Author: SLS submitted on Aug. 5 1999
ATC was talking to an Arabic pilot training at Spartan.
ATC: "Cessna xxx radar contact, say intentions"
Pilot: "To get a commercial pilot's licence"
Author: SLS submitted on Aug. 5 1999
An ATC controller was having a hard time with keeping aircraft's
call signs straight, but nothing of real consequence, just a bad day. A
pilot in the vicinity clicks his mike and says "Well, this is great!,
now I'm all fucked up." The controller comes back with "Ok, who was
that?" Radio silence
ensues for about 5 seconds, then the same pilot replies, "I'm fucked
up, but
I'm not THAT fucked up!!!!"
Author: Tetsuji Rai on Apr. 16
One day, a pilot consulted a fortuneteller, who he had heard always
told the
Pilot: "I have heard you are a very good fortuneteller. Please tell me
something about
Fortuneteller: " have 3 children."
P: "Oh. You have made a mistake from the first! I have 4 children."
F: "You might believe you have 4 children, but as a matter of fact, you
only 3 children."
P: ..........
Author: Chris Hall, Submitted by Boulotis Dimitris on Mar. 6 1999
Heard on a BA Airbus 320 flight to Hamburg after a particularly
"Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. It
normal on these occasions to blame the second pilot for any bad
landing, but
I cannot was me."
followed by general laughter around the aircraft.
Author: unknown
Doctor: Turn right and cough.
Pilot: (cough)
Dr: Thank you. When was your last sexual experience?
P: Well...ah..about 1957.
Dr: Kinda been a while ago, hasn't it?
P: Yes...but..I had to leave at 2005 to come over here.
Author: unknown
Approach: DC3, turn right to 330.
DC3: Roger 330.
App: DC3, I've been working since last night. Will you do me a favor?
DC3: Affirmative. Go ahead.
App: Down below on your right, you'll see a house with yellow roof near
a lake.
That is my house. Do you see a Harley Davidson near the house?
DC3: Negative sir. Instead I can see a Ryder's truck.