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Bilderberg Conferences

1996 Bilderberg Conference - CIBC Leadership Centre, Toronto, Canada

Spotlight Article - Bilderberg and the New World Order

List of 1996 Bilderberg AGM Participants:

William J Perry's Diary - Federal News Service Friday, May 31, 1996

Article about 1996 participants who break their silence

The Bilderberg and the New World Order

from The Spotlight Magazine

Bilderberg Meets Secretly in Toronto

From Staff Reports

The Bilderberg, the highest echelon of the global financial and political elite, recently met at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Leadership Center (nicknamed the "Bohemian Grove of Canada" ) on the outskirts of King City, a suburb of Toronto.

At the meeting, which lasted from May 30 to June 2, the Bilderberg discussed global control of the air, water and public health, as well as the possible multi-billion dollar sale of the Canadian government-owned electric utility Ontario Hydro, according to informed sources quoted by The Spotlight.

As usual, the mainstream media completely ignored the event. This was not surprising, since many media power brokers regularly attend the meetings, including representatives of the major TV networks and the New York Times.

However, this year one major Canadian newspaper shattered the wall of silence in a spectacular fashion. The Toronto Star, one of the few remaining independent newspapers in Canada, ran a front page story on May 30 under the headline "Black Plays Host to World Leaders."

John Deverell, a Toronto Star business reporter, broke the story, based on a detailed news release from the Toronto-based New World Order Intelligence Update. Among the more than 100 attendees from around the world, Deverell listed U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Henry Kissinger, the queens of Netherlands and Spain "as well as other business, political and academic elite."

"For 42 years," Deverell reported, "the secretive organization has devoted itself to strengthening the Atlantic military alliance and economies... The guest list and agenda for the four-day conference are secret."

According to media magnate and permanent Bilderberg member Conrad Black, the ban on reporters "makes discussion more intimate and candid. There are no massive indiscretions, but the exchanges can be quite heated." This is a polite way of saying that members can secretly speak their minds about whatever grandiose schemes of world conquest they envision themselves as having the divine right to execute, without fearing that their words will ever be heard by the public.

This tactic is very similar to the Non-Attribution Rule used at Council on Foreign Relations meetings, which prevents statements made by attendees from being reported in the media. Many media CEOs, news anchors and influential members of the press fill seats in the CFR.

The Bilderberg and the New World Order

As far as global politics and finance go, the Bilderberg is the top of the pyramid, the all-seeing eye gazing upon the construction of a New World Order . This one-world system of governance, lurking in the shadows cast by flowery language about our new "global village," will transfer nearly all economic and political power into the hands of a small group of the world elite.

According to Bilderberg's draft document of 1989, "Bilderberg takes its name from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, where the first meeting took place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressed by many leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on matters of critical importance. It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period."

According to Conrad Black, the Bilderberg "was set up in the mid-fifties by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.... [Meetings] normally include senior officials of the governments of all the countries represented, with a wide swath of enlightened business, academic, media and military leaders...."

Prince Bernhard gave the go-ahead, but the idea for the Bilderberg belonged to Joseph H. Retinger, a man who could make an appointment with the President of the United States just by picking up the telephone. In 1952, Retinger proposed a secret conference to Prince Bernhard which would involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors.

The Prince thought it was a grand idea, and they formed a committee to plan the conference. Berhhard briefed the Truman administration about the meeting in 1952, and although the idea was warmly embraced in the U.S., the first American counterpart group was not formed until the Eisenhower administration.

CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith and C.D. Jackson were key players in organizing the American counterpart group, heavily influenced by the Rockefeller dynasty, whose Standard Oil holdings competed with Bernhard's Royal Dutch Petroleum. Hence, the interests of the oil industry were well-represented at Bilderberg meetings.

At early meetings of the Bilderberg, attendees expressed frustration with American politics, then in the throes of McCarthyism, whose nationalist ideology stood in the way of global planning. C. D. Jackson tried to quell their fears by saying, "Whether McCarthy dies by an assassin's bullet or is eliminated in the normal American way of getting rid of boils on body politics, I prophesy that by the time we hold our next meeting he will be gone from the American scene."

Bilderberg meetings are held in remote places, and attendees are encouraged to leave spouses and aides at home, to not use prepared texts, and to conduct discussions in English as much as possible.

Director and advisory board members include Gianni Agnelli of Fiat, Dwayne Andreas (controlling shareholder of Archer-Daniels Midland), Zbigniew Brzezinski (former national security advisor in the Carter administration), Lord Carrington (former British foreign and defense secretary and secretary-general of NATO), Andrew Knight (editor of the Economist), Richard Perle (former U.S. assistant secretary of National Defense and one of the champions of the Strategic Defense Initiative and Euro-missile deployment), Paul Volker (former Federal Reserve chairman), and George Will (U.S. conservative columnist and commentator), to name just a few.

"Providentially, the world became more accessible for me as Canada became less commodious," Conrad Black said in his biography, "A Life in Progress". "It was from Bilderberg that our company's eventual vocation as an international newspaper organization arose."

Critics of the Bilderberg say that the secret group:


Toronto Bilderberg participants, May 30 - June 2, 1996

[Do see article on Blair's attendance at Turnberry 1998 for the significance, or otherwise, of this list]


Carrington, Peter (Great Britain) Former Chairman of the Board, Christie's International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO Honorary Secretary General for Europe and Canada


Halberstadt, Victor (Netherlands) Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University Honorary Secretary General for U.S.A.

Yost, Casimir A. (USA) Director, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Agnelli, Giovanni (Italy) Honorary Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

Ahtisaari, Martti President of the Republic of Finland

Allaire, Paul A. (USA) Chairman, Xerox Corporation

Andreas, Dwayne (USA) Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company

Åslund, Anders (Sweden) Senior Accociate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Axworthy, Lloyd (Canada) Minister for Foreign Affairs

Balsemao, Francisco (Portugal) Pinto Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

Barnevik, Percy (Sweden) President and Chief Executive Officer, ABB Asca Brown Boveri Ltd.

Bentsen, Lloyd M. (USA) Former Secretary of the Treasury; Partner, Verner Liipferi Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered

Bernabe, Frasco (Italy) Managing Director and CEO, Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi

Bertram, Christoph (Germany) Diplomatic Correspondent, Die Zeit; Former Director International Institute for Strategic Studies

Beyazit, Selahaltin (Turkey) Director of Companies

Bildt, Carl ("International") The High Representative

Black, Conrad M. (Canada) Chairman, The Telegraph plc

Bolkenstein, Frits (Netherlands) Parleamentary Leader VVD (Liberal Party)

Bottelier, Piefer P. ("International") Chief of Mission, The World Bank, Resident Mission in China

Bryan, John H. (USA) Chairman and CEO, Sara Lee Corporation

Buckley, Jr., William F. (USA) Editor-at-Large, National Revie

Carras, Costa (Great Britain) Director of Companies

Cartellieri, Ulrich (Germany) Member of the Board, Deutsche Bank, A.G.

Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime (Spain) Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento

Chretien, Jean (Canada) Prime Minister

Collomb, Bertrand (France) Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

Corzine, Jon S. (USA) Senior Partner and Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co.

Cotti, Flavio (Switzerland) Minister for Foreign Affairs

Dam, Kenneth W. (USA) Max Pam Professor of American and Foreign Law, The University of Chicago Law School

David, George (Great Britain) Chairman, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.

Davignon, Etienne (Belgium) Executive Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities

Drouin, Marie-Josee (Canada) Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada

Eaton, Fredrik S. (Canada) Chairman, Executive Committee, Eaton's of Canada

Ellemann-Jensen, Uffe (Denmark) Member of Parliament

Ercel, Gazi (Turkey) Governor, Central Bank of Turkey

Feldstein, Martin S. (USA) President, National Bureau of Economic Research

Fischer, Stanley ("International") First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Flood, A.L. (Canada) Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Freeman, Jr., Chas. W. (USA) Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security; Chairman of the Board, Projects International Associates, Inc.

Garton Ash, Timothy (Great Britain) Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford

Gigot, Paul (USA) Washington Columnist, The Wall Street Journal

Gonensay, Emre (Turkey) Minister for Foreign Affairs

Gotlieb, Allan E. (Canada) Former Ambassador to the United States of America

Griffin, Anthony G.S. (Canada) Honorary Chairman and Director, Guardian Group

Harris, Michael (Canada) Premier of Ontarion

Haussmann, Helmut (Germany) Member of Parliament, Free Democratic Party

Hoegh, Westye (Norway) Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co. A.S.A.; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners' Association

Holbrooke, Richard (USA) Former Assistant Secretary for European Affairs

Huyghebaert, Jan (Belgium) Chairman, Almanij-Krediet-bank Group

Iloniemi, Jaakko (Finland) Managing Director, Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies; Former Ambassador to the United States of America

Job, Peter (Great Britain) Chief Executive, Reuters Holding PLC

Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA) Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law)

Jospin, Lionel (France) First Secretary of the Socialist Party; Former Ministre d'Etat

Karner, Dietrich (Austria) Chairman of the Managing Board, Erste Allgemeine-Generali Aktiengelsellshaft

Kissinger, Henry R. (USA) Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates; Inc.

Knight, Andrew (Great Britain) Non Executive Director, News Corporation

Kohnstamm, Max ("International") Senior Fellow, European Policy Centre, Brussels; Former Secretary General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, European University Institute

Kothbauer, Max (Austria) Deputy Chairman, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

Kravis, Henry R. (USA) Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

Lauk, Kurt (Germany) Member of the Board, Veba A.G.

Lellouche, Pierre (France) Foreign Affairs spokesman, Rassemblement pour la Republique

Levy Lang, Andre (France) Chairman of the Board of Management, Banque Paribas

Lord, Winston (USA) Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Marante, Margarida (Portugal) TV Journalist

Martin, Paul (Canada) Minister of Finance

Matlock, Jack F. (USA) Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.

Maystadt, Philippe (Belgium) Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade

McHenry, Donald F. (USA) Research Professor of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Georgetown University

Melkert, Ad P.W. (Netherlands) Minister for Social Affairs and Employment

Monks, John (Great Britain) General Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC)

Montbrial, Thierry (France) de Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique

Monti, Mario ("International") Commissioner, European Communities

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands

Nunn, Sam (USA) Senator (D-GA.)

Olechowski, Andrzej (Poland) Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Bank Handlowy W. Warszawie S.A.; Former minister for Foreign Affairs

Ostry, Sylvia (Canada) Chairman, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto

Pangalos, Theodoros G. (Greece) Minister for Foreign Affairs

Perry, William J. (USA) Secretary of Defense

Petersen, Jan (Norway) Parliamentary Leader, Conservative Party

Podhoretz, Norman (USA) Editor, Commentary

Pury, David (Switzerland) Director of Companies; Former Co-Chairman of the ABB Group and former Ambassador for Trade Agreements

Rifkind, Malcolm (Great Britain) Foreign Secretary

Robertson, Simon (Great Britain) Chairman, Kleinwort Benson Group plc

Rockefeller, David (USA) Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee

Rogers, Edward S. (Canada) President and CEO, Rogers Communications, Inc.

Roll, Eric (Great Britain) Senior Advisor, SBC Warburg

Ruggiero, Renato ("International") Director General, World Trade Organization; Former Minister of Trade

Sahlin, Mona (Sweden) Member of Parliament

Schrempp, Jurgen F. (German) Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler-Benz AG

Schwab, Klaus ("International") President, World Economic Forum

Seidenfaden, Toger (Denmark) Editor-in-Chief Politiken A/S

Sheinkman, Jack (USA) Chairman of the Board, Amalgamated Bank

Sommaruga, Cornelio (Switzerland) President, International Committee of the Red Cross

Soros, George (USA) President, Soros Fund Management

Her Majesty the Queen of Spain

Stephanopoulos, George (USA) Senior Advisor to the President

Strubo, Jurgen (Germany) CEO, BASF Aktiengesellschaft

Suranyi, Gyorgy (Hungary) President, National Bank of Hungary

Sutherland, Peter D. (Ireland) Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Former Director General, GATT and WTO

Tabaksnlat, Morris (Netherlands) Chairman of the Board, Unilever N.V.

Taylor, J. Martin (Great Britain) Chief Executive, Barclays Bank plc

Trotman, Alexander J. (USA) Chairman, Ford Motor Company

Veltroni, Valter (Italy) Editor, L'Unita

Vitorino, Antonio (Portugal) Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence

Voschherau, Henning (Germany) Mayor of Hamburg

Vranitzky, Franz (Austria) Federal Chancellor

Vuursteen, Karel (Netherlands) Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V.

Wallenberg, Marcus (Sweden) Executive Vice President, Investor AB

Weiss, Stanley A. (USA) Chairman, Business Executive for National Security, Inc.

Whitehead, John C. (USA) Former Deputy Secretary of State

Wilson, L.R. (Canada) Chairman, President and CEO, BCE Inc.

Wolfensohn, James D. ("International") President, The World Bank; Former President and CEO, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc.

Wolff von Amerongen, Otto (Germany) Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH

Wolfowitz, Paul Dean (USA) Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Yanez-Barnuovo, Juan A. (Spain) Permanent Representative of Spain to the UN


Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of

Philippe, H.R.H. Prince


Micklethwait, John (Great Britain) Business Editor, The Economist

Victor, Alice (USA) Executive Assistant, Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc.

(Source: -SPOTLIGHT -Special Bilderberg Issue- 1996) see links on this page



For any additions or corrections to the Daybook, please call the Daybook editors, Pat Thorne or Mike Whitney at (301) 577-8361.





SUBJECT: Secretary of Defense William J. Perry is scheduled to address the Bilderberg Conference, a group composed of individuals both in and out of government who meet to discuss such topics as foreign affairs and international economy.


Thu May 30 22:18:53 1996

Some U.S. Bilderbergers Break Silence

One-worlders have been telling a few interested people what happened inside the secretive halls of Bilderberg this year. This is a departure from past practice, perhaps to dispel some of the unwanted, and largely negative publicity focused on this year's meeting. This year it was held in King City, and was heavily covered by the the media in Canada, thanks to alerts from The SPOTLIGHT. You are some of the first to hear these comments from American insiders.


BY TRISHA KATSON Published in The Spotlight, Volume XXII, No. 25, June 24,1996

Although media guests won't talk about it, not all participants at the Bilderberg conference near Toronto are adhering strictly to traditional ground rules that preclude attendees from talking to the press.

Jack Sheinkman, chairman of the board of Amalgamated Bank, said he raised plenty of questions about a variety of subjects.

Sheinkman, a Bilderberg Steering Committee member, said he has attended 10 Bilderberg annual meetings and that the conferences are not just inconsequential gab fests.


"In some cases discussions do have an impact and become policy," he said. "The idea of a common European currency was discussed several years back before it became policy. We had a discussion about the U.S. establishing formal relations with China before [former President Richard] Nixon actually did it."

The King City conference focused mostly on foreign policy issues, Sheinkman said. This included "how to proceed in Yugoslavia, developments in Russia and China, political elections in the U.S., and the outlook for the Maastricht [Treaty]," establishing a common currency and market in Europe, better known as the European Union.

"[Henry] Kissinger chaired a panel of what is happening in Israel and the impact on American foreign policy," he added. "There were interventions from people in the U.S. and Canada who either commented or questioned panelists." The banker said there were also "opportunities for informal interchanges."

Sheinkman said he brought up the rights of workers around the globe. The idea of management working with unions, rather than opposing each other, was encouraged he said. Many conferees denounced Pat Buchanan who is perceived as someone who "wants trade killed." "I am not opposed to [international free] trade per se," Sheinkman said. "{But], the multinationals go offshore and put pressure on our domestic workers. Henry Ford believed you could pay workers five dollars a day so they could buy the products they were making."

Alice Victor, executive assistant of Rockefeller Financial Services, was also at the meeting in King City, Ontario. "There may be an interest by the American people" about what happens at Bilderberg meetings, she said, but "that's a moot point. It was formed for the purpose of having off-the-record meetings."

She saw the Toronto Star's coverage, including its publication of the meeting guest list. "They saw people arrive, whoever they saw landing at the airport, but they weren't given a list.

Published in The Spotlight, Volume XXII, No. 25, June 24,1996, see links on this page

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