Robert Nestdale

About Robert Nestdale - Selected from the resources of the Young Liberal Movement, NSW Division

1993 - Philip Ruddock

1994 - Peter Baume

1995 - Catherine Cusack

1996 - Marise Payne

1997 - Joe Hockey

1998 -

1999 -

2000 - Christopher Pyne

2001 - Peter Collins

2004 - Saul Eslake

Eulogy - Gough Whitlam - Sourced from the University of Western Sydney

Political Parties

Student Politics

Australian Liberal Students Federation (ALSF) - In my opinion, the constitution of this organisation has the appearance of corruption, if you choose to read it.


Raiders of the Left Ark - An Insider's Account of the Democratic Socialist Party

Written work by others

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Chapter 1

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Chapter 2

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Chapter 3

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Chapter 4

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Chapter 5

Commentary - Libertarian, economically and socially.

Libertarian Sites
The Centre for Libertarian Studies
Libertarian Rant
The Cato Institute


This site © Matt Watts 2004.
This site was last updated 25 April 2004.
This site does not necessarily reflect the view/s of any organisation/s and/or individual/s with which Matt Watts is associated.