Pictures of the New Bike

'94 Honda Magna 750

But I like it anyway

OK, so it's yellow. Let's get that straight right now. It is really really yellow. This is not the color I would have picked among all on the planet. I tend to like black, deep bergundy, dark blue, that kind of thing in a bike paint scheme. But it is growing on me, and at least people should see me. This is worth something in LA traffic.

When I first saw it I was thinking the pegs are not quite as far back as I wanted for a true standard. I walked right by it and went on looking at whatever else was there. But when I came by again, took a closer look, and hopped on it I liked the way the riding position felt. I was kind of sold on the bike as soon as I sat on it. I did a lot of investigation in advance of seat height, peg position, rake angle, handle bar shape.

More punch than I realized

I was reading up on the bike after I bought it and it turns out I was never getting close to the peak in the torque curve. I was keeping the bike down around 3k to 4k RPM on the ride home and people say it really moves out in the 6k to 8k RPM range. Red line is almost 10,000 RPM. Something to look forward to when I get more comfortable with it.

Now Lyssa and Andy have some competition in blowing my money

So now I really want to buy stuff for the new baby. I want a windshield, probably not too big. I've seen some mid-sized that look OK. I probably need something in the 17 or 18 inch height to fit right. Maybe something like this Malibu or this Demon from Memphis Shades.

And I also need a rack for the back to tie stuff on so I don't need the backpack. Maybe a longer seat and a rack. Maybe a cool mustang seat, and a rack and some saddlebags. Still thinking about it.

Here is some info I found about the bike: An Article at Motorcycle Cruiser and An article in Wikipedia about the various incarnations of the Magna from Honda. There is even a Magna Owners of Texas group. Too bad I don't live in Texas