Optimal Tree Spades

The very best in mechanical tree spades. My favourite is the OPTIMAL 3000, simply for the way it is presented. When it comes to mechanical tree spading, presentation is everything, my friends.

The Magical Misadventures of the Black-Clad Bodhisattva

Long Pork Sandwich is no more. This is my friend Dave Jacobs' new site.


An independent news source.

Sydney Cave Clan

You will be enthralled by this site.
I originally came across it by visiting Dave's site (above).

The Observer Hotel

My local. Great place. They took the bangers & mash off the menu after I moved to Canberra because the demand simply wasn't there.


Electronic Frontiers Australia promotes online civil liberties in Australia.

Dagobert's Revenge

Makes for some very interesting esoteric reading.

Australian Privacy Foundation

Promoting Australian privacy rights.

The Onion

A bit like our Chaser newspaper in Sydney.

Sydney Indymedia

You can write whatever you want on this site!!


The Australian Institute of Administrative Law.

Strong Bad e-mail...

Very funny stuff.

Politics Libertarian Style

My political links page.


This site © Matt Watts 1998-2006.
This site was last updated 17 April 2006.
This site does not necessarily reflect the view/s of any organisation/s and/or individual/s with which Matt Watts is associated.