Paul's Personal Page

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Everything you ever wanted to know about me, as long as it's something I'm willing to tell the general public.

[[ Background ][ Some Hobbies ][ Favorite Quotes ][ Posse Coordination ]]

Background Information

...complete with handy little pictures.

I grew up in Rockaway NJ (or more specifically, White Meadow Lake -- "x" marks the spot). Please, no Jersey jokes (and I don't have a "Joisey" accent). Rockaway is actually a great place to live. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something different that separates it from a tpyical suburban community. I went to Morris Hills High School and graduated in June, 1990. In April, 1996, my parents moved to Matthews, NC (just east of Charlotte).
I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh PA in May, 1994. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Math / Computer Science, with a minor in French. Sure, it was a good education, and I made a lot of friends there, but it was way too expensive and stressful.
Alpha Epsilon Pi While at CMU I somehow got myself involved in a fraternity. You'll notice that my list of people I know overlaps a lot with the lists of brothers and alumni. What a coincidence, eh?
DC Pages DC RegistryI live in Arlington VA, about 7 miles west of Washington DC. I really like the DC area, despite the politics, traffic, and high cost of living. Seriously, though, there's a lot to see and do, and I have lots of friends in the area.
I am a Principal at American Management Systems. AMS is a technical consulting firm, and I'm doing all sorts of cool web stuff and programming for a product called Procurement Desktop. I currently work in the Fair Lakes office, about 20 miles west of downtown DC. You may use (note the underscore between my first and last name) to send me work-related E-mail.
J'ai étudié le français au lycée et à CMU, mais malheureusement je n'ai pas beaucoup d'occasion de l'utiliser (sauf pendant mes voyages au Canada). Si vous voulez bavarder un peu, envoyez-moi un message à Je voudrais traduire toutes mes pages, mais ça ne sera pas facile. I studied French in high school and at CMU, but unfortunately I don't have much of a chance to make use of it (except during my trips to Canada). If you'd like to chat, send me a message at I would like to translate all of my pages, but that won't be easy.
Pretzels Plus In June, 1996, my parents opened a Pretzels Plus store in Monroe, NC (near Charlotte). They also owned a pretzel store in New Jersey (Pretzels Etc. in the Rockaway Townsquare Mall) until 1989. Needless to say, we are a family of pretzel lovers. (Hey, this could become great material for my Picture Page...)

Some Hobbies

Posse Coordination

Somehow I always got volunteered to organize group activities among my friends. It became so common that I just started volunteering, and now in many ways I enjoy it. Here is a partial list of my efforts, each of which involve a slightly different group of friends, and for most of which I had a lot of help.

Some Favorite Quotes

Gunge. Just say "gunge."
-- Narrator, The Play ONWARDS! 1/26/90

You will have some new clothes.
-- an amazingly accurate fortune cookie, 9/22/92

Invite a friend on your next journey.
-- two more accurate fortune cookies, 5/94

Yakko: All is strange and vague.
Dot: Are we dead?
Yakko: Or is this Ohio?
-- Yakko & Dot Warner, "Meatballs or Consequences," ANIMANIACS

Brain: Oh no! They've all become giant Swiss leiderhosen-clad dancing yodelers!
-- Pinky & the Brain (non-sequitur award)

Snoopy is not a function.
-- Mr. Russonniello, Calculus teacher, Morris Hills High School

Watch the tram car please!
-- "Overheard" on the Wildwood NJ Boardwalk

-- Terry Pratchett, GUARDS! GUARDS!
Here's another Terry Pratchett link.

If you wish to avoid traffic in the city, ...
-- Online visitors' guide to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, where "traffic" is defined as more than one car.

Why is your nickname "Red?"... I know plenty of redheads who don't have red hair.
-- Heidi Mahloch, 1/10/97

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==[[ Paul Karlin ][ ]]==

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