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State Reform Party Sarawak

Welcome to STARnet

The State Reform Party Sarawak's Official Website

You have landed at STARnet, the State Reform Party Sarawak's official website. Click on the buttons on the left to move around or scroll down to see an explanation of the various pages at STARnet. All of the red words/phrases are links to other pages. While the primary purpose of this website is to generate and disseminate information about this political party, we don't believe that we are here only to sit around and tell you what we are all about. We want you to use this opportunity to get in contact with us. Tell us what you want, what you would like to see.  Remain anonymous if you want. Think of this not just as our website but as our internet link to you.

Latest Updates

(Last update: 07/07/99)
Election fever is in the air. The announcements of parties readying election machinery. The increased jockeying for position at the starting gate ("Pick me as your candidate", "No, pick me...") Speaking of candidates, we at STAR have noticed an increase in overt and direct questions regarding one issue....who our candidates are. Well...wouldn't you all like to know... I promise you this, though. This will be the first place to release that info so check back frequently and get ready for the ride...
Recent updates this time include:
   Media Statement by Secretary General
   Media Statement by Secretary General
   Media Statement by Deputy Secretary General

So what is STAR?

Everything and more on STAR, the newest political party in Sarawak, Malaysia. Our short (but interesting!) history, party structure, logo and the people involved are all explained here.
Click on About STAR

Taking A Stand...

on the issues that matter. Understand what we believe in and what we stand for. Know what we would do if elected into power.
Click on Platform

Get Informed, Get Involved

Have a say in your future. From registering as a voter to joining STAR, here are a host of suggestions on how to be involved. Don't say no one ever told you...
Click on How You Can Help

If you can't find it in the papers...

you'll find it here. Speeches, Press releases and other media clips on STAR that don't make it to the printed page.
Click on The Media Centre

Speak Up

Got something you would like us to know about? Questions on STAR? Feedback on STARnet? Information, Questions, Opinions and Constructive Criticism all welcome here.
Click on Contact STAR

STARnet is the official website of the State Reform Party Sarawak (STAR)
For more information, email:
© 1998 State Reform Party Sarawak. All rights reserved.