The political manifestation of this philosophy is most closely represented in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments). Libertarians believe that "that government is best which governs least." Many Libertarians wish to return the Federal Government to the strict confines of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution was a brilliant, although flawed attempt to limit the Federal Governments' inevitable brute force to very specific areas. Consequently many of today's Federal functions are unconstitutional, among them are the FDA, BATF, FCC, IRS, HUD, FBI, the Federal Reserve and others, as well as welfare, education, federal grants to states, etc. The Savannah and Chatham County Libertarian Party (SCCLP) supports the National and State Libertarian Parties in their efforts to re-chain the Federal monster to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gave the States broad latitude to tax and regulate their citizens. It was theorized that this would create competition among the states through a low tax-seeking mobile citizenry, and that this was preferable to an all-powerful, all-taxing, Federal government. Today this amendment is routinely ignored.
Despite the broad, constitutional, consent granted to the state and local governments to tax and regulate, the SCCLP wants to privatize as many local-government functions as possible, as well as "de- monopolize" any private companies which enjoy the legal exclusion of competition for their services. This would include the Fire Department, trash collection, water services, electricity, Chatham Area Transit Authority, libraries, theaters, the Civic Center, sports facilities, the Trade and Maritime Center, Cable Television, Indy 500 race tracks, Civil Rights museums, etc.etc. Even the police should be at least augmented by private, competing security companies. All city and county funding of theaters, entertainment, education, "Art in the Park," etc., ideally would cease. All of these and more waste your money. SO STOP DREAMING AND WAKE UP! Private companies should be allowed to freely compete for customers in all of these areas and more. Practically speaking, the SCCLP has to get people to understand that more government will never solve the problems created by government in the first place, and that we all have much to gain through a drastic reduction in the size, scope, and taxes of all Local, State and Federal government. We believe that there is overwhelming evidence that this will result in a greatly reduced cost of living, a higher standard of living, and safer neighborhoods for all income groups. However, if we continue on our present course (more government), this town will become more crime-ridden and progressively poorer as our local officials and their sycophants become richer. Freedom breeds peace and prosperity for everyone except bureaucrats and their supporters.
copyright D.Whiting 1996