Screech Owl's Nest
The Stars and Beyond
Welcome to Stars and Beyond this page is dedicated to outer space. Included is links to NASA and a viriety of interest Astronomy programs and sites. Pictures on this page are produced by NASA.

You can spend a month going through all the wonderful sights and news in NASA's web site. To go to their home page click on http//

The Cygnus loop and other pictures can be found at the HOT TOPICS page of NASA. To go there click on HOT TOPICS

For information about the Mars Mission click on the picture below.
For Information about the international space station click on the picture below.
For information on the Deep Space 1 mission click on the picture below.
All pictures above are created by NASA and can be viewed at
All pictures were created by NASA, and can be viewed at Use of said pictures is to promote interest in NASA and the space program.
The Stars and Beyond
Big Eyes and Ears
Small Telescopes and Binoculars
Get the latest information on telescopes and amateur Astronomoy. If you think you might like to take a look at the stars and planets. Light polution often makes inner city viewing a bit harder to do. Go to the park or away from the city for a clear sky. Even you can make a difference in Astronomy. The importance of small telescope to the future of Astronomy is discussed at

For more avenues to the stars here is a great list of links to the Hubble Telescope at You can also dig through NASA for some of these pictures.

For the world's largest infrared telescope stop by The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope sited in Hawaii near the summit of Mauna Kea at an altitude of 4149m or 13,692 feet above sea level. Go to to learn more.

California State University Northridge has the
San Fernando Observatory which has one of the best state of the art Solor Observatories doing research .

Penn State Astronomy and Astrophysics Department leads in astrophysics research in a wide expanse of subjects including Pulsars and the Planets. Their web page is at They have Hobby Eberly Telescope links that specialize in spectroscopy via a 9 meter telescope built at the University of Texas. The McDonald Observitory is near Ft. Davis and cost 13.5 million dollars, plus instruments, in case you might be thinking bigger.

Not all telescopes are optical. The Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) is
30 miles south of Gothenburg, Sweden. OSO is the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy at the Chalmers University of Technology.

Go to and you can sometimes catch the 20 meter radio telescope online to see what it is "seeing" at the moment.
Visit the
Astronomical Observatory of Padova and the Italian National Telescope GALILEO.

Mount Wilson Observatory will create a star map for you and mail it in a PostScript file can be viewed with Ghostscript or Adobe Illustrator.

The Slovik Academy of Sciences has a photoelectic photometry, double solar refractor, spectrograph, computerized microdensitometer, and laser interferometer TV Abbe comparator.

Sky & Telescope magazine has always been one of my favorite sources for easy to read article on upcoming events in the night sky. Now they are on line as well. You can take a peek at some great picures of the Leonid Fireballs (meteor shower). Also in 1999 there will be two "blue moons." Read the article for more details. If your interest is peeked they also review the top 25 telescope for 1998. Even if you just want to scope the net, check it out at
For a big list of links to Astronomy Supplies and Vendors go to They have some cool photos, software and supplies for the back yard astronomer.

Another big source for astronomy supplies and vendors is at They also have some cool photos, including halley's comet, software, and all thing add-ons you can imagine for stargazing.

Other sources are
which is Orion Telescopes and binoculars in a very wide price range for everyone's budget. Another source is with a wide diversity of equipment and prices.

These are just a few sources where you can get started. Or visit your local variety store for inexpensive refractor telescopes.

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