America is providing spiritual leadership in teaching New Age doctrines to American children in our public schools!! We should not have been caught unaware of it, however, because, as with most of the Plan for the New World Order, this plan to capture our public school system was well planned.
The New World Order is an absolute dictatorship under a One-World Government. America has been committed to the New World Order since 1776, we should not be surprised to realize why education has been systematically moved from the private sector to the public sector, with heavy government regulation and power. .
The first step is to destroy the old system, which in America is based on Biblical Evangelical Christianity. This system absorbed all aspects of society, especially the Family and the Schools.
The obvious first steps in destroying the old system of education, based on Biblical principles and upon the traditional family, is to destroy the Family.
Step #1 -- After World War II, Americans began to move away from faithfully proclaiming the entire Truth of God's Word. Thus, people began to drift away from the True God and their hearts began to grow cold toward Jesus Christ.
Step #2 -- In the early 1950's, Television made its debut. People began to drift toward Non-Christian moral values and into materialism. TV also was the perfect medium by which people could be re-conditioned on a population-wide basis.
Step #3 -- In 1963, the Supreme Court decided it was un-Constitutional to have prayer in public schools. This infamous decision effectively threw God out of our schools. Beginning in the mid-1960's, traditional values of marriage and of sex only within marriage was rejected by millions of young people. It was the age of "Free Love". Sex and child bearing began to occur regularly outside marriage.
Step #4 -- By the early 1970's, the single-parent family began to become more common. Many young men saw no need to stay with the girl he had impregnated and the child he had fathered. Consequently, many families sprang up without the traditional Father-Mother leader-ship. Today, 1 out of 4 children are born outside marriage.
Step #5 -- This break-down in the traditional family began to seriously decay the
essential foundation which enable children to learn. Further, attitudes of parents continued
to move toward personal selfishness, violence within relationships, and abuse. All this is
the direct result of both individuals and the government rejecting God.
Respected psychologists began to advise parents that they should not physically discipline
their children. This false teaching resulted in millions of children growing up rebellious
against all authority figures in their lives. Since this event began in the mid-1960's, these
rebellious children are now having rebellious children. Further, State and Federal
Governments began getting into this arena by dictating that no physical punishment could
occur at school and that parents should not be physically punishing at home.
At the same time, textbooks and other learning curricula systematically excluded God
from the educational process. Nowhere is this more apparent than the teaching of
evolution in science and principles of humanism throughout the curriculum.
Step #6 -- With fatal consequences, the Federal and State Governments acknowledged the problem and stepped in with their "solution". However, Government rarely has properly solved anything. As Ronald Reagan stated in 1972, while Governor of California, "Government never solves a problem; it subsidizes it." The Government is actually creating New World Order values as a “solution” in our present school system.
1. Surrender of Parental Authority within the home is creating the situation in schools where children do not respond to normal authority. These children have been allowed at home to control the house situation. Since they control their parents within the home, these children believe they should be able to control their school teachers and administrators. The result is anarchy or near anarchy in school. Teachers and administrators spend so much time and effort merely controlling the children physically that they have little time and/or energy left to academically teach.
The process works like this:
2. Christian Influence Is Gone
The Fundamental Christian restraining influence which has been normal in our past history is now gone. Only a small minority of teachers and students are truly Born-again Christians in my school, Christian values and principles guided the administration of the school. Today's school systems have systematically thrown out all church influence. It is a shame that no longer can any teacher bring a Bible to class or teach from it for any purpose, even for poetry.
The final step in this process will be the implementation of a truly Satanic educational system called the New World Order. We can prevent this to happen by fighting the enemy.
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