Ralph Brandt. Common Sense in York, PA - Poliical Correctness

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Bombs, Lies and Hindsight

Bombs, Lies and Hindsight

Faxed to York Dispatch 1-Aug-1995 17:39:39

Recycling lies has been used effectively in the condemning the U. S. handling of the war effort at the end of World War II. In the last several months we have seen criticism of the bombing of Dresden, raids on Berlin and now the bombing raids on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Each set of lies is a recycled version of the previous ones.

In every case the central theme of the criticism is that Germany and Japan were already defeated, the raids were unnecessary. Let me assure you that the war planners didn't think they were defeated at that time, nor did the men who were still fighting and giving their lives. But with 20-20 hindsight the critics know they were defeated. Go ahead, tell this lie to the families of the men who died during these last days of the war in ships, planes and in foxholes. Tell the families of the men who died crossing the Rhine, tell the families of those who died when the Indianapolis went down, tell the families of the men who died on the Enterprise when she was bombed. Tell the families of the men who died on Iwo Jima. Tell them and let them spit in your face because that is what you deserve!

A war isn't over until the shooting stops and the defeated enemy lays down its weapons. When these bombs fell, they were still killing our men. From mid-1943 there was only one peace plan offered by the Allies to Japan and Germany, unconditional surrender. Those who say Japan was trying to open negotiations to end the war ignore the fact that the shooting could have been stopped in hours by their accepting that offer through a neutral country. The avenues were open and in fact one such avenue ended the war. I firmly believe the Enola Gay would have been recalled (given appropriate radio conditions), even in the last minutes of its run to Hiroshima had such an offer been made. But alas, the Japanese Government that exhibited a firm resolve in December 1941 to take on the United States could find no firm resolve to end the war, the Japanese ego could not admit defeat, and so the war went on, until they saw not one city, but two, burned by nuclear fire. Such was the price of their pride!

No, let's not criticize the Americans who gave the order, or those who made the bomb, or those who dropped it, let's blame those who could have stopped it, the War Lords of Japan, the Emperor who is still worshipped as God, and the Japanese Military. They still cannot admit the war they started was a mistake or even express regrets to the victims. Like Hitler, their last victims were their own people. Hitler killed his millions, but the Tojo and the Japanese War Lords killed tens of millions, practicing genodcide on races they called "inferior peoples", primarily Chinese and other Asians. They sowed the whirlwind, they reaped the whirlwind and now those who wish to criticize our government would shift the blame to avoid embarassing them.

NBC's alledged request for Gays

The following was sent to NBC on 01-Aug-96, no response was received as of 01-Sept-96

I picked the attached off the Gay and Lesbian rights page - HUMAN RIGHTS -- and wonder if NBC really has made this request.

"NBC television is in the process of producing a 2 hour documentary about a ten year class reunion. From the producers of MTV's Real World, the show will focus on a group of friends who come back to their 10 year high school reunion and see how their lives have changed. The producers would like one of the friends to come out to the group at the event or have this be the first time that the person has seen them since he/she came out."

I am appalled that NBC would consider the gay and lesbian lifestyle so much a part of the American landscape that it would not only INSIST that it be a part of such a program but would demand that it be by one who would flaunt the perversion. I have considered that this might be a misrepresentation of NBC's intent by a self seeking gay rights group that would wish to push its agenda and perverted life style on the public, even at the expense of NBC's good name.

I am chagrined that NBC would follow the fine job of Olympic reporting with such a piece of contrived trash but will withhold judgement until I hear that this is really your intent. If this is not your intent I would hope that NBC would take some action, legal or editorial to right this situation.

Copyright 1996 Ralph E. Brandt, York PA

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Copyright 1995 Ralph E. Brandt, York PA