Hi! I'm Musa.I was born in Seydiþehir,a subprovince of Konya,
in Turkey.Turkey is located at the very east of the
Mediterranean Sea ,south of the Black Sea.So it is at the
point where Europe and Asia touches each other.

I'm 20 years old and studying International Relations at
Middle East Technical University.Being a student of IR , I'm
very interested in world politics and I'm trying to be
sensitive about the improvements in that area of of social
sciences(you can see my politics page).

I'm very happy to live in Turkey and trying to benefit from
all the things that are prepared for us in the nature.
Being as a boy coming from the mysterious atmosphere of the
Mediterranean Sea and the Taurus region, I just invite you to
visit my country so that you can figure out the actual
meaning of the life and this world.I do not like exaggerating
anything.I'm just a lover of nature.That's why, I am
overemphasising that part of the story. (for more information go
on a trip in the summer.)

I'm preparing this webside to communicate any people
from anywhere to exchange the great ideas and the
different perspectives.I will be very happy if you
contact with me .I hope that I will make friends and have the
chance to understand different cultures and traditions.

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