2009 Past Events
The Chicago Chapter of the Association for Women in Science is honored to have presented a diverse set of events. Please join us and become involved in AWIS-Chicago!
March 2009
Chicago Public Schools Science Fair: AWIS-CAC Judges needed!
Date: March 27
Time: 8am-noon
Location: Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
This science fair features the best projects from all over Chicago and is the last stage before students advance to the international INTEL Science and Engineering Fair to be held in Reno, Nevada in May 2009. Be a part of this momentous occasion and volunteer as a judge at this years Science Fair! AWIS-CAC will be presenting a Special Award to 4 young girls who show the most promise in their science specialty.
iBIO CareerLinks and iBIO IndEX Conference
Date: March 18th, 2009
Time: 7am-7pm
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601
iBIO CareerLinks provides graduate students in various fields insight into careers and opportunities in the life sciences industries in the Chicago area. Two panels (science and business) will be held to provide an individual perspective on these industries from recent graduates as well as experienced professionals. Our own AWIS-CAC past president, Heather Behanna, will be moderating the science panel. The science panel will be held from 1:30-2:45pm, the business panel from 3:15-4:30pm. These panels overlap with iBIO IndEX programs and registrants for CareerLinks will have all-day access to the conference as well.
iBIO IndEX is "the premier life sciences event in the Midwest". Local companies will be present and panels will discuss various life sciences topics. Included will be an Agricultural Panel, Nanotech Panel and Regenerative Panel. The keynote address will be given by Miles D. White, Chairman and CEO of Abbott Laboratories. This conference provides a great opportunity to meet and network with area professionals, researchers, executives and leaders in the life sciences industry.
Women on Boards
Date: March 9th, 2009
Time: 3-6pm
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601
Join AWIS-CAC and Women on Boards for a panel discussion by experienced board members. Topics of discussion include:
* Being an effective board member
* What boards are looking for in board candidates
* How to position yourself to get on a board
* How to transition from serving on non-profit boards to for-profit boards
For more information, please visit www.womenonboards.com and click on the Chicago link for specific details about this event, or view the flyer . Click here to Register.
February 2009
Negotiation Skills Workshop Part II: Negotiation for Women in Industry.
Date: February 27, 2009
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Abbott Laboratories, AP6D-LL-B,100 Abbott Park Road, Abbott Park, Illinois 60064
Cost: Free. Send your name to awischicago@yahoo.com to register.
Join AWIS-CAC and Diagnostics Women in Action (DWA) in learning how to negotiate in an industry job. A presentation will be given by Jamie Stacey, Director of Talent Acquisition and a 12yr Abbott employee. Ms. Stacey has 7yrs of experience in Talent Acquisition as well as a background in chemistry and cancer research. This will be a brown bag lunch event. *Advance pre-registration will be required for Non-Abbott employees for security purposes* Transportation will not be provided, if you need or can offer a ride please include this information in your registration email.
AWIS National and the local chapter have a history of hosting a few events at the AAAS conference every year.
Feb 15: AWIS Fellows reception. The 2009 AWIS fellows were announced and honored. See the 2009 fellows list.
Feb 16: AWIS Breakfast, Networking and Program event.
Topic: "Learn to Juggle without Joining the Circus: Strategies to Deal with Your Career and Work-Life Balance Challenges"
This interactive workshop provided practical strategies to help you:
-Assess your personal and professional responsibilities
-Prioritize the demands on your time
-Identify your sources of joy and happiness
-Increase your satisfaction with your life and work
Join Dr. Marlanda English, an executive coach and member of the professional AWIS Coaching Team, for a lively session on juggling the demands of career, family, and hobbies and leave with a plan for recapturing that elusive work-life balance.
View the flyer for more details.
If you were unable to attend the event, Dr. English's slides are available online here. If you have any questions about the AWIS coaching program, contact Pam Williams or view Dr. English's website: coachmenow.com.
January 2009
Science of the Small, Jan 17 2009, Northwestern, Science Saturday program
This event was run with the support of the Institute for Nanotechnology, Phi Lambda Upsilon and Northwestern University. The day was split in half - the morning was an intimate session (max of 50 students - we are targeting girls age 9-13) on demos and tours of Nanotechnology, and the afternoon featured a larger scale chemistry show. We are grateful for the AWIS-CAC members who volunteered to help out and keep this event running smoothly.
2008 Past Events
2007 Past Events
2006 Past Events