Photo Gallery 18

Fall-Winter 2003: Mystic, S no-days ...

While in the northeast we visted Mystic Connecticut to see Nathaniel's high school friend Matt, who now lives in Rhode Island.
Apple truck Spreading ground apples
An ASME Historic Landmark is the last steam-powered cider press in the US. The screw press is of the finest design, dating to about 1880 (modern presses are hydraulic). Of course we had to visit, and the smells and tastes were worth it.
Start of pressing Nearly finished pressing

19th Century whaler Alexander aboard a 19th Century whaler (left) and helping to lower the colors on a modern training vessel (right) at the Mystic Seaport. Lowering the colors

Alexander fiddles Alexander fiddles at a Virginia Symphony children's program and Nicholas shows one of his typical smiles. typical Nicholas smile

For Christmas, Alexander got exactly what he wanted: Marble Action. You can arrange the blocks and channels and whatnot to make cool paths for gravity-driven marbles. Marble Action

We had a decent winter this year. These are from two separate snowfalls. Nicholas, upon seeing a snowy day calls it a "Ss no-day."
Nicholas in the snow Alexander pulls Nicholas Snowman Feb 2004

And after a nicely cold winter (unseasonably so for the locals), we had a few unexpectedly warm (even for the locals) days. Here Alexander and Nicholas enjoy their sandbox for the first time.

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Last updated 8 March 2004