LOCAL 1570
SECTION 1. The location of Local 1570 is the Federal Correctional Institution, 501 Capitol Circle Northeast, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. The mailing address is that of the post office box rented by the Local, 3111-20 Mahan Dr., Box 112-A, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
SECTION 2. Meetings - Meetings will be held as follows:
(a) The regular meetings of the Local shall be held on the second Tuesday of every month unless the second Tuesday of the month falls on a recognized federal holiday.
(b) The meetings shall be held at the FCI staff lounge commencing at 4:15 P. M. Should the staff lounge be unavailable, the Local Executive Board shall select an alternate place and time.
(c) A quorum of this Local shall consist of three members of the executive board and five other members in good standing.
(d) Minutes shall be recorded at every meeting of the Executive Board, regular and special meeting.
(e) Special meetings - Special meetings may be called by the President, two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, or upon written petition of at least ten percent (1O%) of the membership. Written notice of the specific purpose of the meeting shall be posted no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting on the Local 1570 bulletin board located within the facility. No business other than that specified in the notice will be discussed.
Section 3. Voting. Only members of local 1570 in good standing per the AFGE and Council of Prison Locals C-33 constitutions shall be eligible to vote in any elections or other business requiring a vote.
Section 4. Meeting Procedures -
(a) The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of local 1570 when not inconsistent with the provisions of the these Bylaws or the constitution of AFGE or the Council of Prison Locals C-33 constitutions.
(b) All questions before the Local will be decided by vote of the members present first by a voice vote, then by a showing of hands. Any member present and in good standing has the right to call for a secret ballot on any motion and a secret ballot will be provided should such motion receive a two-thirds vote of the members present.
(c) The time allowed for debate on any particular issue up for discussion will be two minutes. The time for speeches shall be as outlined in section 12 Election of officers. The time allowed for debate may be extended by a simple majority of those present and voting.
(d) Should the President not be present at a meeting the Executive Vice President will preside. In the absence of the Executive Vice President the Chief Steward shall preside. In the absence of the Chief Steward the Secretary shall preside.
Section 5. Order of Business - The regular order of business shall be as follows:
(a) Roll call of officers
(b) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
(c) Report of financial condition by Local Treasurer
(d) Reports of any committees
(e) Unfinished (old) business
(f) New business
(g) Comments for the good of the Local
(h) Adjournment
Section 6. Officers - The Executive Board of local 1570 shall be comprised in order of succession as follows:
(a) President
(b) Executive Vice President
(c) Chief Steward
(d) Secretary
(e) Treasurer
Section 7. Oath of Office - All officers upon being duly elected will be administered the "Officers Obligation" as contained in the AFGE National Constitution.
Section 8. Term of Office - The term of office for all officers shall be for two (2) years or for the balance of an unexpired term.
Section 9. Qualifications of Officers -
(a) An officer must be a member in good standing per the AFGE and Council of Prison Locals C-33 constitution for at least one year prior to assuming office.
(b) An officer must not be a member in any labor organization not affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
Section 10. Officers Duties -
President - The President shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Local. The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Local and assure that other officers: (l)comply with national and local constitutions (2)comply with the responsibilities of their respective offices and (3)keep the membership appraised of the goals and objectives of AFGE and the Council of Prison Locals C-33. The President shall serve as Chairperson of all Local committees unless the President delegates chairmanship to another member of the Executive Board. The President shall, by virtue of office, automatically serve as Local 1570's first delegate to any and all district, council, or federation caucuses or conventions and any other meetings or training's for which Local 1570 is entitled to participate in. The President shall preside at all Local meetings as Chairperson and sign all documents pertaining to this office. The President will always be one of two signatures required on all financial accounts (checking, savings, certificate of deposit). The President shall by virtue of office automatically serve as Local 1570's representative on all work related committees or workgroups unless the President delegates this function to another member of the Executive Board or general membership. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Local negotiating team and shall be responsible for appointing the chief spokesperson for the negotiating team. Should the President temporarily be unable to perform the duties of office for legitimate reasons (annual leave, sick leave etc.) he/she shall appoint another member of the Executive board to serve in his/her absence to exclude the Treasurer. Should the President be unable to perform the duties of office on a permanent basis (resignation, illness, etc.) the Executive Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the duration of the unexpired term.
Executive Vice President - The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the duties of that office as described above. The Excutive Vice President shall, by virtue of office, automatically serve as Local 1570's second delegate to any and all district, council, or federation caucuses or conventions and any other meetings or training's for which Local 1570 is entitled to participate in. The Executive Vice President shall serve as a member of all committees formed by Local 1570 and shall be a member of the Local negotiating team. The Executive Vice President shall request and compile information that would forward the purpose of the Local; observe legislative matters directly affecting the interest of the Local; assist members in their efforts to resolve questions concerning negotiations and implementation of the Local and national contract; and sit on committees formed to consider matters that affect the Local constitution and contract. Should the Executive Vice President be unable to perform the duties of office on a permanent basis (succession,resignation, illness, etc.) the Chief Steward shall assume the duties of the Executive Vice President for the duration of the unexpired term.
Chief Steward - The Chief Steward shall serve as Chairman of the Locals membership committee. The Chief Steward shall be responsible for recruiting stewards and bringing their names forward for nomination to the full Executive Board. All members nominated for a steward position by the Chief Steward will be confirmed by a majority of the Executive Board before being formally designated as a steward by Local 1570. The Chief Steward will be responsible for providing training for all stewards and assist the stewards in the performance of their duties. After consultation with the full Executive Board the Chief Steward will he responsible for assigning areas in which stewards will be responsible for the increase of membership. The Chief Steward will apprise the Local of matters of interest brought to the attention of stewards by the membership. Should the Chief Steward be unable to perform the duties of office on a permanent basis ( succession, resignation, illness, etc.) the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement at the first regular scheduled meeting of local 1570; said appointment must be approved by a simple majority of those members in attendance and upon approval will assume the duties for the duration of the unexpired term.
Secretary - The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at each Executive Board, regular, and special meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at each Labor Relations Meeting between Local 1570 and management at FCI Tallahassee. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and forwarding of all documentation necessary for attendance to any training, caucus, or convention participated in by Local 1570. The Secretary shall be responsible for obtaining a current membership list with addresses from the Treasurer and mailing all notices of elections, nominations, etc. The Secretary will assist in posting items of relevance to the Local on the bulletin board of the Local. The Secretary at the direction of the President shall be responsible for the preparation of any memorandum/letters written on behalf of the Local. Should the Secretary be unable to perform the duties on a permanent basis (resignation, illness, etc.) the Executive Board will appoint a replacement at the first regular scheduled meeting of local 1570; said appointment must be approved by a simple majority of those members in attendance and upon approval will assume the duties for the duration ofthe unexpired term. (Upon approval of these bylaws the Secretary position (a newly created position) will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board to fill the term until regularly scheduled nominations and elections are held in December 1999.)
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each regularly scheduled meeting of local 1570. This report shall include at a minimum a list of all checks written for the prior month to include the amount and to whom written and for what purpose. In addition a report will be given that gives a total of ail monies received and deposited in the prior month and the end of the month balance after all bills were paid. In addition the report will list all monies held in savings accounts and/or certificates of deposit. The Treasurer will maintain an up to date and accurate current roll of membership and will be responsible for maintaining accurate addresses for all current members. The Treasurer will receive all monies due the Local from agency payroll and or AFGE/CPL and will deposit all monies in the Locals account. The Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining all accounts and will utilize only state chartered, federally insured (FDIC) banks for this purpose. The Treasurer will utilize a two signature system for all financial instruments; the only authorized signatures for all financial instruments entered into by Local 1570 shall be those of the Treasurer and the President. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of all required reports to the Department of Labor (LM-3) and any other agency. Should the Treasurer be unable to perform the duties of office on a permanent basis (resignation, illness, etc.) the Executive Board will appoint a replacement at the first regular scheduled meeting of Local 1570; said appointment must be approved by a simple majority of those members present and upon approval will assume the duties for the duration of the unexpired term.
Sergeant-at-Arms - A Sergeant-at-Arms may be appointed by the President at any meeting of local 1570 and shall serve in the following capacity: to attend the outer door to see that no person enters the meetings without proper authority, assist the presiding officer in the maintenance of order, welcome and introduce guests, provide a roll call should the recording of individual votes be necessary, and perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 11. Delegates -
(a) In addition to those individuals designated in Section 10 of these bylaws the membership may elect any member in good standing to attend any district, council, or federation, caucus or convention as a delegate or alternate delegate after proper notice of elections/nominations have been mailed to the last known address of the membership.
(b) Should for any reason Local 1570 decide to not send delegates to any district, council, or federation caucus or convention, Local 1570 may vote to send this local's votes by Proxy with another Local within the AFGE district(fedetation caucus or convention) or CPL region(Council caucus or convention) after proper notice of elections/nominations have been mailed to the last known address of the membership.
(c) The Local will authorize funds for delegate attendance as outlined in section 10 of these bylaws to all federation and council conventions and caucuses in the annual budget. Allocation of funds shall be in accordance with section 13.
Section 12. Election of Officers -
(a) An Election Committee, comprised of a minimum of three people shall be elected by a majority vote of local members in attendance at the regularly scheduled October meeting of Local 1570 for the purpose of overseeing the election of officers.
(b) Nominations and elections of officers shall be conducted by the Election Committee during the regularly scheduled December meeting. Proper notification to the Local membership shall be by written, mailed(to last known address) notification fifteen (15) days prior to the December meeting in accordance with the AFGE national constitution.
(c) Candidates shall not run for more than one office.
(d) Voting shall be done by secret ballot utilizing a locked box. At the conclusion of voting all ballots will be counted by the members of the election committee who will check for accurate ballots. A memorandum will be prepared and signed by all members of the election committee listing the totals of all votes cast for each candidate and listing the number of invalid ballots. A run off election if necessary shall be held immediately at the December regular meeting.
(e) Installation of officers will take place at the next regularly scheduled January meeting. Outgoing offcers will turn over any and all documents, manuals, etc. and will be responsible for immediately turning over and changing any and all financial documents, signature cards, etc, to insure an orderly and efficient transfer of office.
13. Expenditures -
(a) Expenditures by the Executive Board in excess of $500.00 per month shall be governed by the annual budget, developed by a finance committee, and approved by the membership. The Executive Board may shift funds between budget items, should the need arise. All expenditures authorized by the Executive Board will be reported on a voucher system and in writing and turned over to the Treasurer for inclusion in the financial report at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
(b) Expenses for persons traveling on behalf of the Local shall be limited to actual receipts for lodging, transportation, and tips. Per diem shall be authorized at the official government rate for the area traveled to. The least expensive mode of travel should be utilized whenever possible. Air travel shall be limited to the least expensive class and advance reservations to take advantage of reduced rates are encouraged. Persons using privately owned vehicles shall be compensated at the current government rate for mileage. If the person traveling wishes to take a privately owned vehicle in lieu of air travel the least expensive of the two options only will be reimbursed. Members will not be compensated for lost wages and therefore are expected to utilize annual leave or official time as authorized by the national contract; to that end the Executive Board will always attempt to secure the maximum official time allowed.
14. Committees -
(a) The Executive Board will establish the following committees: Negotiations, Membership, and Finance. Other committees may be established and members appointed by the Executive Board as needed (except the Election Committee see Section 12).
(b) A quorum of any committee shall consist of a majority of the members thereof.
(1) Negotiations Committee - The negotiations committee will be chaired by the President and will be made up of the Executive Vice President and a minimum of three other members as appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The negotiations committee will always be a minimum of five people or a number equal to that of management. The negotiations committee will be formed to negotiate the local supplemental agreement and will formulate and compile all proposals for Local 1570. When all proposals are formulated and have been exchanged with management the proposals will be presented to the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
(2) Membership Committee - The membership committee will be composed of no more than five members appointed by the Chief Steward and approved by the Executive Board. The Membership Committee will meet when called by the Executive Board to review the membership reports, identify gains and loses in membership, conduct membership drives and recommend a plan of action.
(3) The Finance Committee - The Finance Committee shall be comprized of the President and the Treasurer with three members appointed jointly by the President and the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Board. The Finance Committee will prepare an annual budget on a calendar year basis for submission to the Executive Board in November of each year. The annual budget will be presented to the membership for approval at the January meeting. The Finance Committee shall assure that a voucher system is established to control expenditures according to the budgeted items.
Section 15. Dues -
(a) The dues shall be $12.00 dollars per pay period.
(b) The dues for retired members shall be the amount payable to AFGE and the Council of Prisons Locals (currently $.50 to each organization). It shall be the responsibility of the retired member to pay by check annually by November 30 for the upcoming year. The Treasurer will complete the required paperwork to AFGE to insure that they are removed from the membership rolls effective the last payperiod in December.
(c) No person working in a non-bargaining unit position may be a member of Local 1570. In those cases where members are temporarily promoted to a supervisory position the Treasurer will insure that the proper paperwork is completed with AFGE to insure that the local is not having percapita withheld.
Section 16. Adoption of Bylaws - Bylaws shall be adopted and amended only after being discussed at two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings and after a 15 day notice has been sent to the last known address of the membership. The bylaws shall be adopted when passed by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the announced meeting.
Section 17. Availability of Bylaws - Copies of these Bylaws shall be available to any member in good standing upon request to the Secretary.
Approved by the membership on March 9, 1999.
Certified by Irene Compton, President
Brenda Slyvester,Treasurer
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