If we are going to ask the question, "is the church up to what is needed for our generation?" then we must follow that question with the logical sequel, "am I up to it?" It is that answer to the second question that determines the answer to the first one. Our first and only responsibility is to follow what God has for each of us. The pastor who takes responsibility for his congregation not being up to the challenge is wrong. He takes on responsibility he cannot handle, responsibility God never intended him to carry, and responsibility that will not bring any fruit in his life, the lives of those in his church or the life of the Body of Christ in general. (The same can be said for those in the pew.) We can only seek God for ourselves, we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
Now what I have said will seem self serving and shortsighted, that I am saying let the world go to hell as I seek my own salvation, that is not the intent nor is it the result. It is only when I make my peace with God and commune with Him that I become the vessel He can use to bring victory. I need not be perfect, but I must learn to do His work while resting in Him.
I am aghast at much of what I see in the Christian Press and on Christian TV and radio because it is a negative gospel, a term that is an oxymoron. The gospel is good news, any bad news is the work of the devil. Anyone who is preaching a gospel that is not the good news is either in league with him, or has been duped by Satan. Deceived is a more accurate word than duped. True, there are things on every side that would tear at us, I sometimes feel like Peter being invited to come out of the boat and walk on the water, but Jesus did not say worry and fret about what is going on in the world as some in the Christian media would have us believe, He said, "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." In another context he said, "Greater things than these will you do..." and "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
Isn't the negative "gospel" we are hearing more in line with the gloom, dispair and agony message of the devil rather than what we should teach, the message of the scripture, "I will keep him in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on me?"
For me, I choose to believe the Word of God, I am chosen of the beloved, I am more than a conqueror. I am not "Holding the Fort," waiting for Jesus to come and take us out of here before we have to capitulate, I am actively and agressively taking ground from the enemy and I do not intend to give back one inch or even go on the defensive until the time He says my work here is over. At that time I intend to go home, a decorated hero of a victorious fight, not a part of a defeated army that was rescued at the last minute before their resistance collapsed! I do not have an "seige mentality", I have an overcomer mentality. I loose it at times for a few moments, but my hope is in Him, not in the things of this world.
1-Aug-1995 17:40:38 WACO-
I'm ashamed of the Conservative Republican lawmakers and the partisan charade. the investigation into Waco event. Lawmakers, elected by claiming to promote "law and order" are blaming the ATF. And the ultimate goals are the demise of Bill Clinton, and the end of regulation of firearms. I'd cheer if Bill vacated the White House tomorrow, if I didn't know the VP! Bill is frightening, Al Gore really scares me.
David Koresh was armed with weapons the ATF regulates. The local officials did nothing. The ATF came, Koresh fired. They called for surrender, he refused. Take politics out of the situation, had this been a leftist group, Rush and Co. would have demanded the ATF go in. Koresh should have surrendered and submitted the incident to the courts to settle. Once he fired and killed agents, the situation escalated. Still he could have surrendered and saved his people and possibly himself. But he chose death, possibly believing his own lies.
Why didn't the local officials act? They were dealing with armed cultists who believed a doomsday message, a very deadly foe. Fear could have been a factor although it's hard to think a Texan might be afraid. Local officials are elected and taking away guns isn't popular in Texas, even if the guy carrying the gun is crazy. The NRA can only insure gun ownership for all of its members only if all wacko's can own them. The local inaction was a paralysis caused by fear and politics. Four dead ATF agents make the fear look well founded.
Some call this religeous persecution and some local preachers got on the wagon, condemning the ATF. Several pushed a tape, "Waco, The Big Lie." They say on the tape, "you can't see this on the TV but in the studio we could see..." I took them up on it, I took it into a studio, looked at one frame at a time, and I still couldn't see it! And in several cases I could see enough to conclude the narrator erred. Nobody seemed concerned about the tape's lack of accuracy. It supported their pre-conceived ideas. These same people call for truth from elected officials. Where is their integrity?
I challenge clergymen who have persued this course. God commands we to pray for those in authority, not prey on them. By defending him, you place yourself in the position of being unequally yoked with the ungodly David Koresh! In your misguided zeal to condemn the government, you have place yourself in a position God warns against. God established authority, we must honor it. David Koresh wasn't persecuted as claimed, he refused the protection of our courts, he chose to be prosecuted on the spot by the law enforcement officers. The Bible says those who do good have no reason to fear the one who carries the sword, the officer of the law. David Koresh feared the law for good reason, he knew he was wrong. He should bear his sin, not Bill Clinton or Janet Reno.
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