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The SJSU Precision Flight Team competes in up to 2 competitions per year. The first of these competitions is the PCIFA (Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Flying Association) Regional SAFECON. At the PCIFA SAFECON, the flight team competes against schools from within NIFA Region II. Region II includes Colleges and Universities from California, Nevada, and Arizona who have a flight team. Our most frequent competitors include: Embry-Riddle Prescott, Mount San Antonio College, Cypress College, and Christian Heritage.

     If the flight team places in the top 2-3 schools at Regionals, then we proceed to the National SAFECON. At the National SAFECON we compete against over 28 other College and University flight teams for the title of "National Champions!" The events are the same at Nationals as they are at Regionals (with a few exceptions), however the competition is much more intense. While regionals takes place over a 2-day period, nationals takes just shy of one week to complete!


GROUND EVENTS - No flight experience is necessary to compete in ground events. 

FLIGHT EVENTS - Private license or higher required.

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