FBI Stats of Officers Killed January 1997 - September 1997
Summaary of law enforcement officers killed - 1997 (Information taken from National Broadcast Teletype from the FBI.
According to the preliminary information received by the FBI, 50 City, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement Officers were killed due to criminal activity during January through September, 1997. Forty-three were slain durning the same period in 1996. This year, 24 were slain in the south, 13 in the western states, 8 in the midwestern states, and 5 in the northeastern states.
Twelve officers were slain while investigating disturbance calls, 12 in ambush situations, 8 while investigating suspicious persons, 4 while transporting prisoners, 3 while attempting arrests, 3 while investigating robberies, 2 while investigating burglaries, 5 during traffic stops, and 1 while handling a mentally deranged individual.
Firearms were used in 47 killings (34 with handguns, 9 with rifles, and 4 with shotguns), 2 were with knives, and 1 with a personal weapon. Forty-Seven of the killings have been cleared by law enforcement authorities. Nineteen officers were wearing protective vests. Thirty-three officers were killed in accidential situations.
Authority - B. F. Brewere FBI-UCR

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