About Myself
Please send me email at ji_wang@yahoo.com


About myself












I was born in Huixian County, Gansu Province, China.  It is a very remote area with relatively poor resources.  I attended many schools in Huixian and Chengxian Counties, where my parents and grandparents lived.

After Chengxian First High School, I entered the Department of Industrial and Civil Building, or Civil Engineering, Gansu University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu, in 1979.  It was the four years I spent a lot time on some courses I liked, like elasticity, statics and dynamics, structural analysis, and advanced mathematics.

Graduated in 1983, I joined an engineering and architecture firm in Xi'an, Shaanxi, as a structural design engineer.  However, my work was quickly reassigned to vibration research on industrial buildings due to my strong interests in the subject.  In next few years, I worked with many leading experts and professors on the vibration measurement, testing, and design.  Eventually the research work were evolved to the National Design Code for Microvibration Control for precision systems and equipments in industry.

In 1988, I joined the Mechanics and Vibration Section of Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago.  This is a very interesting scientific institution and I like the place.  For two years, I worked on many projects like nuclear reactors and the Advanced Photon Source before the construction.

In 1990, I entered the Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research, Princeton University, as a student under Professor Peter C Y Lee.  The research project was the crystal resonator analysis for Motorola with applications in advanced mobile phones.  I received my PhD in 1996.  In my student years, I have been attending the IEEE UFFC activities frequently.

After finishing Princeton in 1995, I landed my first job at Epson Palo Alto Laboratory, working on analysis of crystal resonators with theoretical and finite element solutions. The project lasted four years with the contribution from professor Yook-Kong Yong, Rutgers.  Now the FEM program is being used at Seiko Epson for quartz crystal design.  There are also papers published from the research work and patents granted.

In 1999, during the peak of Internet Hype, I joined NetFront as a senior engineer.  I have been working as webmaster, project manager, manager of engineering operations, and other positions to keep the company and service running until the last minute.  The service we offered included a secure email application iSafe for Yahoo and other web-based email users.  The products are based on PKI technology to promote security in e-business and all Internet activities.  The company could not continue its US operations and I have to leave the company.