Mother's Day

Mother's day is a day set aside to honor our mothers. It is not just a day to honor those women who give birth, but those who are mothers in the fullest sense of the word.

One does not have to give birth to be a mother. A woman who adopts a child can also be classified as a mother, because it is what one does after the baby is born that is the most important aspect of motherhood.

The definition of a mother involves 3 things and can be called our mothers responsibility to us.

A true mother always grieves over a wayward child, whether at home or after he or she leaves the home. She always rejoices over good children and she always loves her children no matter what.

She not only trains her children by rules and discipline, but also by example. Daughters learn how to be mothers by the example their mothers set. They learn how to be a wife by this same example. Being a good mother includes being a good wife.

Our responsibility to our mothers would include proper reverence, respect, obedience, honor, and love, whether we think they are worthy of it or not. As a mother should show unselfish dedication towards her children, so also should a child be unselfish in his dealings towards his mother.

Mother's Day is a day for mothers to examine themselves to see if they are worthy of honor. It is also a day for children to examine themselves to see if they are honoring their mothers properly, not only on Mother's Day, but every day of the year.

I feel that I have been blessed by God, because I can say with confidence that my mother and my wife, the mother of my children, are mothers in the fullest sense of the word, and are worthy of honor this day and every day.


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