Bill of Lost Rights

Your voice.
Your vote.
Both Lost Rights!

Women forced into hiding must live without basic rights in order to preserve their anonymity.

  • No job
  • No bank accounts
  • No grants / loans
  • No school (this also applies to school age children)
  • No vote
  • No Drivers License
  • No Telephone
  • Nothing that would produce a bill (i.e. Utilities)

Imagine what your life would be like if tomorrow you gave up each of the things listed above.
job that allows you to support your family and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
Your life's savings and that of your children.
    The privilege to attend
school and grow as a human being and in business.
voice...your vote. And on and on the list goes. Incredible!
    In a time of crisis you do what you have to do to keep yourself and your children safe. But why years later should they still have to depend on welfare and food stamps?
    The system seems to be missing that final step to independence.
The Protection Plan for the Victims of Domestic Violence will enable women to take control of their lives and move beyond the stigma of a battered woman.

The Final Step | Bill of Lost Rights | Protection Program for the Victims of Domestic Violence | "New" Social Security Number | Directory of Related Links

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