MAY 1997

Rule of Law or Man

That which is created is subject to that which created it. God created all things, therefore all things are subject to Him and He is above all things. As Creator He implanted within His creation certain laws of involuntary conduct, which guide and keep nature in order and are done automatically by His creation without any necessity for reasoned obedience. God does not have to command man to breath, eat, or drink. The stars and planets follow their prescribed paths, plants grow, the rain falls, and the seasons pass from year to year. One force of nature acting upon and effecting each other and tied together like a web. These are what can be called "the natural laws of nature".

Above and beyond these natural laws, God has also implanted within man alone, what can be called "the moral laws of nature". Unlike the natural laws, the moral laws require obedience and can be and often are ignored by sinful man. This obedience is in all areas of life, whether as an individual acting between one person and another, or when a person acts in conjunction with a group, including government. The ability to comprehend and act upon these moral laws is what sets man above the rest of creation. When God's moral laws are followed it is called the "Rule of Law".

The God of the Bible also created marriage and government, and as Creator, only He can define their correct conduct, their purpose, and their make-up. For example; God defines marriage as a man and woman who leave their parents and who under covenant before Him are joined together as one, for companionship and as helpmates in having dominion over the Earth and for propagation of the species, till death parts them. Therefore, government which did not create marriage, cannot define it as a live in arrangement between 2 men or 2 women, without violating the "Rule of Law". When government rules contrary to God's moral laws it is called, the "Rule of Man".

All truly Christian Cultures have a government which adheres to the rule of law principle. When government begins to rule according to the rule of man there is nothing that it will not eventually control, as man will always corrupt and destroy anything that is holy and just, if he is left unchecked. This is why a truly free society cannot exist without the Christian concept of limited government to curb the corrupting tendencies of man.

Under the "Rule of Law", government is considered a moral corporate person and cannot do anything that an individual person is forbidden to do. Person "A" cannot take from person "B" and give to person "C" without person "B's" consent, either verbal or by written contract. If an individual persons property is taken against his will for any reason regardless of how honorable the reason my sound, it is called stealing. Likewise, if government takes a persons property or money (money is also property) without his consent and outside the grounds laid down by a contractual agreement, it is also stealing. The constitution is our contract with those who govern us and government can only tax us within the bounds prescribed in that document and only for the purposes enumerated. Any taxation beyond those bounds violates the rule of law which states, "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Therefore, once this contract is violated we are no longer under the rule of law, but under the rule of man. When the Bible tells us to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, it also tells us to give unto God that which is God's. Here is the true guidelines for separation of Church and State. It is obvious than, that when Caesar uses our money in opposition to God's law, that Caesar has laid a false claim to that which is God's. In other words Caesar has placed his laws above the Law of God, thus taking the place of God as Lawgiver. This is deification of Caesar.

Who than determines what is Caesar's and what is God's? In our country it is "We The People". This is in agreement with the Biblical teaching, that we are to obey God rather than man, when the two are in opposition. Many early Christians were put to death because of this. The problem today is that the majority of the people don't know , according to the Bible, what God has assigned to Caesar and, or they don't care, because they prefer to be subject to Caesar rather than God.

  • Objection to "May" Comments.....My responses are included in the text.

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