved? Silly question. You could also ask Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Paddy Ashdown, Bill Clinton, or even John Monks at the TUC.
So it's a capitalist conspiracy? Well, the FT once commented: `If the Bilderberg group is not a conspiracy of some sort, it is conducted in such a way as to give a remarkably good imitation of one.' What does it talk about? Its plan for a European super-state as part of a global American union, some say.
Now that is a conspiracy theory. That's nothing. US rightwing survivalists say the group's in league with the Queen and the Triads to flood the world with cheap heroin and destroy the US. Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam believes it's behind the Rwandan genocide as part of a World Bank plot to settle European Jews in Africa.
Why Bilderberg? The first meeting was in the Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeck. Its driving force was Joseph Retinger, head of the CIA-funded European Movement, an outgrowth of various rightwing and anti-communist organisations.
Most likely to say: zilch.
Least likely to say: Let's have a big push on the Freedom of Information bill.
Not to be confused with: the Bundesbank, the Magic Circle, the Shadow Cabinet, the Masons, S.M.E.R.S.H., S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
GUARDIAN 13/05/98 P3
Ankara - Turkish Daily News
Foreign Minister Ismail Cem will attend the politically elite Bilderberg meeting in Scotland as part of a busy May schedule. Cem may have bilateral talks with the chairman of the meeting, U.S. President Bill Clinton's Special Presidential Envoy for Cyprus Richard Holbrooke as well as European Union (EU) Commissioner Hans van den Broek and Greek Deputy Foreign Minister George Papandreu. Britain's envoy to Cyprus, Sir David Hannay, is also among those attending the meeting.
Cem told the Anatolia news agency that he would find time to talk with German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel in one of his upcoming meetings, which include the assembly of the Western European Union between May 18-20 in Paris, the NATO Foreign Ministers Council between May 28-29 in Brussels or in the Euro-Med meeting in Palermo. Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sermet Atacanli said that Kinkel still intended to visit Turkey and Turkey's official invitation to the German minister still remained, but added that the tight schedule does not permit their meeting easily.
UPI News May. 11, 1998
Governor Whitman is in Europe for a trip that combines personal business with attending the Bilderberg Conference in Scotland. The conference gives leaders from Europe and North America a chance to discuss politics, economics and government. Whitman's trip means she will be out of the country for the annual Legislative Correspondent's Club Dinner... an event that generally ends with a speech from the governor.
The men and women behind a hugely influential and highly secretive "shadow world government" arrive in Scotland this week to discuss international events and, some would accuse, manipulate them. In its 44-year history, the Bilderberg group has been surrounded by controversy and suspicion, accused of creating business conglomerates more powerful than national governments and influencing the creation of the European super-state for its own ends.
Along the way, the group, made up of between 115 and 120 of the world's most powerful businessmen, financiers, academics and politicians, is credited with engineering Margaret Thatcher out of the prime minister's job and getting a former chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, into bother over his expenses. The group was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - it takes its name from the Oosterbeek hotel where the first meeting was held - in order to create a "think tank" of the great and good, to discuss "globalisation". The secrecy that surrounds its annual four-day meeting is legendary.
Delegates make no comment on its agenda or issue statements. There are no soundbites, photocalls or press conferences, a procedure that has fuelled conspiracy theorists who believe the group has become the puppetmaster of weak national governments. The group has been chaired since 1991 by the former Conservative foreign secretary, Lord Carrington, and steered by Henry Kissinger, the former United States secretary of state, and David Rockefeller, the billionaire owner of New York's Chase Manhattan Bank. The four-day summit will begin on Thursday at the Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire. Previous guest lists, strictly by invitation, have included Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Colin Powell, the US general who masterminded the Allied prosecution of the Gulf war. It is the second time the group has visited Scotland. The last was at Gleneagles Hotel in 1986. "Scotland is a beautiful place and has a very relaxed atmosphere," a conference insider said last night. Strathclyde Police are mounting a security operation which, it is understood, will involve armed officers, for what they describe as a "non-governmental" international conference. However, the cost will not be borne by the taxpayer. "We do not expect to get security for free," the insider added. The group's opponents accuse it of being a shadow world government, which laid the foundations for the "Round Table", a group of 45 business magnates in charge of Europe's biggest companies, which was set up in 1981 to influence events in the European Union. Andrew Lockhart Walker, a retired academic, who has studied the shadowy groups, said: "Bilderberg did all the groundwork for the group which is running Europe behind the scenes. They've had a backroom boy role for a very long time." Two thirds of the delegates are from Europe, while the rest come fromNorth America.
After last year's summit in the US, Kenneth Clarke was found to have technically breached Commons rules by not declaring the free hotel accommodation he had received as an invited guest although he had paid his own air fare.
In the past, powerful delegates have broken the summit's code of silence. Jack Sheinkman, the chairman of the Amalgamated Bank in the US, admitted that in "some cases discussions do have an impact." He added: "The idea of a common European currency was discussed before it became policy, as did the establishment of US-China diplomatic relations before Richard Nixon became involved." The group is most condemned in the US, where suspicion of it is greatest. Vince Ryan, the publisher of the weekly populist newspaper, the Spotlight, said: "It's time to end 40 years of secrecy. If Bilderberg is doing good it should enjoy the sunshine instead of seeking out dark corners. "They are eager for European currency union to further their plan for a European super-state as part of a global desire for an American union and an Asian-Pacific Union. They are a global A [?? ed.] source close to this week's conference said: "I cannot comment officially on whether this is a conference of the Bilderberg group. "This is a strictly private non-governmental conference, one of a series of such meetings. Their purpose is the discuss most informally and confidentially topics of current concern to the democracies of Europe and America. "These meetings rotate around the world and no statement or communique is issued at the end. This is for no other reason than to allow delegates to speak confidently and openly. "The purpose is to talk about things of concern in the demo cracies and Europe and North America, and to ensure they continue to work closely together.
It has been felt from the beginning that regular off-the-record discussion was the best way forward. "Some of the delegates are politicians, but everyone is here privately. It inspires frothing at the mouth of conspiracy theories, but the purpose of the privacy is to allow delegates to have a frank and constructive debate and get to the heart of things knowing that they are not going to be reported."
Daily Telegraph - 23Feb98
SIR - I have never been a Freemason and can see both sides of the argument over the new disclosure rules. But why stop with Freemasonry and law enforcement? Local and national politicians of all parties should be subject to the same standards. They are, after all, in as great a position to let their membership of any society influence activities that profoundly affect our lives.
For some time now, rumours have circulated about the influence of a secretive international society known as the Bilderbergers. It is said that prominent politicians of all parties attend its meetings, and that its activities are little reported because prominent media figures are involved. There seems to be as strong a case for disclosure in this instance as there is for that of Freemasonry.
Appleton, Ches.
The quintessence of globalisation, writes Samuel Huntingdon, is Davos Man. [in The Clash of Civilizations and remaking of World Order] Every year in the last weekend of January there is an extraordinary tribal gathering in the Swiss Alps of the high priests of globalisation. They have their own thought system, shared rituals and even their own dress code - complete with large Armani spectacles. Davos has become a temple to the verites of free markets, inward investment, democracy and privatisation peopled by men and women in very expensive suits.
Yet it can't be mocked too much. Along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Conference, this is one of the key meetings of the year. No policy is made here; it is all talk, some of it banal and platitudinous. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide - and this is why Chancellor Gordon Brown should have come, rather than cancelling at short notice. The Left should not allow the international conversation to be dominated wholly by the Right; if there is to be any regime change worldwide - whether on the sustainability and necessity of the welfare state or the need to act over destabilising capital flows - it will only emerge if meetings like this accept that such issues are on the agenda and have powerful backers. The voices of even the pragmatic Left that Brown represents are not strong here. It was an important missed opportunity.
That is not to say that Davos ideology is uniformly conservative. The meetings became important in the second half of the 1980s when it became clear that the system in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union was breaking down - and when the Asian economies joined the hunt for inward investment. Davos, founded in the early 1970s, found itself propelled to prominence - it was where political leaders, especially those from Eastern Europe, desperate for inward investment and a platform to show their attachment to the credo of economic liberalisation, could parade before international businessmen and financiers.
But the events in Asia over the last six months have shaken the Davos view to its core. Nobody foresaw that those apparent paragons of the world it sought to build, the Asian tigers, would prove to have such clay feet. But like priests of any religion, Davos is suffering only a temporary loss of faith - and in ways which show its better side. Asia went wrong because too many of its governments were non-democratic, corrupt and authoritarian, running a system of crony capitalism; in Britain only writers such as Paul Foot match the contempt in which Davos holds, for example, Indonesia's President Suharto.
Davos's globalisers want democratic government, the rule of law, transparent rules, fair play for all and, in Asia, extraordinarily strong social-security nets. Nor does their prescription stop there. For example, Davos deplores the US trade embargo of Cuba, declaring it absurd; it believes Cuba should be opened up to the world system and to the liberalising impact of inward investment. And even the welfare state attracts defenders. As the South Korean delegation has repeatedly explained, the price that must be paid for labour-market flexibility and volatile exchange rates is a powerful safety net underwriting the fall-out from such economic rigour and large-scale industrial restructuring. They intend to build a European-style social security system.
But in the round, Davos is unflaggingly committed to capitalism, yet not that is paralleled by its commitment to democracy and human rights. Some businessmen can surprise you by their liberalism and social concern. They are developing a new value system around their capitalist beliefs that is much more attractive than the slash-and-burn, short-termist approach of the Anglo American Right, and you can see how intriguingly it connects with New Labour. Blair and Brown are onto something.
Closer to home even critics of the personal journalism inquiring into the dynamics of relationships should be aware that Davos has never laid on so many sessions about the personal. Like Western culture generally, it is being de-masculinised. There is also the beginning of a new argument about how to refashion the international financial system, although on Friday the organisers laid it on two miles from the conference centre. It's still not quite pukka.
But the core of Davos remains its attachment to what it sees as hard economics. It is axiomatic, for example, that privatisation is always good, and stories abound of newly privatised companies that have increased output with a fraction of their old workforce. A group of French and German business leaders argued the European economic and social system has broken down. The French want a more 'flexible' labour market; the Germans more investor activism to shake up sleepy companies. But New Labour should note, it is not so much a strong social security system that is criticised but its interaction with sclerotic companies and powerful unions. This has Thatcherite overtones, but is not quite Thatcherism. Social values count, even for self-styled business 'revolutionaries'; the aim is to create more employment in Europe.
In sum, Davos is groping towards championing a more humane capitalism -a development it knows it must make if the market system it believes in is not to be de-legitimised by violent international oscillation and sudden, unnecessary, brutal economic restructuring. Globalisation is moving on, and Davos with it.
He is a presidential adviser without title or salary.
He is a lawyer who rarely steps into a courtroom, who seldom writes a brief or motion.
He is a lobbyist who does not lobby, at least not in the official sense of the term.
He is a civil rights leader who some say has forsaken his early ideals in a successful quest for a place at the seat of national power. He is a black man who has achieved an unprecedented, unparalleled stature as a Washington power broker, reaching the pinnacle of one of the most obstinately white workplaces in the nation, the K Street megafirm. He is an apparently devoted husband whose reputation as a ladies' man crosses generational, racial and social boundaries.
Vernon Eulion Jordan Jr., grandson of a sharecropper, is a multimillionaire who lives in a Washington mansion and hobnobs with Cabinet members, CEOs of the world's largest corporations, and TV anchors.
Once, he risked shouts of wrath and even bodily harm to help make a revolution against racism. Then, following a decade running the National Urban League, he joined one of Washington's most powerful law firms. Now, he sits on the boards of 11 major companies and spurns an opportunity to become the first black attorney general of the United States because he says he'd rather not open his accounts to public view and because being the first black is "no reason for me to take a job."
But Jordan, 62, needs no title to wield the same kind of influence in the public sector that he has in corporate America. Jordan is, by all accounts, not only a master fixer, but President Clinton's closest confidant, a man with whom the leader of the Free World spends time on the links, on vacation on Martha's Vineyard, in workaday conversation, at Christmas Eve dinners with just the two men and their wives, and most of all, at moments of crisis. While Clinton is, as president, the visible leader in the relationship, the two men's friendship is as close to equal as can be in a bond involving the chief executive, friends of both men say. After all, it was Jordan who first introduced then-Gov. Clinton to world leaders at their annual Bilderberg gathering in Germany in 1991. Plenty of governors try to make that scene; only Clinton got taken seriously at that meeting, because Vernon Jordan said he was okay.
Now, the two friends face the gravest crisis they have met together. Yet just when Clinton would seem to need Jordan most, they are in touch, aides say, only by phone, and it is not even clear whether that much contact has happened. Appearing together in public would only aggravate the popular suspicion that Clinton and Jordan have done something untoward to hide the president's alleged relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
And so both men must appear to be conducting business as usual. The president, largely staying out of public view until tonight's State of the Union address, has made only brief, if forceful, statements about the storm raging around him. And but for a clipped statement to the press last week in which he denied any wrongdoing, Jordan has been seen only as a smiling, carefree pedestrian, entering or leaving work as if nothing had happened. That is Jordan's strength. His cool, his command of himself and his surroundings even under the most relentless pressure, is one of the primary sources of his authority.
Even in a fateful hour, Jordan need not speak out. He has people who will do that for him -- or who will remain silent, whatever he wishes. More than 20 of Jordan's closest friends and associates declined to speak for this story. "Vernon would not want me to add to the noise on this," says one of the city's most prominent lawyers. Even Dick Morris -- once a presidential confidant, now a radio commentator willing to discuss virtually anything -- offers only apologies this time.
What Jordan possesses most of all, as he has often said, is his connections. His job, more than anything else, is to know people, and to know just what it takes to motivate them, whether to do a favor, complete a task or simply be there for a client or friend.
"Vernon attracts clients and he handles their business with integrity and effectiveness," says Robert Strauss, the longtime Washington power broker who brought Jordan to Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld in 1982. "He offers judgment and integrity and confidence in himself. He has a manner about him that is warm and attentive."
"Vernon might ask a friend to see someone, and if that person says no, so be it," says Carolyn Peachey, a Washington event planner who frequently socializes with Vernon and Ann Jordan. "There's no pressure, just a warm friendliness."
When Jordan explained his attempt to find a job for Lewinsky at two New York corporations by saying that "I believe to whom much is given, much is required," the remark was ridiculed as a smoke screen for a coverup. Whatever the facts in the Lewinsky mess, the remark is a perfect statement of what it is Jordan does.
"I have seen Vernon -- too many times to count -- help not just young people, but any people," Strauss says. "There are individuals in this country leading corporations and financial institutions, and laboring in the vineyards because Vernon has been there to help and to make a few phone calls for them.
That's why people respect him." Executives at companies Jordan serves as a director say he routinely calls looking for work for recent graduates of Howard University, where Jordan attended law school, or for young interns he's come across at the firm, in the government or elsewhere around town.
"It would not surprise me at all that a young intern would be referred to Vernon for some help in a very innocent way, and that that may have resulted in him making some calls for that person," Peachey says. "I've heard about that hundreds of times."
Boardrooms and Back Rooms Jordan's playing field is extraordinarily broad -- from the NFL, which once considered him for commissioner; to IBM, which turned to him for advice on picking a new CEO; to the president, who used Jordan to probe whether Colin Powell would accept an appointment as secretary of state. Jordan ran Clinton's 1992 transition team, just as he had handled then-D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly's entrance into office two years earlier (even if Jordan hadn't voted in several District elections). Jordan plays a role nearly every president has found necessary in one form or another. Some presidents turned to party sages for a blueprint to the capital; others just want a pal who will keep confidences and keep them sane.
For decades, Clark Clifford and Robert Strauss served Democratic presidents, just as Eisenhower adviser Bryce Harlow and Nixon playmate Bebe Rebozo have helped Republicans. "Presidents need to have somebody they can relax with," says former White House counsel Lloyd Cutler. "He is a good, loyal friend."
Presidents also need friends with whom they can escape from the formalities of office and just be themselves. Jordan, friends say, fulfills that role. Like the president, Jordan is given to eyebrow-raising remarks on the looks of pretty women. At a 1995 state dinner, Clinton joked to Jordan that he ought to keep his hands off the comely blonde seated next to the president. "I saw her first, Vernon," the president said, according to an account in Washington Monthly.
"Nothing wrong with a little locker room talk," Jordan once told a reporter.
One woman in a mid-level federal position describes Jordan as the man who made her career. He picked her, enticed her into standing for the position, and paved her path through confirmation, the woman has told friends. It all happened as smoothly as cognac slipping into a glass, she says -- but for one thing.
"When you're a woman, an attractive woman, and Vernon Jordan does something for you, there is an expectation that there will be some extracurricular activities," the woman says, adding that those activities could be as simple as attending a party with him.
"He's flirtatious; that's just his style," says a Washington woman who has known him for years. "I don't remember anybody hostilely saying, `Vernon hit on me.' I just can't think of a time people were angry about it. People roll their eyes and say, `Oh, that's Vernon.' "
Jordan's eye for women is a regular topic of conversation among reporters, lawyers and others who have been on the receiving end of his comments. Over the years, Jordan has declined to address the subject, saying only that "I like people."
His second wife, Ann -- first wife Shirley died in 1985 after a battle with multiple sclerosis -- told The Post in 1992 that "I'm sure women find him attractive. I do." (Ann Jordan, an active partner in the couple's busy social and political life, was co-chairman of the 1996 Clinton inauguration.) In 1980, Vernon Jordan was shot in the back by a white supremacist who said he was out to kill "race-mixers." The Jordan shooting occurred at 2 a.m. as he was returning to his motel with a white woman. The shooter was acquitted at trial but later admitted the act.
Although Jordan is not talking these days, his response to criticisms of his personal or professional behavior -- whether his attitude toward women, his work on behalf of black America, or questions about how hard he works on behalf of companies he serves as a director -- has always been direct and concise: "I am the custodian of my morality and ethics," he told The Post a few years ago.
If such tactics might seem arrogant in another man, Jordan easily gets away with them, in good measure, friends and critics agree, because of his charm. The components of that charm are supremely simple, friends say: A huge handshake that stays with you just long enough to show that you are something beyond the ordinary acquaintance, yet not too long to make you suspect artifice. A startling and immediate informality of the kind that might cause you to hang up on a telemarketer, but gives even powerful lawyers a sense of being in a circle so inside, most folks don't even know it exists. There's his height (6 feet 4), his glowing smile, his smooth voice and the way he can make it soar, particularly when he is citing Scripture, or the way he can lower it to a confidential stage-whisper, particularly when he is passing comment on the physical assets of a young woman.
Friends -- and especially his longtime black friends -- say Jordan has another asset as well: his race. They say Jordan's business acumen and negotiating skills propelled him up the ladder and over the hurdles of race, but they add that Jordan has proven masterly at using his race to add a certain mystique to his work.
Some say Jordan's chocolaty skin, and particularly its juxtaposition with his white Turnbull & Asser shirts, gives white executives a feeling of achievement, an unspoken sense that they, too, have overcome the nation's racial hangups to become friends with an accomplished black man. And friends say Jordan judiciously uses tools his white colleagues lack -- a comfort with quoting the Bible in business discussions, a rich oratory, and an easy back-and-forth between boardroom formality and back-room back-slapping. Jordan is the ultimate symbol of black privilege, says Randall Robinson, president of TransAfrica, an advocacy group for African issues and a veteran of the civil rights era. In a new book, Robinson calls the pinnacle of Washington power a place he names "Privilege." He says successful blacks in the capital "fear Vernon Jordan disease, a degenerative condition among blacks in Privilege that results in a loss of any memory of what they came to Privilege to accomplish. . . . It afflicts only those blacks who both wish feverishly and after careful screening are allowed to be close to the president socially."
Jordan refuses to discuss such criticism. His friends say he toils constantly on behalf of young black job-seekers. And Jordan has his own way of making statements on race: The first time he dined at the formerly all-white Century Club in New York City, Jordan made a point of ordering watermelon. No Silver Spoons
Jordan, who has rebuffed all interview requests since the Lewinsky matter became public last week, has often cited his mother as his primary influence. In a 1993 interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Jordan's brother, Windsor, quoted his mother, Mary, saying that color was never the driving force in her world. "It was about money," the brother said. "It was about business and money. She'd say, `If you got some money, you can do most anything you want.' "
Jordan's early career was not about money, but about the ability of blacks to gain access to it and every other good thing in American society. After attending segregated schools in Atlanta, he spent the 1960s at the NAACP and other civil rights groups, working to open the electoral process to blacks, and build bridges between the black and white institutions of a segregated nation. If some blacks who spent that decade getting themselves thrown in jail later resented Jordan's quieter approach, others say the street revolts would have been futile without the legal and political work of the likes of Jordan.
And his role was not without danger: In 1961, as a 25-year-old law clerk, he launched his civil rights work by leading a young black student named Charlayne Hunter through a screaming white mob that was out to halt her from integrating the University of Georgia.
It was his mother's work as a caterer -- his father was a mail clerk for the Army -- that gave the young Jordan a peek into the world of wealthy white power. He was smitten with the notion that he, too, could travel in such circles, and he honed the personal skills that would take him there. Peering in at the lawyers dining at an all-white Atlanta club, Jordan once said, "I admired their bearing, the way they articulated the issues, if not the substance of their positions."
"There's very little I've ever seen that would make Vernon Jordan ill at ease," says Peachey. "He knows who he is, and what he set out a long time ago to make into his role in life. This is someone who is supremely comfortable with himself."
That comfort -- and the ease powerful people feel around Jordan -- is an important factor in his appointment to more corporate boards than all but a handful of Americans.
But his posts as director of companies such as American Express, Xerox, J.C. Penney, Dow Jones and Sara Lee have led to criticism from the Teamsters and other large institutional investors that Jordan misses too many meetings and faces a potential conflict because his law firm also represents six companies on whose boards he sits.
Corporations want Jordan on their boards because he is the ultimate Washington insider, because he is wise, because "having an African American on your board may also prove helpful," and because "Jordan is so busy that having him on your board suggests that at least one director will not be in a position to cause you any trouble," says Graef Crystal, a business school professor and frequent critic of overpaid corporate executives and directors.
Crystal has written that Jordan "cannot dodge at least some of the blame" for the poor performance of some CEOs who run companies he serves as a director.
But Jordan has said attendance records at board meetings do not fairly reflect a director's contribution to a company.
Between Jordan and his wife, 17 directorships give the couple an annual income of more than $800,000, in addition to the reported $1 million he makes at his law firm.
Money, he knows, is a double-edged sword for a successful veteran of the civil rights movement. It is a sign of success that can also be thrown back at him as a symbol of selling out.
The late Ron Brown, who felt the brunt of similar accusations, once said that successful black businessmen are "expected to limit our horizons, to be pigeonholed . . . and not break out and accept responsibility and leadership beyond the traditional civil rights movement." Brown defended his friend Jordan as "an incredible achiever."
Jordan's approach is simpler: "I know who I am," he has said in speeches.
Others may criticize, but Vernon Jordan is, he says, "answerable to myself." And he says it with such charm.
Staff writer Ann Gerhart contributed to this report.
STRAITS TIMES (SE Asia) 30/6/96, extract of paper submitted to Bilderberg 1996 conference
China has risen from slumber, so help it find a place in the world, argues former American Assistant Secretary of Defence Chas W. Freeman Jr. Outlining the economic, political and military challenges of China, he warns that if it is excluded from the global order, it will not adhere to global norms. Edited extracts of his paper begin here:
The Chinese believe that, for most of recorded history, China was not just the most populous but also the most prosperous, technologically most advanced, most powerful, and arguably the best governed of all human societies.
The Chinese regard their eclipse by the West in what they call "the recent past" as an anomaly that time and hard work will correct.
Most Chinese now believe that, in the century to come, their nation is destined to resume its natural place as the pre-eminent society on the planet. They may be right. Even if they are wrong, their cocky self-confidence that time is on their side has major international implications.
China's rise to wealth and power is the leading factor in the Asia-Pacific region's progressive displacement of the Atlantic community at the centre of world economic affairs.
The challenge of fitting China into the existing world order does not, however, stop with economics. China's rise also has enormous political and military implications. The Chinese economy is the engine that is accelerating the global shift of wealth and power to East Asia. Events in the region or between China and its trading partners may alter the rate of growth but are unlikely to reverse it.
But its growing economic weight and central position have yet to be reflected in its inclusion in global institutions and regulatory regimes.
China is excluded from the Group of Seven nations, the World Trade Organisation, the New Forum (successor to CoCom, the Co-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls), the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and other global institutions.
No one has even thought about how to work toward the ultimate admission of China to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The effort by the United States and others in the early '70s to incorporate China into the world order, shaped by the Atlantic community over the past half century, has faltered.
Yet, it is hard to imagine that the institutions that constitute this order can retain their leading position if an economy that is soon to become the world's largest is not fully integrated with them.
Meanwhile, a rapidly-expanding list of global and regional economic and politico-economic issues cannot be successfully managed without Chinese cooperation.
For example, China will soon overtake the US as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Clearly, no effort to moderate the damage to the global environment can hope to succeed unless China is fully a part of it.
China's rapidly-growing exports and internal market continue to develop to a considerable extent outside the norms of the global trading system. This is creating vested interests in patterns of Chinese economic behaviour that disrupt and damage trade and investment with the industrial democracies.
The fact that China is not a member of most multilateral regulatory regimes leaves Beijing free to ignore complaints from its trading partners until they escalate into bilateral confrontation. In such raw tests of power, only a major trading partner like the US has much chance of prevailing.
As China's economic prowess grows, Beijing's bargaining power will also grow, making bilateral solutions to problems with China that are of wider international concern even more problematic.
Yet, the West has no apparent strategy for achieving China's integration into the multilateral institutions it hopes will regulate the post-Cold War international economic order. Almost without exception, institutions formed since the end of the Cold War have excluded China.
The country is already an exporter of high technology goods, many of them with military applications. Clearly, no effort to regulate trade with "rogue states" or in technologies relevant to weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems can hope to succeed if China remains outside it.
The limits of what can be accomplished by bilateralism are already apparent. Consider, for example, the decidedly mixed record of unilateral American attempts to regulate exports of Chinese nuclear and missile technology to Pakistan.
As China grows, the bilateral leverage of the United States and other countries over it can only diminish. Yet there is no effort being made to bring China into membership in the multilateral regimes that attempt to regulate the international transfer of sensitive technologies.
Finally, China's opening to the outside world and the concomitant collapse of Chinese totalitarianism have allowed the emergence of transnational Chinese criminal gangs. Such gangs are now involved in the drug trade and the smuggling of Chinese emigrants under conditions approximating those of the 18th century African slave trade.
They are developing linkages to organised crime in Russia, Europe and the Americas. The full cooperation of the authorities in Beijing with multilateral institutions like InterPol is essential to deal with these problems.
The Asia-Europe Meeting, held in Bangkok earlier this year, has created a multilateral forum joining European and Asian Customs officials in discussion of them. Yet the principal market for drugs and destination of illegal migrants are the US and Canada, which are not part of this forum.
A persistent problem in dealing with China is the inability of the central government in Beijing to obtain the compliance of provincial and local authorities with the agreements it concludes with foreign governments.
The current difficulties over intellectual property rights are a case in point. China lacks the legal system, including the courts, trained judges, and legal enforcement mechanisms that more developed countries can rely upon to implement effective controls over commercial behaviour.
Everyone knows this to be the case. Even the Chinese will admit it when embarrassed into doing so. Yet there is no concerted international effort underway to aid China in law and administrative reform or in public administration and judicial training.
The absence of an international strategy by which to promote China's adherence to the norms fostered by global institutions is especially striking given the successful efforts to integrate China into the world order registered in the '70s and '80s.
The country can, of course, be counted upon to bargain for privileged status and exemption from the rules applied to other countries. Nevertheless, once admitted to a club, the record shows, China works hard to learn, adopt and apply the group rules.
China's socio-economic transformation over the past two decades owes much to its admission to institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank, and the UN specialised agencies, and to its subsequent adoption of the modes of analysis and policies they favour.
The lack of a Euro-American (and Japanese) strategy for speeding China's integration into global institutions and Chinese effective application of global norms is potentially very serious, given the high stakes involved.
It cannot be in the world's interest to wait to begin managing the consequences for the international state system of China's rise to wealth and power. Problems are accumulating, not diminishing. The country's bargaining position is strengthening, not weakening.
As China's wealth grows, both its military power and political influence are also growing. The implications of this for the Asia-Pacific region are well understood by China's neighbours.
Without exception, they seek economic benefits from closer ties with China, while keeping a wary eye on Beijing as they move to accommodate it politically.
China now enjoys its most cooperative relations with South-east Asia in 500 years. Its relations with Russia are the most mutually respectful in over 300 years. Its relations with Europe, including Europe's great powers, are the most satisfactory in nearly two centuries.
Beijing's relations with New Delhi are the least strained since the 1962 Sino-Indian border war. Its relations with Islamabad and Dhaka are as sound as ever.
Despite an audible undercurrent of Japanese concern about China, Sino-Japanese relations are as good as they have been in a hundred years.
Yet two centuries of weakness have left China with many points of dissatisfaction.
It is now the only great power to have had major portions of its historical territory and population detached from it by the military intervention of other great powers - European powers in the cases of Macau and Hongkong, Japan and the United States in the case of Taiwan.
Beijing is determined to reunite these disparate Chinese societies under a single sovereignty, if not single politico-economic system. China will accomplish such reunification through negotiations, if possible (as it has proven to be for Hongkong and Macau), or by force, if necessary (as India did with Goa and Indonesia with Irian Jaya and East Timor).
China is also the only great power to lack secure and recognised borders with most of its neighbours. China has now settled all of its inner Asian frontiers through negotiations with Russia and the newly independent Central Asia states.
The list of Chinese border disputes remains, however, the longest in the world. China has unsettled economic zone (seabed) boundaries with both North and South Korea. It disputes the Senkaku (or Diaoyutai) archipelago with Japan.
China contests sovereignty over islets and reefs throughout the South China Sea with Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia. Its claims to economic zones in the South China Sea generate a seabed dispute with Indonesia.
The Sino-Indian border has been established de facto but not de jure. China is determined to define secure and recognised borders with all these neighbours by negotiated territorial adjustments as in the case of its inner Asian frontiers, if possible, or by military action to defend its sovereignty, if necessary.
Unlike unification with Taiwan, none of these border issues requires major territorial or politico-military adjustments for its resolution.
Sino-Korean differences must in practice await Korean reunification for their resolution. Neither China nor Japan has so far seen any pressing reason to address the question of sovereignty over the Senkakus.
A Sino-Indian border settlement is implicit in the status quo and could be formalised whenever the two sides are politically inclined to formalise it.
China's full acceptance of the Law of the Sea Treaty (expected to be ratified by the National People's Congress later this year) will provide a legal framework for negotiation of claims in the South China Sea.
China's neighbours have few concerns about its actions in the short term. They are all concerned, however, that China's military power relative to them is steadily growing.
The re-emergence of military tensions, including Sino-American naval confrontations, in the Taiwan Strait has changed this situation. Until the last two years, Chinese leaders (like most politicians in Taiwan) believed that Taiwan had only two conceivable futures: the status quo (as it might be amended by cross-Strait interaction) or reunification. In these circumstances, Beijing felt no sense of urgency about the Taiwan issue.
By 1995, however, it had become deeply concerned that Taiwan's democratic politics were centring on the quest for an identity separate from China.
Responding to popular opinion on the island, the leadership in Taiwan began to provide inducements to Third World capitals to allow the establishment of Taipei embassies alongside Beijing's diplomatic representation.
Taipei redoubled its effort to upgrade its representation in the capitals of great powers. It vociferously sought a separate seat in the United Nations General Assembly. The Taiwan leadership launched a campaign of nominally private but very political travel abroad to raise Taiwan's international profile.
Beijing concluded that Taipei was bent on acquiring the attributes of independent statehood on the diplomatic instalment plan.
Notwithstanding Taipei's protestations of fidelity to the principle of "one China", Beijing saw Taipei's effort as crafting a basis for long-term separation from China.
This conclusion was buttressed by the main opposition party in Taiwan's open espousal of independence. From Beijing's perspective, Taipei's actions threatened to alter the status quo in such a way as to preclude peaceful reunification.
Taipei's effort to expand its options gave Beijing a sense of urgency about the Taiwan question it had previously lacked.
When political warning failed to deter Taipei, Beijing resorted to intimidation through military measures short of war, such as exercises and missile tests that underscored Beijing's ability to strangle Taiwan's economy.
These measures were intended to force Taipei to reverse course or to come to the negotiating table. Chinese posturing, however, belatedly evoked counterveiling shows of force by the US, neutralising Beijing's pressure on Taipei to negotiate.
American naval deployments were undertaken to underscore the long-standing interest of the US in a peaceful, rather than violent, settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.
They were not intended to signal support for Taiwan independence. Ironically, however, by making it clear that the US would counter and offset Beijing's use of measures short of war to force Taipei to the negotiating table, American actions have greatly diminished the prospects for peaceful reunification.
If Beijing cannot force Taipei to the table, and the US will not, it is highly unlikely that Taipei will ever negotiate.
From Beijing's point of view, China now has only two options: doing nothing while Taipei works towards a "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" outcome, or going to war for reunification, despite the danger that the US might be dragged into the conflict. Revising this calculus is now an urgent task for American diplomacy.
Beijing is on the verge of embarking on the long-term military build-up necessary to acquire the ability to overrun Taiwan even against US opposition.
China's recent embrace of Russian positions on various international issues provides a basis for expanded military cooperation with Russia while calming China's northern flank.
As Beijing increases its military capabilities against Taiwan, it will not abandon its efforts to achieve reunification by peaceful means. It will continue to attempt to intimidate Taiwan into negotiations while seeking to minimise the resulting strain in its relations with the US.
At the same time, it will wish to limit collateral damage to its relationships with its Asian neighbours from tension and possible conflict in the Taiwan Strait.
As a result, China is likely to pursue compromise on South China Sea territorial issues (and perhaps even the Senkaku dispute) as it did with Russia and the newly-independent Central Asian states.
By eliminating potential sources of conflict with the members of ASEAN and Japan, China can hope to provide reassurance that its aggressive stance on the Taiwan issue is sui generis and without wider implications for the region.
These ominous trends might, of course, be reversed were Taiwan to be persuaded that it should enter into active negotiations on reunification with Beijing or otherwise provide convincing reassurance that it does not seek a future distinct from association with China.
Taipei is, however, unlikely to be willing or able effectively to press it to do so. Taiwan will continue to attract Western and Japanese sympathy as a democratic underdog menaced by the communist dictatorship on the Chinese mainland. This will stimulate widening concern about the implications of rising Chinese military power - no matter what Beijing does to allay such concerns.
Chinese defence expenditure has heretofore been relatively low in relation to its gross national product. The relatively low priority assigned to military modernisation over the past decade and more reflected Beijing's judgement that the short-term risk of a major conflict on China's border was slight and that a resolution of the Taiwan issue could be peacefully achieved.
Recent events in the Taiwan Strait have clearly altered these judgements. The Chinese defence budget is likely to rise accordingly, though the focus of PLA modernisation will shift largely to building the eventual capability to conquer Taiwan.
Strategic nuclear forces and other weapons systems with the capacity to deter US intervention in any battle for Taiwan are similarly likely to receive much greater emphasis in People's Liberation Army modernisation.
The prospect of a more powerfully assertive China inevitably awakens memories of the recent Euro-American struggle with the former Soviet Union. It leads to speculation that China, like the USSR, may disintegrate. It is, however, a mistake to draw many analogies between the two.
The Soviet Union was a multinational empire, established by czarist and communist conquest from Moscow. Its dominant Russian nationality was a bare majority within its imperial structure. The Soviet Union was driven by the impulse to spread its ideology wherever opportunities presented themselves.
To that end, it maintained a huge military presence in satellite states along its borders. Moscow's strategic ambitions led it to provide expensive military and economic assistance to like-minded states as far away as Cuba and southern Africa. Rigid central planning ultimately produced a declining economy unable to bear the very high level of military spending the Soviet state demanded. Until its final days, Moscow sought to overthrow the international status quo.
By contrast, China grew to its present borders over the course of millennia of gradual expansion and assimilation of minority peoples. The 94 per cent of the Chinese population who consider themselves Han share a nationalist passion for unity, order and international respect for their country's historical borders.
They have no sympathy and even less tolerance for efforts by Tibetans or other minority peoples within these borders to exercise self-determination. They do not seek to bring additional non-Han peoples into their polity.
Contemporary China has no ideology it can explain to its own people, still less one it seeks to export to others. It has no satellites and maintains no forces beyond its borders. China's increasingly decentralised economy is the fastest growing in the world. Its defence budget could be greatly increased without putting much strain on its economy. China seeks to join the existing international order, not to overthrow it.
Nor is China likely to disintegrate as the Soviet Union did. Economic growth has indeed altered the relationship between the central and provincial authorities. As acquisitive individualism succeeded austere communitarianism as the national ethos, the Chinese Communist Party lost much of its discipline, along with its ideology.
In the absence of government institutions to replace it, the provinces, to some extent, went their own way. In the early stages of economic reform, new challenges to government posed by the requirement to manage a market economy were met, if at all, largely at the provincial, rather than the national level.
Beijing is, however, now well along in its efforts to create the central institutions necessary to manage an increasingly dynamic and integrated national economy.
Resistance to this re-centralisation by the provinces has not led to separatist sentiment. On the contrary, the spirit of nationalism is on the rise throughout China.
Finally, the Soviet Union was a horrifying violator of the human rights of all whom it controlled. For all the Western pressure on Moscow on human rights issues, it took the collapse of the regime to bring about significant improvement.
Unlike the former Soviet Union, however, China is carrying out far-reaching economic and social reforms. These may or may not lead in time to political reforms, as happened, for example, in the formerly Leninist Chinese society in Taiwan.
Nevertheless, it is arguable that the course of events elsewhere in East Asia will prove to be a better predictor of China's future than that in the Soviet Union.
In short, Beijing does not think or behave like Moscow when it was the capital of the USSR. China is not an implacable foe of the West or the world order the West has created. It is unlikely to follow the Soviet Union into disintegration and collapse. The challenge to the world posed by the rise of China is different. In some ways, it may prove more daunting.
Nearly two centuries ago, Napoleon advised his fellow Europeans, "Let China sleep. When it wakens, it will shake the world". There is now no prospect that China will return to the slumber of past centuries.
The 21st century will see China resume its traditional pride of place among the world's societies. The question before Europeans and North Americans is not how to prevent what cannot be prevented. It is how to ensure that the rise of China in the new millennium buttresses rather than erodes the international system we have constructed with such difficulty in this century.
To that end, we must urgently consider how to speed China's integration into existing institutions on acceptable terms.
Equally important, we must decide how best to ensure that China's determination to rectify the borders imposed upon by the ages of imperialism, fascism and the Cold War does not lead to long-term confrontation and strategic realignments adverse to Western interests.
ACCORD: Between the US and China on strengthening safeguards against piracy of intellectual property. However, the central government has problems getting local authorities to comply with agreements it has with foreign governments as it does not have the legal system to enforce controls over commercial behaviour.
BUILD-UP: Of the military by Beijing. It sees a long-term plan in this area as necessary, so it can overrun Taiwan if it needs to, even against US opposition.
The writer, Chas W. Freeman Jr., is now chairman of Projects International Associates, a Washington-based business development corporation. His paper was submitted to the Bilderberg Conference in Toronto, Canada, held from May 29-June 2.
By Russell Blinch TORONTO, May 30 (Reuter) - Queens, prime ministers, industrialists and journalists were among more than 100 delegates who gathered at a guarded retreat near Canada's largest city on Thursday to secretly mull the world's ills.
As is the tradition since the first Bilderberg Meeting was held in the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland in 1954, no news conferences will be held or statements issued after the annual meeting. But frank talk will be encouraged among the delegates from Europe, the United States and Canada who are meeting for nearly three days at a $40 million ranch north of Toronto.
"There are no massive indiscretions, but the exchanges can be quite heated," Conrad Black, the Canadian press baron hosting this year's conference, told reporters on Wednesday. Conference organizers said of the 120 participants, one third are from government and the remainder from fields such as finance, industry, labor, education and the media.
The meeting will be chaired by Lord Carrington, former NATO secretary general. He will be joined by a phalanx of leaders in power -- Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Finland's President Martti Ahtisaari, U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry and British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind. The queens of the Netherlands and Spain and princes from the Netherlands and Belgium make up the royalty contingent.
Other luminaries include Henry Kissinger, former U.S. secretary of state; Lloyd Bentsen, former U.S. Treasury secretary; Jack Matlock, former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, and Francisco Pinto Balsemao, former Portugese prime minister. Blue chip representatives include the heads of Ford Motor Co., Sarah Lee, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Xerox Corp, Barclays Bank Plc and Reuters Holdings Plc.
Discussions in the former luxury spa now owned by a Canadian bank are expected to range from the enlargement of the European Union to China, Russia and the former Yugoslavia.
WELL done to Graham Danton, a thousand times over! "Are we blind to the dangers of apathy?" should be in every newspaper in the United Kingdom.
At last, the Bilderbergers have arrived in the South West. I've known of them for quite a while now, but how on earth does one get through to the apathetic population when, as I know, the Press are wary of publishing anything about the true enemy?
It's only fairly recently that the Bilderbergers were being made known to people, through the This England magazine, for example, and I'm pleased to see in his Trago page today in the WMN that our Mr Robertson has mentioned that magazine.
I'm a member of the Campaign for an Independent Britain (81 Ashmole Street, London, SW8 1NF, tel 0181 340 0314) and I know how apathetic people are towards their country. My colleague in Exmouth feels the same.
Our secretary is Sir Robin Williams, Bt, and he has held that position for many years. CIB is a nationwide affair, but how we need the members. It is indeed a big battle, but perhaps at last the light is shining through. The people must know of the Bilderbergers and the other secret groups like the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relatons, our Royal Institute of International Affairs, etc.
I'm convinced there is a "plot" to take over this planet, hence why do we get hints about a "world government"? Why, the Commonwealth has been destroyed when it could so easily have been the best thing on this planet.
How we need good people like Mr Danton and Mr Robertson to wake the British people up to the disaster they are heading for very rapidly.
Keep writing, Mr Danton. God bless you sir.
R D England
DATE OF ISSUE: 24/05/96
FOREIGN SECRETARY TO VISIT UNITED STATES, CANADA AND ICELAND: 28 MAY - 2 JUNE 1996 Spokesman issued the following press release: "Malcolm Rifkind, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, will visit the US (28-30 May), Canada (30 May-1 June) and Iceland (1-2 June).
In Washington Mr Rifkind will meet Vice President Gore, Mr Warren Christopher and other senior members of the Administration and Congress, and will speak on the transatlantic relationship at the National Press Club.
In Ottawa Mr Rifkind will meet Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Mr Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs. He will also attend the Bilderberg Conference in Toronto. The final leg of the Foreign Secretary's trip will be to Reykjavik, where he will meet the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. He will also formally open the new British Embassy.
Notes to Editors
Mr Rifkind last visited Washington 18-19 July 1995. He is visiting Canada for the first time as Foreign Secretary. The Bilderberg Group is a well established and highly prestigious discussion forum, which has been meeting since the 1950s. The participants are invited by a steering committee and include high level representatives from the worlds of politics, economics and commerce. This will be his first visit to Reykjavik. Mr David Heathcoat-Amory, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was the last British Minister to visit Iceland in June 1994."
FCO Newsroom contact: tel 0171-270 3100 fax 0171-270 3094.
David Packard, businessman and former United States Deputy Secretary of Defence in the Nixon Administration, died on March 26 aged 83. He was born on September 7, 1912.
In the cut-throat environment of modern American industry, with its massive worker lay-offs and remote senior executives, David Packard was a remarkable example of a very different management philosophy. By keeping in constant touch with his employees and giving full rein to their creativity, sharing profits and providing security, he built the Hewlett-Packard Company into one of the largest and most innovative electronics companies in the world.
Together with his partner, William Hewlett, Packard founded the concern in 1938 with a capital of $538 and a workshop housed in his garage. Today it has 100,000 employees, and annual revenues of $31billion, with factories across the world.
Packard and Hewlett had been friends as electrical engineering students at Stanford University, where the 6ft 4in Packard had also been an outstanding athlete and football player.
Both enjoyed tinkering with electronics, and in short order they had invented a weight-reducing machine, an electronic harmonica tuner, and a foul-line indicator for bowling alleys. Their first commercial sale, however, was to Walt Disney, who ordered eight audio-oscillators for use on the sound-track of Fantasia at $71.50 each. The Hewlett-Packard partnership turned a profit of $1,653 in its first year, reinvested it in the business, and never looked back. The garage, recognised as the birthplace of Silicon Valley, is now a California state landmark.
As the corporation grew, Packard strove to maintain its small company atmosphere by creating numerous divisions and giving each a high degree of autonomy which extended to the shop floor. Managers were encouraged to set objectives and to let the workers get on with the job. Combined with a technique known as "management by walking around," which had senior executives making themselves visible and accessible on the shop floor, it proved extremely effective. Packard himself, who had a horror of executive pomposity, insisted on being called "Dave" by his workers.
A lifelong liberal Republican, who had made substantial financial contributions to the party, Packard found himself the centre of controversy in 1969 when he was selected by President Nixon to become deputy to Melvin Laird as Secretary of Defence. The reason was a potential conflict of interest: Hewlett-Packard was a major defence contractor, selling an annual $100million worth of electronic instruments to the Pentagon, and Packard owned about 30 per cent of the stock, worth $289million.
He resolved the issue by leaving the company, exchanging his $1million income for a government salary of $30,000, and putting his shares into a charitable trust. Although some, including Senator Albert Gore, were unconvinced, calling the move a book-keeping exercise, Packard won Senate confirmation easily and served with considerable success for the next three years before returning to Hewlett-Packard as chairman.
Packard was later appointed by President Reagan as chairman of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Defence Management, recommending changes in the system of weapons procurement, and served as a member of the Trilateral Commission from 1973 to 1981.
During the 1980s Packard went into semi-retirement, though maintaining his official position with Hewlett-Packard. But, when the company got into financial difficulties in 1991, he returned to full-time work, and inspired the reorganisation which restored its fortunes.
David Packard is survived by one son and three daughters. His wife Lucile died in 1987.
Every conspiracy theorist in the United States seems to be backing Pat Buchanan, along with one or two in Britain as well. One of my occasional correspondents is Mr Peter Johnston; I suspect that he also corresponds with quite a number of other people. He has taken up the cudgels on behalf of Pat Buchanan and objects to my reference to Buchanan as "too fascist". He has sent me an open letter and copied it to Norris McWhirter and others.
I do not think his open letter will attract much attention, because his views will be regarded as outside the boundaries of reasonable discourse in Britain, though they would be common enough on the Internet or talk shows in America. However, they interest me precisely because they do fall outside the boundaries of what is discussed on the BBC or in most of the broadsheet press. His views are worth considering, if only because he and quite a few people like him hold them passionately. Certainly, many of Pat Buchanan's voters do, and, up to a point, Mr Buchanan does himself.
Let me quote from Mr Johnston's letter on Pat Buchanan:
"A merchant of fear", "A merchant of anger" might have been better more honest! but then, I suppose your readers would have expected an explanation of why Americans are so angry; that just wouldn't do, would it!Pat Buchanan is the only Republican candidate who has spurned the blandishments of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, and denounced the New World Order a conspiracy to establish "World Government". Pat Buchanan is the only Republican candidate committed to reform of the Federal Reserve "system" the biggest and most far-reaching fraud ever perpetrated on a free nation, except for the Maastricht Treaty!... Even if Pat Buchanan is "stopped" in his bid for the presidency, already he has swept away the hollow shams of Press and Money Power, and demonstrated by personal example what one man, armed only with integrity and the courage to act upon it can achieve . . . P.S. To denigrate Mr Buchanan is to denigrate his millions of supporters too.
This is punchy stuff, and I enjoy receiving Mr Johnston's letters, even though I disagree with most of what he has to say. They show what the world looks like from a completely different point of view. I do not know whether Mr Johnston has an American connection himself, but his belief that America has been taken over by Establishment conspirators is very widely held in the United States.
In 1984, the year of President Reagan's second election, I was given a lecture on the world conspiracy by a black taxi driver in Atlanta, Georgia. He explained that in 1917, General Motors, US, and General Motors, Russia, had agreed to divide the world between them. Since then they had been in control of their respective countries, employing such characters as Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin as convenient figureheads. They had organised the Second World War in order to sell arms, and, because they had surplus arms factories after 1945, they had arranged the Cold War. In effect, Reagan and Gorbachev were senior employees of the same company.
At this level of myth, conspiracy theories become completely grotesque, though that does not mean they can be disregarded, as Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing showed. At Mr Johnston's level, the theories may be equally erroneous, but the fact that so many people believe them shows that they possess psychological attraction. To these conspiracy-mongers, as to Pat Buchanan, the world is a place manipulated by the Establishment of which columnists like myself form a part to the disadvantage of outsiders, of ordinary Americans, ordinary Britons or ordinary Russians. There is indeed one American propagandist who has broadcast the view that I am the head of the British Secret Service, and that I have conspired with the Dalai Lama to put the Queen on the throne of Mexico. That would be news to MI6, the Dalai Lama and the Queen.
How can one be sure that one's own perception of reality is more reliable? Last time I went to a Bilderberg conference, it was held in Athens, about three years ago. Tony Blair was there, not yet leader of the Labour Party [and now, of course, prime minister], Conrad Black and Barbara Amiel were there, the Queen of The Netherlands was there. It was all pleasantly grand. Yet it is hard to think of any subject on which we would be likely to conspire. The Queen of The Netherlands is as Euro-fanatic as Ted Heath, Tony Blair is a modest good European, I have been an anti-Maastricht campaigner and Mr Black is a Canadian neo-realist who owns 500 newspapers. The idea that we all join hands on some witches' Sabbath to manipulate the world is almost as absurd as the belief that I am trying to make the Queen of England the crowned head of Mexico. Yet Mr Johnston is not alone in turning shadows into bogeys. Mr Buchanan himself is threatening to take the United States out of the World Trade Organisation, which he regards as another sinister international body, conspiring against American interests.
Such popular fears of a conspiracy of power are nothing new; even John of Gaunt suffered from the belief that he controlled a sinister Establishment, which included Geoffrey Chaucer. My American grandfather was an active local Democrat who worked on Wall Street; indeed, my mother was kissed as a baby by Grover Cleveland during the campaign of 1892. In 1896, my grandfather could hardly bring himself to vote for William Jennings Bryan because of Bryan's populist attacks on the Wall Street conspiracy. My grandfather did not believe that "mankind is crucified upon a Cross of Gold". He thought gold was a very useful monetary commodity, as I do myself.
Mr Johnston is probably right to say that Mr Buchanan is "a merchant of anger", though I still think he is also a merchant of fear. There is an anger running through modern society, a terrible anger in Russia, a gallic anger in France, a mild anger in Britain, an anger that could conceivably elect Buchanan in America. It is not a reasonable anger; many of its targets are hard-working people doing useful jobs which hold the world together. Yet anger and fear go hand in hand. Our late-20th-century fear is the natural product of accelerating economic change.
In my last article on Pat Buchanan, I referred to the opposition he faces from the so-called "cognitive elite", the people who are the beneficiaries of the information age. The phrase comes from The Bell Curve, by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray. These are the people with high IQs and good education, who get the highly skilled jobs that pay the best; they often marry other high-earners. They are a pivotal group in the modern world economy, but they are a minority, and people are jealous of their success.
An identifiable privileged minority, like Wall Street financiers in the 1890s, Jewish businessmen in Weimar Germany or the brightest and the best in America of the 1990s are always likely to attract suspicion, fear, anger and hatred. These are dangerous emotions which arise naturally from the resentment of those who believe that they stand outside the windows of the clubhouse of power and cannot quite hear what is being said inside. Mr Buchanan both shares these emotions and plays on them; he is the hero of the disempowered, and they help him to split the Republican vote.
**** HIGHLIGHTS ****
BURGENSTOCK, Switzerland (NEW ITEM) - Environment and Nuclear Safety Commissioner Ritt Bjerregaard and Commissioner for Relations with east Europe and CIS Hans van den Broek take part in Bilderberg Conference.
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"Getting foreign businesses to set up here cannot be achieved by a small peripheral nation like ours by simply sitting at home and waiting for the world to knock on our door. I make no apology for pursuing this strategy and I intend continuing to do so in the national interest," the Taoiseach, Mr Reynolds, told the House when he strongly defended his extensive foreign travel.
He disclosed that since last October, when he had replied to a similar question, the Tanaiste Mr Spring, and himself were out of the State simultaneously on Government business on 12 occasions. These included three meetings in London with the British Prime Minister, three European Council meetings in Brussels and one in Corfu.
"Throughout these periods, both the Tanaiste and I remained in charge of, and in direct contact with, our Departments at all times. In accordance with longstanding practice, it was not necessary to assign our duties and functions during our absence to other members of the Government," he added. Later, Mr Reynolds defended the use of the Government jet to fly the Minister of State for Social Welfare, Ms Joan Burton, her husband and a presidential party home from Zurich last month.
The leader of Democratic Left Mr Proinsias De Rossa, pressed Mr Reynolds to confirm that the trip had cost about £30,000, as estimated by sections of the media. He also asked if it was a fair cost, given that a woman in Cork had to thumb her way to a hospital with a young child because she would not get funding from the health board. Mr Reynolds insisted that questions relating to the cost should be addressed to the Minister for Defence, Mr Andrews. He asked Mr De Rossa: "What about the trips to Moscow? Who paid for them?"
During exchanges with opposition deputies on the use of the jet, Mr Reynolds said that he might, if he was tempted and driven to it, look up how it was used by Ministers in the past.
Warning that "people might get red faces" if he started to open the files, he added: "Maybe you are as well to stay a little quiet."
He said that a former Taoiseach, Dr Garret FitzGerald, had travelled abroad for two weeks, mostly in a private capacity, to the Bilderberg conference, and then went to see Cardinal O'Connor in New York and Governor Dukakis.
"If that represents a good fortnight's work on behalf of this country, I wouldn't even compare it with the sort of work that I do when I go abroad," he added.
Outlining the circumstances in which the Government jet was flown to Zurich, Mr Reynolds said that Ms Burton and her husband had travelled, at the request of the Government, with the President and Mr Robinson on the State visit to Tanzania. It was customary for spouses to accompany Ministers on State visits, if possible.
The scheduled return date was October 13th. But the arrangements for the President changed at a very late date and she went to Rwanda.
The rest of the party of nine returned to Europe as arranged. The ministerial air transport service was used to bring Ms Burton and the other member of the presidential party home from Zurich on the evening of October 13th as previously arranged.
Mr De Rossa suggested that it would have been more appropriate for the party to return to Dublin by scheduled flight.
On the use of the Government jet, Mr Reynolds said that 195 missions were flown in 1992, 281 in 1991 and 341 in 1990. These compared favourably with 193 missions last year and 114 to date this year. The opposition parties, he added, were trying to exploit the issue because of the Cork by ectleions.
Mr De Rossa said that the purpose of his question was to solicit whether or not a cost effective use was being made of the jet, and whether a Minister of State and her spouse should be able to summon the jet to Zurich to return at her convenience.
Mr Reynolds said that Ms Burton had not summoned the jet to Zurich.
Mr Paul Bradford (FG, Cork East) queried the use of the jet to fly Mr Reynolds to the recent Cork County final, which he claimed also allowed him to attend his pay'rts selection convention for the by elections.
The Ceann Comhairle, Mr Sean Treacy, said that this was a separate matter.
The Hague, June 3:
Until next Saturday, Queen Beatrix will be in the Finnish capitol of Helsinki. She will be participating in the 42th Bildenberg Conference.
Together with 115 international prominents from politics, science, the businessworld and social elite, she will, as a private person, confidentally exchange points of view about international problems.
Other guests with whom the queen will exchange ideas are: stock-guru and billionaire George Soros, Brent Scowcroft, former security-advisor for the American President, the German Minister of Defence Volker Ruhe, banker David Rockerfeller, the Norwegian former minister Stoltenberg, Peter Sutherland, director of GATT, the highest boss from Daimler-Benz Air and Spacecraft and Queen Sofia of Spain.
This year the "off the record discussions" which will take place behind closed doors and for which, following tradition, no public announcements are to be made concerning content, will deal with: long term changes in the USA, the European Union, the world-economy, the creation of jobs, and the political challenge involved with the Islam, Russia, China and GATT.
The Bildenberg Conference was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard (the Queen's father). Until 1976 he also was chairman. It was started because of a threatened rift between Western Europe and the USA which had to be countered.
HELSINKI, June 2 (Reuter) - Over 100 Western opinion-makers including government ministers, royalty and intellectuals are scheduled to begin three days of talks on world issues behind closed doors at a secluded Helsinki hotel on Friday. "The guests are arriving. They will begin their three days of talks tomorrow," a conference official said on Thursday.
Guests for the Bilderberg Meeting include Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Polish Foreign Minister Andrzej Olechowski, German Defence Minister Volker Ruhe and the Queens of the Netherlands and Spain. Others on the list of participants are GATT chief Peter Sutherland and business leaders including Fiat chairman Giovanni Agnelli and international investor George Soros. Also to attend the meeting, which is chaired by Britain's Lord Carrington, are Finland's President Martti Ahtisaari and Prime Minister Esko Aho.
Topics of discussion would include long term changes in the United States, the European Union, the world economy, employment creation, the political challenge of Islam, Russia, China and GATT, organisers said.
The 42nd Bilderberg Meeting is the latest in a series that began in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands as a forum for frank off-the-record talks among leading figures in North America and Western Europe.
More than 100 politicians and specialists opened a meeting of the so-called Bilderberg Forum Thursday for talks focusing on long-term political and economic change in the European Union, the United States and Russia. The meeting was being chaired by Lord Carrington, the former British foreign secretary and NATO secretary general.
Other participants include Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, German Defence Minister Volker Ruehe, Belgian Foreign Minister Willy Claes, the queens of Spain and Holland and former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger. Finland's President Martti Ahtisaari and Prime Minister Esko Aho were also attending.
The 42nd session of the forum, which first met in May 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, was being held behind closed doors at a well-guarded seaside hotel here. The meetings discuss international issues but adopt no resolutions and issue no policy statements. The 115 participants, two-thirds of whom come from Europe and the remainder from the United States and Canada, include government officials and experts from the fields of finance, industry, labour, education and the media.
ATHENS, April 22, (Reuter) - More than 100 Western leaders, including heads of state, politicians and intellectuals, began four days of private talks on global problems at a secluded seaside resort outside Athens on Thursday.
The guest list included Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, NATO Secretary-General Manfred Woerner, Turkish Central Bank Governor Rusdu Saracoglu, the European Community's mediator on ex-Yugoslavia, Lord Owen, and Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt.
The meeting, held strictly behind closed doors, is the latest of a series which began in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands as a forum for frank discussions among leading figures in North America and Western Europe.
A news release said topics of discussion would include U.S.-European relations, the former Soviet Union, U.S. domestic problems, Japan's economy and prospects for global trade.
WASHINGTON, July 9 /PRNewswire/ --
President George Bush was accused today of risking the independence of Slovenia, Croatia and the three Baltic states in pursuit of the "New World Order" he proclaimed during the Gulf War.
In a front-page editorial, the weekly Populist newspaper The Spotlight said these five countries would be the "first victims of the one-world plan" conceived by the Bilderberg and Trilateralist groups and supported by Bush.
The editorial pointed out that the paper had predicted "the word would go out from Baden-Baden," site of last month's secret meeting of the Bilderbergers reported exclusively in The Spotlight, to tell the people of the world that "one-worldism is good for them" even when it means oppressive Communist governments must be kept in power as in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.
Vincent Ryan, editor of The Spotlight, writes in a separate column in this week's edition that by denying "the freedom aspirations of the peoples of Slovenia and Croatia" the U.S. government is "continuing the foreign policy established by Woodrow Wilson and his internationalist allies" during and after World War I. (It was President Wilson who first proclaimed the "New World Order" in precisely the same words President Bush is now using.)
Both Spotlight commentaries took to task Jerry F. Hough of Duke University and the Brookings Institution for backing world government in a June 30 article published in The Los Angeles Times titled "Ethnic Self-Determination Doesn't Deserve Support." Ryan quoted Hough as calling for the "creation of a common European community that begins at Vladivostok and sweeps west to California" with "one billion of us living together in peace in a huge community with different languages and cultures."
Ryan said such a "community" would force America to "scrap our Constitution and cherished independence." He also wrote that the Bush administration is pushing on a parallel track toward world government by "moving fast on one big `free-trade' zone without boundaries from Canada and Mexico through all the rest of the Western Hemisphere." The United States, Ryan said, would be "submerged" in the world government envisioned by Bush, the Bilderberg and Trilateralist groups, and by their propagandists like Hough.
President Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker III have been widely criticized in recent days for allegedly encouraging the central Communist government of Yugoslavia to send its army against Slovenia and threaten Croatia. (Baker said in Belgrade on June 21 that the United States would not recognize Slovenia and Croatia. A few days later the Communist army sent tanks and planes against Slovenia. Baker and Bush have since modified their previous stand but have offered no active support to Slovenia or Croatia.)
/CONTACT: Vince Ryan of The Spotlight, 202-546-5611/
WASHINGTON, June 18 /PRNewswire/ --
The first details of a secret meeting of the "Bilderberg Group" to put the cap on President Bush's promised "New World Order" were revealed today in the weekly Populist newspaper The Spotlight.
The Bilderbergers, parent organization of David Rockefeller's Trilateralists, laid plans for the culmination of their esoteric 37-year-old campaign to put real teeth in the United Nations at a conference held June 7-9 under tight security in the Black Forest resort of Baden-Baden, Germany.
"What the Bilderberg group intends is a global army at the disposal of the United Nations, which is to become the world government to which all nations will be subservient by the year 2000," writes Spotlight correspondent James P. Tucker Jr.
The press was barred from the Baden-Baden meeting, and a media check by Spotlight editor Vincent Ryan turned up only one newspaper, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, that reported the meeting was actually the Bilderberg group.Tucker, who has covered Bilderberg sessions from "outside the walls" for years, has developed sources within the organization, which is comprised of world leaders from finance, politics and academia.
Henry Kissinger was quoted by one of Tucker's sources as telling the Baden-Baden meeting of some 130 leaders, "A UN army must be able to act immediately, anywhere in the world, without the delays involved in each country making its own decision whether to participate, based on parochial considerations."
Kissinger and other speakers praised President Bush for his determined action in the recent Gulf War against Iraq and particularly for obtaining a UN mandate before laying the issue before Congress, The Spotlight story says. "The Persian Gulf venture has advanced the cause (of world government) by years," one speaker is quoted as saying.
However, several Bilderberg participants warned that another Saddam Hussein can rise to power in other countries and therefore plans should be made now for dealing with such a threat, possibly within the next five years, according to The Spotlight.
Significantly, Gen. Manfred Woerner, the German general secretary of NATO, flew to the Bilderberg meeting after the NATO leadership met with U.S. Secretary of State James Baker in Brussels.
In addition to planning future wars under UN auspices, the Bilderberg meeting also endorsed a Trilateralist recommendation for a UN tax of 10 cents per barrel of oil exported from the Persian Gulf to pay for future military actions, The Spotlight reports.
The Bilderbergers also, according to Tucker's sources, are opposed to the independence movements within the Soviet Union; in favor of the Mexican-U.S. free trade treaty; and supportive of creating a single currency for the whole Western Hemisphere modeled on the "ecu" which will come into being in Europe in 1993.
CONTACT: Vincent Ryan, editor of The Spotlight, 202-546-5611
A man who got through security at a conference of Western leaders last weekend and threatened to use a gun was only drunk, unarmed and looking for a short cut home, his attorney said Monday. Magistrates at Perth, Scotland, fined Martin McLaren $232 after he pleaded guilty to disorderly behavior, pretending he had a gun, threatening to shoot policemen and breach of the peace during the Bilderberg Conference.
Prosecutor John McLaughlin said McLaren, 49, ran off when he was spotted at 2 a.m. last Saturday on the grounds of the heavily guarded Gleneagles Hotel. He was tackled after he was found hiding in bushes and claimed he had a gun. Among notables at the private conference were British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Prince Charles, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Defense attorney Fergus Allan said McLaren was inebriated and had only a hazy recollection of what happened. Outside court, McLaren said, ''I realize now that I was lucky not to have been shot myself.''