Rhode Island Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association
Article IIl. Membership and Voting
Section I. Active; Full time law enforcement officer
who is designated as a firearms instructor for his or her department.
Section II. Retired: Full time law enforcement officer who was designated as a firearms instructor for his or her department. Individuals gaining membership under this section (Article Ill, Section II) shall only be admitted after a review of the membership committee and a majority vote of the membership.
Section III. Civilians: An individual designated by a law enforcement agency of this state as a Firearms Instructor or Range Officer. Individuals gaining membership under this section (Article Ill, Section III) shall only be admitted after a review of the membership committee and a majority vote of the membership.
Section IV. Associate: An individual interested in furthering the aims and purposes of this organization but not meeting requirements for active status. Individuals gaining membership under this section (Article Ill, Section IV ) shall only be admitted after a review of the membership committee and a majority vote of the membership. Associate members are not voting members of R.l.L.E.F.l.A.
Section V. Sponsor: An individual, partnership, or corporation who wishes to provide financial support to the organization by paying dues equal to an amount ten (10) times the Active member dues. Individuals gaining membership under this section ( Article Ill, Section V ) shall only be admitted after a review of the executive committee and a majority vote of the membership. Sponsor members are not voting members of R.l.L.E.F.l.A.
Section VI. Status: Membership shall be granted to those individuals who hold the following positions and do not fit the requirements of Sections 1,11,111, IV,or V. These members are not permitted to vote and not required to pay annual dues.
A. The Attorney General of the State of Rhode Island B. The Chief of the Rhode Island Bureau of Criminal Identification C. A representative from the Rhode Island Municipal Police Academy.
Section VII. Each regular member ( Active, Retired, Civilian ) of good standing in this organization shall be entitled to vote. A member in good standing shall attend the majority of meetings and not be delinquent in the payment of dues.
To speak to someone about enrollment contact one of the board members listed on the main page.
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