Ralph Brandt. Common Sense in York, PA - Hate in York PA

Graffiti painters identified (New, 6/20/98)

Racial Hatred and Hope (New, 6/17/98)

Racial Hatred and Graffiti (New, 6/16/98)

Democratic Chair resigns after racial slur (New, 6/16/98)

Students suspended for Pins(New, 4/4/98)


Graffiti painters identified

On June 20, 1998 the local press reported that the graffiti painters mentioned in this page have been identified. They are listed as a 17 year old boy, a 17 year old girl and a 16 year old boy. All are residents of the area and the paper reported that they had no contact with any white supremist group.

The paper reports this as a good sign, I consider it a reason for concern. Here are three young people who have been influenced enough by the hatred in our community to act upon the message of hatred, without being a part of the group.

Racial Hatred and Hope

Twenty four hours ago when I wrote the other items here I had little hope that there could be a solution to the problems of York PA. But this evening I spent about two hours with my brothers and sisters in the Lord at Pine and Springettysbury Streets, in a church there praying with others from our city. I left with hope. I must still say, "I cannot see how, but I know God is faithful and if we can call on him, we can see the results.

At times I feel like the target, like everything that has ever been done to a minority is being blamed on me personally. But tonight, there was a peace. I thank every brother and sister in that place for that. I will be telling them that as I get opportunity.

A few weeks ago I was working on my fifth novel and God gave me a prayer that will be a part of it. A story can be fiction, but it can be based on truth. I didn't realize the importance of that prayer till I was in that service tonight. The prayer and a short part of the story that makes it relevant are in this web page in a section called Love.

I am convinced that the apostle Paul, who wrote the First Epistle to the Church at Corinth also wrote that to the church at York PA. I thank God for the opportunity to present this to you.


Racial Hatred and Grafitti

Over the last weekend (6/13/98) hate and racial slur graffiti appeared in North York. This is not the first time this has happened in the York area, this has become something that is all too frequent. But I wonder, if our leaders can spout racial slurs, if our school principals can penalize students that stand up against hate, what are we to expect?


Democratic Chair resigns after racial slur

To Margaret Hain something seemed to be wrong in a meeting last Saturday. But her expression of that situation was somewhat inappropriate, to say the least. In an open meeting of the Democratic faithful at Harrisburg PA she commented that the woodpile had something undesirable in it. I will refuse to print the statement, it is so reprehensible that I will not print it here least someone think it is something I agree with. I thought that phrase went out with dark ages of hatred, but it is still alive and well here in central PA. I had hoped this kind of thing was reserved for the hooded in the backwoods of Dixie. And apparently our political leaders, at least the Democrats, think it is OK. Ms. Hain, for those who do not know, was head of the York County Democratic Party until this week. She has since apologized and withdrew her name from contention for re-election. She should have not been allowed to resign, firing would have shown that the Democrats really feel this is wrong. In 1941, in the middle of the battles in the South Pacific Bull Halsey said, "There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men rise to meet. The Democratic party faced that great challenge and ducked it.

You could call this a slip, but when she was questioned about it, she repeated the comment! There were two blacks in the room at the time the comment was made. Kerry Kirkland, the executive director of the state Democratic Party was outraged at the comment. His aide, Lorraine Calien was also present. I have not seen comment by her.

On Monday night the York County group met and Hain issued an apology, "I apologize for all of the people who heard my statement and for any hurt or bad feelings I might have cause. I know I was wrong. I believe in diversity and equality."

Here we see the usual Democratic/Liberal politically correct watchwords which mean nothing. These are the customary Liberal platitudes that are not supported by action. "I believe in diversity and equality." Exactly what does that mean? Does her blood boil when she hears comments that degrade our fellow humans -- no matter who, what or why? Does she rise up and speak out when there are injustices? Or does her real feelings come out when she is stressed? I believe this apology is only a statement to place salve on a wound to ease the pain, not heal the hurt. If Ms. Hain can say this and then when questioned REPEAT it, this is a part of her. Like many liberals, her PUBLIC face to people is far, far different from the private one. And here, because of stress, the PRIVATE face became apparent in PUBLIC.

I will not try to tell you that there are not conservatives that feel the same way, I loath them much, much more than I do a bigoted liberal, because I expect more out of conservatives. But I would have you remember; these liberals are the people who paint the conservatives as having no feelings, no concerns about others. They paint them as not caring. They tell you they are the only ones that care, that if the liberals take over, problems with diversity will end, caring about people would be the norm. I'll let you decide for yourself. I would sooner have a friend that tells me the hard truth like it is than have an acquaintance that tells me all is well to my face and stabs me in the back.

Actually, I too feel like I have been stabbed in the back by this person who claims to be a leader and like King Nebucanezzar, she has been weighed in the balances and found wanting.

In the Bible, God removed the king for his indescretions. I only hope she will remove herself totally from the public eye until she can see more clearly. The song writer asked, "How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man." It is apparent that for Ms. Hain, we are still in transit. It is possible she has not even begun the journey.

You ask why this is so important? Let me answer this. York has a problem with hatred. Several years ago a Synagogue was desecrated with swastika and a hog's head. This week North York Boro (A small municipality just north of the city) was the scene of more racial slurs and swastika's painted on buildings.

Let me assure you, this will not cease until there is love. The liberal panacia of diversity Legislation will not help. And in fact, many of our legislators are morally bankrupt. Our State Senator, Dan Delp has been convicted of misappropriation of state money, procuring a prostitute, and buying drinks or a minor. Our U. S. Representative Bill Goodling, a long time paragon of virtue and a man I once looked up to has accepted a trip from an industry he helps regulate, and he bounced many checks, a practice he claims was not wrong because it was accepted practice. We need not look to men like this for help. The only thing that can help is unity in the Body of Christ and Love for each other.





Students suspended for Pins

Five students have been suspended (and reinstated by a judicial order) for wearing pins to school which depicted a swastika covered by a red "NOT" symbol with the words, "NO HATE". We have a depiction of it above, except it had the words "NO HATE" on on the red bar.

One would have thought that the administration of the school, A district in York County PA, would have congratulated itself for the students taking an initiative against hate, but this was not to be. The students, all seeming good students who were law abiding up till now, were suspended for wearing the pins. We can understand a district suspending them had they worn the swastika alone, or other symbols or slogans of hatesuch as the stars and bars, but if they wear a pin that shows they will not follow that route, should they be penalized? I think not.

Somehow I believe the forces of hatred in this community, and they are alive and well, got an emotional boost from this action. They have seen someone who stood up for right have their nose bloodied for it. And not by the forces of evil but by those who should have upheld the law.

This leaves two possibilities, either the administration of the school is in sympathy with those who preach and practice hatred or it is so dull in mind that it cannot determine what is good and what is evil. I believe that such administration should be considered absolutely unfit for positions of leadership and removed.






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Ralph Brandt, Write me at brandtre@draaw.net

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Revised 10/26/1999 DRAAW is not a misspelling, it is an acronym for Dee, Ralph, Angela, Annette and William.

Copyright 1997,8,9 Ralph E. Brandt, York PA