Richard Hustad Miller, Attorney at Law

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Areas of Practice

Contract Terms

Notable Cases

Legal Writings

Jurisdictional Licenses

Work Permits




Jurisdictional Licenses

Links on the jurisdiction show a picture of the license.

State of Connecticut, USA, Juris Number 411915

Connecticut Judicial Branch; Statewide Grievance Committeee; 287 Main Street, 2nd Floor - Suite 2; East Hartford, CT  06126-0888 USA

United States District Court, District of Connecticut, USA, Federal Bar Number CT-16842

United States District Court; District of Connecticut; Office of the Clerk; United States Courthouse; New Haven, CT  06510 USA

Mohegan Tribal Gaming Commission

Mohegan Indian Reservation; Gaming Disputes Court; P.O. Box 549; Uncasville, CT 06382 USA

Kingdom of Norway Licensed to give American and international legal advice.

Tilsynsraadet for Advokatvirksomhet; P.B. 720 Sentrum; 0106 Oslo Norway